1851 Belleville Canada Directory

The County Town of the County of Hastings, is situated on the Bay of Quint, in the Township of Thurlow, Canada West. Distant from Kingston, 50 miles usual stage fare, 12s. 6d. usual steamboat fare, 6s. 3d. distant from Toronto, 120 miles usual stage fare, 30s. distant from Cobourg, 46 miles usual stage fare, 12s. 6d. Population about 4000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Agencies Of Assurance Comanies, Banks, &C.
Bank of Montreal, Q. Macnider, agent, Front st.
Britannia Life Assurance Company, E. Chandler, agent, Front st.
Canada Life Assurance Company, L. Wallbridge, agent, Bridge st.
Charles O. Benson, solicitor.
Commercial Bank of Midland District, Robert Findlay, agent, Bridge st.
E. Holden, president,
F. Davy, vice-president,
G. V. N. Rellyea, agent, Front st.
Hastings Building Society,
Montreal Fire Assurance Company, Ross and Bell, agents, Front st.
National Loan Fund Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Companies, S. S. Finden, secretary and treasurer,

Public Officers
Benjamin, George, registrar of the county.
Benson, Charles. O., master and deputy registrar of the court of chancery.
Bowen, William, registrar of surrogate court.
Crowe, J. B., judge of the surrogate court.
Easton, Henry, landing waiter of customs.
Finden, S. S., collector of customs.
Fitzgibbon, William, clerk of the peace, and of the county council.
Flint, Billa, M. P. P. for Hastings.
McAnany, Francis, crown lands agent.
McAnany, Francis, treasurer.
Meacham, J. Hubbard, postmaster.
Moodie, J. W. D., sheriff of the county.
Peterson, Paul, revenue inspector.
Ponton, Archibald, clerk of the division court.
Ponton, W. H., deputy clerk of the crown, and clerk of county court.
Ponton, William H., mayor of Belleville.
Ross, Hon. John, M. L. C., and Q. C.
Smart, William, judge of the county court.
Washburn, S. M., town clerk.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
ANDERSON & O’REILLY, barristers and attorneys at law, Front st.
Babbitt, William, tailor, Front st.
Barnett, Patrick, bootmaker, Front st.
BECKETT, JAMES, cabinetmaker, Front st. every description of furniture constantly on hand, or made to order in the best manner and reasonable terms.
Bedford, John, grocer, Front st.
BENJAMIN, GEORGE, registrar of the county of Hastings, Front st.
BENSON, CHARLES O., barrister and attorney at law, Pinnacle st.
BLACKLOCK, JAMES, dealer in groceries, wines, spirits, provisions and country produce, Bridge st.
Bonter, J., steamboat owner, at the wharf.
BOWELL & MOORE, general printing office, Front st.
Bowes, Charles, grocer, Front st.
Boyd, Turner, barber, Front st.
Brennan, Rev. Michael, Roman Catholic.
BULL, H., importer and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware; crockery, &c., &c., Front st.
BURNHAM, W. R., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, patent medicines, and country produce, Front st.
CADWELL, J. S., baker and confectioner, Front st. a choice stock of confectionery, wholesale or retail, constantly for sale, soda biscuit of superior quality put up in boxes for exportation.
CHANDLER, EDMONDS, chemist and druggist, Front st. drugs, chemicals, dye stuffs, patent medicines, perfumery, &c., &c., in every variety, constantly on hand. CURTIS, D. C., dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, hardware, &c., Front st.
DAVY, B. F., dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, crockery, and country produce, Front st.
DOUGALL, A. R., attorney at law, Front st.
EDWARDS, S. C., hotel and livery stables, Front st. good accommodations and moderate charges are the rule at this house. Horses and carriages for hire, on the shortest notice.
FANNING, HENRY, Mansion House hotel and saloon, Front st. N. B., meals are furnished in the saloon at all hours on the shortest notice. Horses and carriages for hire on reasonable terms.
FINDEN, S. S., collector of customs, Front st.
FINDLAY, ROBERT, agent Commercial Bank, M. D., Bridge st.
FITZGIBBON, JAMES G., barrister and attorney at law, Front st.
FITZGIBBON, WILLIAM, barrister and attorney at law, Front st.
FRIZZELL, WILLIAM, marble manufacturer, and letterer and engraver on stone. and metal, Front st.
GELLESPIE, DAVID, tailor and clothier, Front st. is always prepared to execute orders in his line of business with neatness and despatch, and upon moderate terms. HALL, JOSEPH B., brewery, Front st. cash paid for barley and hops.
HARRISON, HUGH, wholesale and retail hat, cap, and fur store, Front st. a good stock of every article in the line always on hand. Cash paid for fur skins.
HARRISON, JAMES, bookseller, stationer and binder, Front st. a choice stock of standard, miscellaneous, and school books and stationery constantly on hand, prices moderate.
HASLETT, J. J., provincial land surveyor and civil engineer, Dundas st.
HASTINGS CHRONICLE, weekly paper, E. Miles, publisher, Front st.
