1851 Dunnville Canada Directory

A thriving Village situated on the Grand River, in the Township of Moulton and County of Haldimand, Canada West distant from Hamilton, 40 miles stage fare, 7s. 6d. distant from Buffalo, 50 miles steamboat fare, Ss. 9d. distant from Brantford, 45 miles steamboat fare, 6s. 3d. Population about 600.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
Adams. James, blacksmith.
AMSDEN, S., general merchant.
ARMOUR, JOHN, general merchant and postmaster.
BUSHEL, JAMES, saloon and refectory.
CARLISLE, GEORGE, builder and contractor.
CHAMBERS, RICHARD, baker and confectioner.
CLEAVELAND, E. W., Dunnville house.
COWAN, WILLIAM, mill owner.
GASH, MATTHEW, butcher and victualler.
HEARSET, JOHN, carriage, sleigh, and wagon maker.
HODDER, GEORGE, butcher and victualler.
HYATT, HEZEKIAH, builder and contractor.
JIMS, JAMES, merchant tailor and clothier.
MAY, RICHARD, grocer and provision merchant.
MCINDOE, JAMES, general merchant.
MCMILLAN, ANGUS, boilermaker and engineer.
MCMULLIN, WILLIAM, solicitor and attorney at law.
N ACHE, HENRY W., notary public.
PENNEY, HENRY, boot and shoemaker.
SCHOLFIELD, JAMES, joiner, cabinetmaker and undertaker.
SCHOLFIELD, WILLIAM, baker and confectioner.
STEVENSON, JOHN, merchant tailor and clothier.
STRODER, HENRY, hairdresser and perfumer.
WHEELER, SAMUEL, watch and clock maker, jeweller. &c.

Non Subscribers
Adams, James, blacksmigh
Allen, Dr. Alexander.
Asher, Hugh, boot and shoemaker.
Assurance Company of London.
Bird, William, mason.
Brackellank & Co., merchants.
Brown, J. R., agent for National Loan Fund Life
Brown, J. R.. merchant.
Brownson & Whetherby, foundry.
Brownson, A., tinsmith, &c.
Cameron, William, Western hotel.
Carlisle, Thomas, saddler.
Clark, Joseph, lumber merchant.
Corsin, Mrs., dressmaker.
Darling, Samuel, grist and plaster mills.
Davis, H.. miller and lumber merchant.
Diffin, William, cooper.
Edgar, John, & Co., builders.
Fleming, Thomas, saddler.
Hammond, John, mason.
Jarron, John M., M. D.
Johnson, Cornelius. lumber merchant.
KelIog, G., merchant.
Kent, James, & Co., general merchants.
Kerns, James, builder.
Kirk, John, painter.
Lawson, James, boot and shoemaker.
Lawson, William, carpenter.
Leaver, William, tailor.
Logan, James, British hotel.
Lovine, Paschal, Canada house.
Main, James. wagon maker. Meadshaw, Rev.
McKee, Mrs., Canal house.
McQuaby, John, wagon maker.
Methodist. Miller, Miss, dressmaker.
Minor & Chisholm, lumber merchants.
Moblo, Julius, blacksmith.
Montague, George, distiller.
Montague, Joseph, blacksmith.
Oldfield. John, lumber merchant.
Price, Mrs., Farmer’s home inn.
Quider, Wm., lumber merchant.
Robb, Alexander, boot and shoemaker.
Robb, Hugh, joiner, &c.
Russell, R. J., merchant.
Scott, William, cabinetmaker and turner.
Sheehan, George, carpenter.
Sheehan, W. B., collector of customs.
Sime, George, tanner and currier.
Sime, James. blacksmith.
Slater, William A., auctioneer.
Smith, R. J., tailor.
Stockwell. Miss, dressmaker.
Stodard, Sidney, painter.
Swarts, William, carpenter.
Townley, Rev. Adam, Church of England.
Vaugh, William, general merchant.
Vogt, Henry, watchmaker.
Wetherby, Levi, cloth manufacturer.
Wiggins, T. J., American hotel.
Wilson, Dr., physician and surgeon.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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