Biographical Sketch of George W. Clinton

A veritable pioneer of the pioneers, and a man of sterling qualities of worth and substantiality, while his excellent achievements mark him one possessed of more than ordinary ability for business enterprises, the subject of this article is to be mentioned with the prominent men of Malheur County and is well worthy of the prestige and esteem that he enjoys.

Mr. Clinton was born in New York, in 1837, being the son of Alexander and Margaret (Balfour) Clinton, natives respectively of Maryland and Pennsylvania. In 1844 the family removed to Wisconsin, and in 1859 they took up the arduous journey across the dreary plains beset with great danger and hardship. In due time they arrived at the Sacramento valley and there engaged in farming. In 1864 our subject made his way into the wilds of this country, locating first at Silver City, then coming to the place where Jordan Valley now stands. He located land and went to raising stock and farming. For twenty-four years he labored on and then sold his possessions and for a period afterward his time was equally divided between this place and California. At the time of the Indian outbreak in 1863 he lost heavily, the savages stealing his horses. The parents of our subject both died in California and also all of a family of eight children but George W. At the present time Mr. Clinton is living on his fine estate of twelve hundred acres of fertile land located twelve miles west from the town of Jordan Valley, where he handles large bands of stock, cattle and horses, and is one of the heavy property owners of the County.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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