HEARD, THOMAS, gunsmith, Front st. repairs of all kind executed in the best style, with despatch and on moderate terms.
Henry Pretty, agent, at the wharf.
HOLDEN & SAWYER, chemists and druggists, Front st. drugs, medicines, dye stuffs, perfumery, brushes, stationery, &c., in great variety always on hand. HOLDEN, ERASTUS, president Hastings Building Society, Hotel st.
HOLDEN, DR. RUFUS, physician and surgeon, Hotel st.
HOLTON, E. W., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, and country pro-duce, Front st.
HOPE, DR. WILLIAM, physician and surgeon, Pinnacle st.
HUFFMEN, PETER, Globe Hotel, Front st. this house has been newly fitted up and now offers every convenience to travellers, passengers are conveyed to and from the steamers free of charge.
INTELLIGENCER, THE, weekly paper, Bowell & Moore, publishers, Front st.
LAUDER, W. B., saddler and harness maker, Front st. saddles, harness, trunks, &c., constantly on hand, and for sale at the lowest possible rates.
LEVESCONTE, CHARLES G., & Co., chemists and druggists, Front st. patent medicines cines, dye stuff, paints, oils, perfumery, &c., constantly on hand.
LEWIS, JOHN, importer of and wholesale and retail dealer in shelf and heavy hardware, Front st.
LOYNES, GEORGE, saddler and harness maker, Front st a good stock of saddlery, harness, trunks, valises, &c., at very low prices.
MACKAY, ALEXANDER, horse shoer and general blacksmith, Front st.
MACNIDER, Q., agent of Bank of Montreal, Front st.
MARTIN, WILLIAM, hotelkeeper, Bridge st. travellers or permanent boarders will find the accommodations at this house good, and the charges reasonable.
MAYBEE, ALFRED, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., Front st. MEACHAM, J. HUBBARD, postmaster, Front St.
McAFEE, JoHN, draper and tailor, Front st. all orders in the line executed with elegance and despatch, and warranted.
MILES, ELIJAH, general printing office, Front st.
MOODIE, J. W. DUNBAR, sheriff of the county, office at courthouse.
MUNRO, ROYAL, hotel, stage house and livery stables, corner of Bridge and Pinnacle. sts. This house has been lately enlarged and renovated throughout, and is now equal in comfort and convenience to any in C. W.
MURNEY, WELLINGTON, barrister and attorney at Iaw, Front st.
MURNEY. EDWARD, barrister and attorney at law, Front st.
NEILSON, GEORGE, civil engineer, builder and architect, John st.
NORTHGRAVES, WILLIAM, watchmaker and jeweller, Front st. particular attention to cleaning, repairing and regulating watches and clocks.
NULTY, MICHAEL, auctioneer and commission merchant, Front st. cash advances made on consignments, and prompt returns of sales rendered.
ODDIE, JOHN, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, provisions and country produce. Front st.
OSTROM, SYLVESTER, wool carder and cloth dresser, Moira st., West Belleville all departments of the business are promptly attended to upon reasonable terms.
PARKER, THOMAS, inspector of potashes, Front st.
PRETTY, HENRY, forwarding and commission merchant, at the wharf-attends to shipping and forwarding merchandize on reasonable terms.
PRINGLE, JOHN D., carriagemaker, Pinnacle st., opposite the court-house-all descriptions of vehicles manufactured on as good terms and equal to any others made in Canada.
REEVES, JOSEPH P., saddler and harness maker, Front st. a good stock of every thing in the line always on hand or made to order at low prices.
RELYEA, G. V. N., surgeon dentist, corner of Hotel and Front sts. every operation is performed upon the most approved scientific principles, and warranted to give satisfaction.
ROBERTSON, P. & Co., importers of staple and fancy dry goods of all kinds, Front st.
ROBLIN, JOHN J., farmer, 3rd concession of Sidney, lot No. 30, 4, miles from Belleville.
Ross & BELL, barristers and attorneys at law, Front st.
Ross, JAMES, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery and country produce Front st.
SMART, WILLIAM, judge of the county court, Hotel st.
SMITH, A. L., general hardware and stove warehouse, Front st.
SMITH, JOHN, tailor, Front st. makes to order every description of clothing in the best style, and at reasonable prices.
STEVENS, SAMUEL, tanner, saddler, and boot and shoe manufacturer, Front st. has always on hand a good stock of all articles in his line, at low prices.
STEWART, ALEXANDER, dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery and country produce, corner of Front and Bridge sts.
SYMONS, WILLIAM, tailor and clothier, Front st. makes to order clothing of every kind, in the best style and on reasonable terms.
THOMSON & CARSON, doctors, botanic physicians, Front st.
TURNBULL, JOHN S., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery and country produce, Front st.
VANDERVOORT, DAVID, Wellington House and livery stables, Front st. travellers will find this house comfortable and charges moderate. Horses and carriages furnished when required.
WALLBRIDGE, LEWIS, barrister and attorney at law, Bridge st.
