Biographical Sketch of Richard Stewart

Last Updated on September 18, 2011 by

Richard Stewart, the youngest son of John H. Stewart, was born in Rockford, Illinois, June 2, 1850; came with his parents to California in 1852, and to San Bernardino County in 1865, where he has resided ever since. His principal occupation has been stock raising and farming. His ranch of seven-two acres, situated two miles east of San Bernardino on the Harlem & Rabel Springs Motor Railway, is one of the finest agricultural tracts in the country, being especially adapted for alfalfa and grazing. It is valued at $14,-000. He owns a number of choice pieces of city property, including 115 feet fronting on Third street between F and G streets, on a part of which he erected, in 1887, the fine two-story block occupied by the Grand Rapids Furniture Company, the first pressed-brick front built in San Bernardino. He also owns 200 feet fronting on Third Street between G and H streets, on which his dwelling is located. He and his brother Clarence own ninety-six feet directly south of the Stewart Hotel, fronting on E street. He also has 160 acres of superior farming land in Rincon, supplied with water by artesian wells. He is a stockholder in the Stewart Hotel.

In 1876 he was joined in wedlock with Miss Alice M. Abels, a native of California, born December 11, 1858. Of the six children born to them the living are: Norman Guy, born October 27,1877; Lottie Mabel, August 13,1879; Wallace Clarence, April 12, 1883; John Samuel, May 30, 1885, and Benjamin Richard, March 13, 1887. Lillian was born July 7, 1881, and died September 30, 1883.

Clarence Stewart married a sister of Mrs. Richard Stewart and resides in Riverside, as do the parents of their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Abels. The subject of this memoir in not engaged in any active business, except looking after his estate, but contemplates resuming stock farming.



The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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