Diegueños Tribe

Last Updated on October 14, 2013 by

Diegueños Indians. A collective name, probably in part synonymous with Comeya, applied by the Spaniards to Indians of the Yuman stock who formerly lived in and around San Diego, in California, whence the term; it included representatives of many tribes and has no proper ethic significance; never the less it is a firmly established name and is there accepted to include the tribes formerly living about San Diego and extending south to about lat 31º 30.  A few Degueños still live in the neighborhood of San Diego.  There are about 400 Indians included under this name attached to the Mission agency of California, but they are now officially recognized as part of the “Mission Indians.” The rancherias formerly occupied by the Diegueños, so far as known, are; Abascal, Awhut, Cajon, Camajal, Campo, Capitan Grande, Cenyowpreskel(?), Cojuat, Coquilt, Corral, Cosoy, Cuyamaca, Ekquall, Focomae, Guieymura, Hasoomale, Hassasei, Hataam, Hawai, Honwee Vallecito, Icayme, Inomassi, Inyaha, Kwalwhut, Laguna, La unta, Lorenzo, Mactati, Maramoydos, Mataguay, Matamo, Matironn, Mattawottis, Melejo, Mesa Chiquita, Mesa Grande, Meti, Nellmole, Nipaguay, Otai, Otat, Pocol, Pickaway, San Felipe, San José, Lan Luis, Santa Isable, Siquan, Suahpi, Tachlay, Thwine, Tapanque, Toowed, Valle de las Viejas, Wahti, Xamacha, Xana and Yacum.  The Conejos, the Kiliwi and the Coyotes are mentioned as former Diegueño bands.


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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