Wilkins, CHARLES, farmer, 2nd concession Sidney, P. O. address, Belleville.
WRIGHT, ARTHUR, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, &c.; Front st.
WRIGHT, FREDERICK, general merchant, Front st.

Non Subscribers
Andrew, John, general store, Front st.
Anthony, J. C., bootmaker, Front st.
Ashton, Joseph, tailor, Front st.
Atkins, Henry, bootmaker, Front st.
Becket, Paul, saddler, Front st.
Bliss & Jordan, foundry, Pinnacle st.
Bogart, Gilbert, carpenter, &c., Mill st.
Breakanridge, J. and W., barristers and attorneys at law, Front st.
Brown, G & J., foundry, Mill st.
Bruce, Thomas, baker, Front st.
Bullen, Roach, boot store, Front st.
Clarke, Franklin, hatter, Front st.
Coleman, Charles L., attorney at law, Front st.
Coleman, W. H., lumber merchant, Coleman st.
Connor, William, boatmaker, Front st.
Copeland, John, carpenter, &c., Church st.
Corby, Henry, flour mill, Pretty’s Wharf.
Corby, Thomas, baker. Front st.
Crysdall, Daniel, innkeeper, Pinnacle st.
Davy & Brownell, carpenters. &c., John st.
Donoghue, John, shoe store, Front st.
Dougall, Benjamin, attorney at law, Front st.
Easton & Judd, general store, Front st.
Fairman, William J., grocer, Front st.
Fanning, Isaac, innkeeper, Front st.
Fry, A., tinsmith, Front st.
Furnival, J. W., saddler, Bridge st.
Galliglee, B., tailor, Front st.
Gardener, grocer, Front st.
Garness, Charles, grocer, Front st.
Greer, Rev. John, Church of England.
Greig, Rev. William, Free Church.
Hamley, Phillip, baker, Front st.
Harper, Charles, innkeeper, Front st.
Horan & Fay, foundry, Dundas st.
Hunt, Burleigh, carpenter, &c., Grove st.
Jackson, Thomas, butcher and grocer, Bridge st.
John Phippan, superintendent Bridge st.
Johns, John, saddler, Front st.
Jones, Nathan, general store, Front st.
Jones, R. H., carriagemaker, Front st.
Jones, Rev. Richard, Wesleyan.
Kahoe, Patrick, carriagemaker, Bridge st.
Keith, James & Joseph, carriagemakers, Mill st.
Kerr, John, bootmaker, Front st.
Langshaw, Hugh, dry goods &c., Front st.
Lauder, Andrew, watchmaker, Front st.
Lister, Dr. James, Front st.
Lyons, Henry K., tinsmith, Front st.
Madden, W. H., watchmaker, Front st.
McCormick, Arthur, grocer, Front st.
McEwen, Rev. James, Church of Scotland.
McMaster, William, grocer. Front st.
McVean, Mrs., milliner, Front st.
Mills, Parker, shoemaker, Front st.
Mullett, John H., leather store, Front st.
Munro, Samuel, wharfinger, Pretty’s Wharf.
Newton, Thomas, general store, Front st.
Nixon, James, innkeeper, Pretty’s Wharf.
O’Brien, Stephen, innkeeper, Front st.
O’Hara, John, barrister and attorney, Front st.
Pashley, Benjamin, temperance inn, Front st.
Phippan, John, tallow chandler, Front st.
Powers, Dr. James, Hotel st.
Proctor, Amos, axe factory, Front st.
Read, Robert, tanner and distiller, Front st.
Reed, David, shoemaker, Front st.
Reed, J. H., hair dresser, Bridge st.
Ridley, Dr. Charles, Front st.
Ridley, Dr. George N., Front st.
Robins, Charles A., blacksmith, Front st.
Ross, E. P. penitentiary boot and shoe store, Front st.
Ross, John, tannery, Church st.
Russell, E. P., chairmaker, Front st:
Rutherford, William, carpenter, &c., Front st.
Shanks, Thomas, variety store, Front st.
Sierichs, Hermann, baker, Front st.
Smith, Dr. Henry, Church st.
Smith, Joseph, shoe store, Front st.
Smith, S. B., tinware and stoves, Front st.
Stapley, Miss, milliner, Front st.
Taylor, Nicol, grocer, Front st.
Templeton, William, tailor, Front st.
Thompson, William, brewer and innkeeper, Front st.
Tossell, Mrs., milliner, Front st.
Tossell, William, hair dresser, Front st.
Walker, James, grocer and tailor. Front st.
Wallbridge, Henry, attorney at law, Front st.
Wallis, William, carpenter, &c., Pinnacle st.
Walsh, Mrs., milliner, Front st.
Walton, Dr. Benjamin, Church st.
Ward & Lafontaine, axe factory, Mill st.
Warton, John, tailor, Front st.
Watt, William, grocer, Front st.
Weese, John, innkeeper, Front st.
Willard, Mrs., innkeeper, Front st.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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