A Town situated on the Grand River, in the Township of Dumfries, County of Halton, Canada West distant from Toronto, 71 miles distant from London, 75 miles distant from Hamilton, 25 miles usual stage fare, 5s. distant from Goderich, 84 miles usual stage fare, from 15s. to 20s. Population about 2000.
In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.
Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, &C.
Bank of British North America,
James B. Ewart, agent.
Canada Life Assurance Company, H. McCrum, agent.
Colonial Life Assurance Company, John Davidson, agent.
Commercial Bank, M. D., A. Ainslie, agent.
Gore Bank, John Davidson, agent.
National Loan Fund Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Cos., J. Neil McLean, agent.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
ADDISON, ALEXANDER, cabinetmaker, Main at., a good stock of furniture constantly for sale or made to order, at very moderate prices.
AINSLIE, JAMES, & CO., general printing office, bookbinding and book agency, Main st.
BARBOUR, John, cabinetmaker, North Water St. A superior stock of furniture made by good workmen, always on hand and for sale, low.
BUCHANAN, ARCHIBALD, chair maker, turner, and sign painter, North Water st. a good stock of chairs constantly on hand, sign painting done in the best style.
COOK, PETER, general merchant, North Water st.
COURTNEY & HUME, importers of dry goods, groceries, wines, spirits, hardware, glass, &c., Main st.
CROMBIE, JAMES, &Co., millwrights, founders and manufacturing engineers, W. Main st.
DATE, HENRY H., importer of hardware, manufacturer of axes and edge tools, and dealer in paints, oils, glass, &c., Main St. deep well and cistern pumps for sale.
DAVIDSON, JOHN, general merchant.
DUMFRIES REFORMER, weekly paper, James Ainslie & Co., Main st.
ELLIOT, ANDREW, grocery, wine, and spirit merchant, rectifier and distiller, S. Water st.
EWART, JAMES B., flour miller, North Water St. residence Dundas.
FRASER, WARNOCK & CO., importers of dry goods, groceries, hardware, glass, &c., Main st.
GALT REPORTER, weekly paper, P. Jaffray & Son, Main st.
JAFFRAY, P., & SON, general printing office, Main st.
KER, ADAM, agent and manager of Ewart’s flour mills, North Water st.
LAWRENCE, DR. JOHN, M. R. C. S. L , South Water st.
LOWELL, FRANCIS, Queens Arms hotel and stage house for Stratford, Goderich, Guelph Elora and Hamilton, Main st., west.
MCLEAN, JOHN NEIL, barrister and attorney at law and solicitor in chancery, Main st.
MCMILLAN, THOMAS, Union hotel and stage office, Main st. travellers will find a good house and low charges, a livery stable is attached to the premises
MCRAE, JOHN, Western Star inn, Main St. comfortable accommodations to be found here, and a good yard and stabling.
MCVENN, John, British saddlery warehouse, Main st. a choice stock of saddlery, harness, &c., constantly on hand, carriage trimming attended to cash paid for hides.
MILLER, JOHN, barrister and attorney at law, North Water st.
MILLER, SAMUEL, chemist and druggist, Main t,
MITCHELL, ALEX., importer of drugs, groceries, hardware, perfumery, china, &c., Main st.
QUARRY, WILLIAM, saddler and harness maker, Main St. all articles in the line made of the best materials, for sale at low prices.
RAMORE, DOMINICK, tin, sheet iron, and coppersmith, and dealer in stoves of all kinds, still worms and dye kettles for sale, cash paid for shipping furs, Main St.
SEAGRAM, THOMAS, M. D., West Main st.
SHADE, A., postmaster.
SMITH, SYDNEY, soap and candle factory fancy soaps, including his celebrated labor saving soap, always on hand.
WYLLIE, JAMES, cloth manufacturer and dresser, and wool carder, North Water st.
YOUNG, WILLIAM, dealer in groceries, provisions, country produce, &c., Main st.
Non Subscribers
Adair, Alexander, carpenter, Mill alley.
Ainslie, Adam, barrister at law, Main St., west.
Allen, James, carpenter, Main st.
