1851 Cobourg Canada Directory

The County Town of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, is situated on Lake Ontario, in the Township of Hamilton, County of Northumberland, C. W. Cobourg is distant from Kingston, 103 miles usual steamboat fare, 10s. usual stage fare, 30s. distant from Toronto. 72 miles usual steamboat fare, 10s. usual stage fare, 20s. Population about 4000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, &C.
Bank of Montreal, C. H. Morgan, agent, King St.
Britannia Life Assurance Company, David Burn, agent, King st.
British America Fire and Marine Assurance Company, Robert Henry, agent, King st.
Canada Life Assurance Company, G. M. Goodeve, agent, King st.
Colonial Life Assurance Company, James Cameron, agent, King St.
Montreal Fire and Marine Assurance Company, Robert H. Throope, agent, King st.
Mutual Fire Assurance Company of the United Counties, William Weller, president, David Brodie, secretary, King St.
National Loan Fund Life, and Equitable Fire, Assurance Companies, D. E. Boulton, agent, King st.
Newcastle District Building Society, P. Wallace, president, John Beatty, secretary and treasurer,
Northumberland & Durham Savings Bank, P. Wallace, president, David Burn, actuary. Washington Mutual Fire Assurance Company, S. Lewis, agent, King st.

Public Officers
Boswell. G. M., judge of the county court.
Boulton, Hon. G. S., M. L. C., registrar for Northumberland.
Brodie, David, town clerk.
Burnham, Asa IL, warden of the United Counties.
Burnham. Zaccheus, treasurer of United Counties.
Cameron, James, deputy registrar for Northumberland.
Chatterton, Richard D., deputy clerk of the crown, and clerk of county court.
Daintry, G. S., revenue inspector, No,rthumberland.
Jellett, Morgan, clerk of county council.
Kittson, W. II., collector of customs.
McCarrolI, James, landing waiter of customs.
McKibbin, James, revenue inspector, Durham, Port Hope.
Meyers, Adam IL, M. P. P. for Northumberland, Trent.
Ruttan, II., sheriff of United Counties.
Scott, Thomas, postmaster.
Smith, E. P., crown lands agent, Port Hope.
Smith, James, M. P. P. for Durham, Port Hope.
Ward, Geo. C., registrar for Durham, Port Hope.
Ward, Thomas, clerk of the peace.
Ward, Thomas, judge of surrogate court, Port Hope.
Weller, William, mayor of Cobourg.
Whitehead, M. F., registrar, surrogate court, Port Hope.

Victoria College
Kingston, William, A. M., professor of mathematics.
Nelles, Rev S., A. M., acting principal, and professor of rhetoric.
Richey. Rev. Mathew, D. D., principal and professor of theology.
Vandusen, Rev. Conrad, treasurer and agent.
Wright, W. P., A. B., professor of classical literature.
Number of pupils about 50 April, 1851.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
ALLEN, JOHN T., dealer in groceries, provisions and country produce, King st.
ARMOUR, SHAW, land and general agent, King st.
AXTELL, N. G., bookseller and stationer, King st. a general stock of books, periodicals,
BEAMISH, JOHN S., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, lumber, country produce,
BOULTON, HON. G. S., M. L. C., barrister and attorney at law, King st.
BURN, DAVID, actuary of the Savings Bank, &c., King st.
BURNHAM, AS A M., warden of the United Counties.
BURROW, CHARLES, dealer in groceries, provisions, boots, shoes, &c., Division st. a large stock always on hand. and for sale very low.
BUTLER, GEORGE, forwarder, Division st. goods received in store and forwarded to all parts of Canada, the United States or Great Britain.
CAMERON, JAMES, deputy registrar for Northumberland, King st.
CHURCH, WILLIAM Y., Albion hotel and livery stables, King St.every accommodation to be had, usually found at the best hotels,, and charges moderate.
COBOURG STAR, THE, weekly paper, H. Jones Ruttan, editor, King st.
DUIGNAN, TERENCE, Globe hotel, stage house and livery stable, King St. this house is second to none in British America, in comfort and convenience.
EDGCUMBE, GEORGE, dealer in groceries and provisions, S. E. corner of King and Division Sts. a good stock always for sale cheap for cash or country produce.
FARMER, MRS., North American hotel, Division St. the house will be found pleasant
FIELD. JOHN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, &c., King st.
FLEMING, DANIEL, harp and crown inn, King st. a good yard and stabling is attached
FRASER & McLeod, importers of Foreign and British dry goods, and wholesale and
GARRETT, W. A., barrister and attorney at law, King st.
GOLDSTONE, DR. GEORGE, physician and surgeon, King st.
GOODEVE & CORRIGAL, booksellers. stationers and grocers, King st.
