Biography of W. M. McFadden

W. M. McFadden a public-spirited business man and rancher at Anaheim, was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, February 19, 1840, and is a son of John and Rachel (McCormac) McFadden, being the oldest of eight children. He was educated at the public schools, the People’s Academy at West Pitts, the Curry Normal Institute at Pitts, the Beaver (Pennsylvania) Academy in 1860, and at Bryant & Stratton’s Commercial, at Louisville, in 1861. After this he kept books for a year in Jeffersonville, Indiana, and taught school in Aberdeen, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
He came to California in 1864, by way of the Isthmus, landing at San Francisco, June 29, and within nine days he was teaching school in Alameda County. Here he continued four and. a half years, for one year being principal of the San Leandro Grammar Schools, two years and a half of the Alameda Grammar Schools, and one year at Pleasanton. He came to Los Angeles in December, 1868, and was for two terms County Superintendent of schools in this county. Altogether he was engaged in educational work twenty years. He bought a ranch of forty-six acres, four miler northeast of Anaheim, in 1869. This he improved while he was at the same time teaching school.
He was one of the seven who organized the Canon Irrigation Company, and completed the great canal at an expense of $100,000, and was its secretary for four years. He was appointed by Governor Waterman as one of the commissioners to perfect the the organization of Orange County. Was nominated by the Democratic party for the Legislature from the Seventy-eighth district, but was defeated by Colonel Edwards.
He was a member of the Board of Education of Los Angeles County two years, and its president one year. In 1874 he built a school-house in his district with his own money, undertaking to wait until the district could reimburse him, and he served as trustee until one year ago. Mr. McFadden is Past Master of Lodge No. 207, F. & A. M.; in the lodge he has held all the offices except that of treasurer; is now Junior Warden. In 1881 he was representative to the Grand Lodge in San Francisco. He is also a member of Magnolia Council, No. 94, O. C. F. and Past Councilor.
He was married in December, 1866, to Sarah J. Earl, a native of Ohio. Their six children are: Carrie, wife of H. H. Ford, William E., Clarence, Tom, Ralph and Robbie.



Orange County CA,

The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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