Andrews, James K., & Co, general Store, Main st.
Andrews, Zebulon, boots and shoes, Main st.
Armstrong, Milne, Owens & Kirkpatrick, contractors.
Arnold, E., confectioner, Main st.
Bayley, Eli, smith, North Water St.
Bayne, Rev. Jonn, Free Church.
Bell, Gavin, innkeeper, Main st.
Benn, W. H., boots and shoes, Main st.
Black, W., smith, Ainslie st.
Blacklock, F., & J., butchers, Main st.
Boomer, Rev. Michael, Church of England.
Boyce, William, axe factory, North Water st.
Braidwood, W., butcher, North Water st.
Brooks, J., gunsmith, North Water st.
Brower, E. N., axe factory, North Water st.
Brown, Charles, general store, Main st.
Burnet, Alex., boots and shoes, Queen square.
Callaghan, Daniel, innkeeper, North Water St.
Campbell, A., tailor, Main st.
Cheeseman, John, painter, Main st.
Craig, James, painter, Main st.
Danforth & McNaughton, last factory, Water St.
Davis, J. W., & Co., stove warehouse, N. Water st.
Fisher & Lutz, foundry, Victoria st.
Forbes, R., boot and shoe store, Main st., west.
Forbes, Robert, paper mills, Main st., west.
Forbes, John, tailor, Main st.
Fraser, James, innkeeper. Main st., west.
Fraser, , grocer, North Water st.
Gardiner, Rev. Mr., Primitive Methodist.
Geddes, James, auctioneer, &c., Main st.
Gibson, Rev. Hamilton. Church of Scotland.
Gilbert, Rev. Canada West, Wesleyan.
Goldie, Misses, milliners, West Main st.
Hall, Thomas, & Son, tailors, Main st.
Hall, Thomas, upholsterer, Main st., west.
Hall, W., lime burner.
Harris, James, brewery, Main st.
HinSbelwood, R., contractor.
Johnston, Charles, Smith, Sprague’s road.
Johnston, Mrs., milliner, Main st.
Kay, James, carriage maker, North Water St.
Kinsman, N., & Co., lime burners.
Knox, O. P., town collector and constable.
Lee, George, watchmaker, Queen Square.
M’Carty, Jacob, lime burner.
M’Closky, Robert, boots and shoes, Main St.
M’Crum, Henry, clerk of division court and secretary building society.
M’Keand, Donald, dentist and apothecary.
M’Kenzie, R., baker, Main st.
M’Lachlan, Duncan, tailor, Main st.
M’Lean, R., & D., school teachers, Market square.
M’Millan, James, innkeeper, Main st.
Malcolm, A., cabinetmaker, Main st., west.
Manning, Miss, milliner, Main st.
Miller, Robert, M. D., Main st., west.
Mitchell & Woolley, smiths, West Main St.
Moffatt, J. A.. tailor, North Water st.
Mouatt, A. H., general store, North Water st.
Newton, W., wagon maker, Ainslie St.
Oliver, Andrew, chemist and druggist, Main st.
Paris, James, saloonkeeper, Main st.
Pierson, John, tanner, &c., Main st.
Pollock, James, land surveyor, West Main st.
Ramsay, Andrew, tailor, North Water St.
Richardson, Dr. Samuel, North Water st.
Robinson, William, carriage maker, Main St.
Sampson, Theophilus, temperance inn, Main st.
Shaw, Walter, tailor, Main st.
Sours, Isaac, cloth factory, South Water st.
Sproule, James, boots and shoes, North Water st.
Stone, W., innkeeper, Sprague’s road.
Strang, Rev. James. Associate Presbyterian.
Town reeve, Andrew Elliott.
Town clerk and treasurer, Adam Ker.
Turnbull, Robert, tailor, West Main
Wallace, Robert, general store, Main st.
Wallace, George, innkeeper, Main st.
Webster & Drummond, builders and contractors.
White, George, innkeeper, Main st.
Young, John, livery stables, Main st.
Young, Alexander, school teacher, Main st.
Young & Hogg, pail factory, North Water St.