GRAVELEY, WILLIAM, dealer in dry goods, groceries, wines, hardware, crockery, country produce, &c., King st.
his line wholesale or retail at low prices country produce bought at market prices.
HITCHINS, WILLIAM, soap and candle factory and grocer, Division st. every article in
HOLMAN, JOHN, tailor and draper, King st. a general assortment of gentlemen’s clothing, always on hand, or made to order in the best style, at moderate prices.
HOWARD, JOSHUA, boot and shoemaker, King St. an excellent stock of boots and shoes &c., constantly on hand or made to order in the best style, on moderate terms &c., King st.
HUFF, HENRY, cabinetmaker. Division St. a choice stock of furniture always on hand
JACKSON, HENRY H., chemist and druggist, and dealer in fine groceries, King st.
KITTSON, WILLIAM H., collector of customs, office, Division st.
LEITH, ROBERT, Enniskillen hotel, King St. this house will he found comfortable and the charges very moderate.
MARTIN, JAMES JOHN, tin, copper and stove warehouse, King st. every article in the line always for sale, jobbing done to order, charges low.
MCCONNELL, JAMES, carriage maker, Division St. aIl kinds of carriages used in Canada constantly on hand or made to order, equal to any manufactured in the Province, and warranted durable.
MCKECHNIE &WINANS, Ontario woollen mills, King St. over 200,000 yards of cloth are
MILNE, ANDREW, merchant tailor, King St. clothing of all kinds on hand or made to order in good style and at low prices.
MORGAN, C. H., agent for Bank of Montreal, King st.
NIXON, JOHN, watchmaker and jeweller, King st. a good stock of gold and silver watches, jewellery, and fancy articles, at low prices. Watches and clocks repaired, cleaned and regulated. or made to order in the best style, at very reasonable prices.
PATON, ALEXANDER, tailor and clothier, Division St. all kinds of clothing made to order in the most fashionable style, and with punctuality and despatch.
PEARSON, WILLIAM, saddler. and harness maker, Division St. W, P. (who took the first prize in his line, at the Provincial Exhibition), has always on hand, saddlery, harness, trunks, & c., of very superior quality.
PERRY, E., & Co., importers of dry goods, hardware, crockery, groceries, &c., and flour millers, lumber merchants, and dealers in country produce, King st.
PRINGLE, DR. JAMES, chemist and druggist and bookseller and stationer, King st. a choice stock of drugs, chemicals, perfumery, books, stationery, &c., always on hand.
ROWAN, THOMAS, R., M. D., physician and surgeon, King st.
RUTTAN, H. JONES, general printing office, King st.
SINCLAIR, ROBERT, saloon, Division St. oysters, cigars, sardines, wines and liquors of the best quality always on hand. Dinners, suppers, lunches, &c., on the shortest notice.
STEWART, BENJAMIN G., bookseller and stationer, King St. books, periodicals and cheap literature, in great variety always on hand, or furnished to order, at the lowest possible rates.
STRONG & SCOTT, dealers in dry goods, hardware, crockery, groceries and country produce, King st.
TOURJE, WILLIAM, dealer in stoves, and manufacturer of tin, sheet iron, and japanned ware of every description, Division st.
VAN INGEN, A. J., importer of shelf and heavy hardware of every description, and dealer in all kinds of country produce, King st.
VANDUSEN & FERGUSON, auctioneers and commission merchants, Division St. cash
WHITELAW, JOHN, dealer in tin, copper and sheet iron wares, stoves and stove fittings, King St. bell hanging attended to, and every article furnished at very moderate prices.
WALLACE, DANIEL, house, sign and ornamental painter, paper hanger and gilder on
WELLER, WILLIAM, mail contractor and stage proprietor between Montreal and Toronto, office, King st.
wood, metal and glass, in oil or burnish gilding, Division st. Carriage painting at?
YERINGTON, ALBERT, Victoria foundry, College St.

Non Subscribers
Alexander, William, saloon, King st.
Allen, Henry, dry goods, King st.
Armstrong, James H., shoemaker, Division st.
Austin, Dr. James, King st.
Bain, J., painter, Swain st.
Bate, Miss, milliner, King st.
Bates, Joseph, grocer, King st.
Beatty, Dr. V., College st.
Beatty, John, grocer, King st.
Beatty, Rev. John, Wesleyan.
Bennett, Burton, barrister at law, King st.
Bennett, John, grocer, Division st.
Bethune, Rev. Dr., Church of England.
Boswell, J. V., chemist and druggist. King st.
Boswell, John C., distillery, office, Division st.
Boulton, D. E.. barrister at law, King st,
Braughl, Louis, cooper, King st.
Bredin, Rev. John, Wesleyan.
Budge. Robert, tailor, Division st.
Burnett, W. & D., carpenters, &c.,
Butler. John. grocer. King st.
Calcutt, James, brewer, King st.
Calcutt, James, jun., dry goods, King st.
Callender, F. G., dentist, King st.
Canavan, James, carpenter, Ball st.
Chittick, James, smith and farrier, King st.
Clark, Benjamin, general store, King st.
Clinch, Thomas B., cabinetmaker, King st.
Cockburn, James, barrister at law, King st.
Collins, Samuel, blacksmith. Division st.
Cuthbert, James, boot maker. King st.
Drope, James, grocer, King st.
Dubeau, Joseph, tailor and clothier, King st.
Dumble, William, tailor, Division st.
Duncan, H., farrier, King st.
Ebbott, Rev. H., Bible Christian.
Fletcher, J., shoemaker, Division st.
Fraser, Archibald, tailor, Division st.
Gee, John, innkeeper, Division st.
Gilchrist, Dr. James, Division st
Gillbard, Thomas, tailor, King st.
Gillbard, William, grocer, Division st.
Gordon, James, grocer. King st.
Grieves. William, joiner and builder. Division st.
Guillet, John, grocer, King st.
Halliday, Andrew, saddler, King st.
Hallowell, Dr. Thomas, King st.
Hancock, P., boot maker, King st.
Harvey, Thomas, general store, King st.
Hawkey, Anthony, saddler, King st.
Hobart, M. F., cabinetmaker, King st.
Hooey, John, baker, King st.
Hooey, Stuart, grocer, Division st.
Horton, -, leather store, King st.
Hossack, James, boot maker, King st.
House, Franklin. bookseller, Division st.
Hurst, J. F., hardware, King st.
Irwin, Samuel, cooper, King st.
Jeffrey, Andrew, hardware, King st
Jessupp, Rev. H. B., Church of England.
Jewell, Thomas, grocer, King st.
Judge, Thomas, boot maker, Division st.
Kennedy, A. S., boots and shoes, King st
Kennedy, John, dry goods, King st.
Kerin, Patrick, baker, Division st.
Kershaw, Thomas, general smith, Division st.
Knowles, William, stonecutter, King st.
Ladner Rev. S. W., Episcopal Methodist.
Laurie, Mrs., innkeeper, King st.
Lewis, Sylvester, marble factory, King st.
Lochhead, John, grocer, King st.
Macbean, Arthur, general store, Division st.
McCallum, Peter, tailor, King st.
McDonald, Archibald, barrister at law, King st.
McGran, James, innkeeper, King st.
McKenny, Michael, grocer, Division st.
McLeod, Rev. Donald, Free Church.
Means, Richard, cabinetmaker, King st.
Mitchell, John, grocer, King st.
Montreal Telegraph, J. W. Thomson, operator, King st..
Morrow, Mathew, baker, King st.
Morrow, Thomas, saddler, King st.
Moscript, Andrew, foundry, Division st.
Munson, A. C., carriage maker, Swain st.
Nelles, Rev. S., Wesleyan.
News Room, King st.
Nixon, George, chandler, King st.
Noble, John, boot maker, Division st.
Payne, William, grocer, Division st.
Pomeroy & Brother, general store, King st.
Pomeroy, Charles, carpenter, &c., Division st.
Poor, C., surgeon dentist, King st., and Port Hope and Peterboro.
Powell, Mrs., W. F., milliner, &c., Division st.
Pringle, Alexander, watchmaker and jeweller, King st.
Rattan, Richard, banister at law, King st.
Regan, Patrick, livery stables, King st.
Richardson, Samuel, cooper, King st.
Roberts, John, shoemaker, King st.
Robins, Rev. Paul, Bible Christian.
Russell, John, boot maker, King st.
Salisbury, Thomas, innkeeper, Division st.
Secor, A.. hatter and furrier, King st.
Smith, John. innkeeper, near the Court House.
Smith, Sidney, barrister at law, King st.
Smith, William, innkeeper, King st.
Snell, Rev. T., Congregationalist.
Snow, P., tailor, Division st.
Stephens, George, cabinetmaker, Division st.
Stewart, Alexander, carpenter, &c., Division st.
Sutherland, John, grocer, King st.
Taylor, Rev. L., Wesleyan.
Terry, Henry, general store, King st.
Thomas,______,baker, Division st.
Thompson, George, shoemaker, King st.
Throope, Robert, barrister at law, King st.
Timlin, Rev. Michael, Roman Catholic.
Vandusen, Rev. C., Wesleyan.
Vosper, George, carpenter and builder.
Wilson, James, innkeeper, near the Court House.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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