1861 Directory of Michigan Bluff California

1861 Directory of Michigan Bluff California

Abrams L. miner
Adams Samuel, saloon-keeper
Addison William, miner
Adriano F. miner
Albeck Charles, miner
Aldrich J. M. miner
Alexander Andrew, lumberman
Allen ” Old Grizzly,” packer
Allen E. miner
Amesberry James, miner
Amstrong Robert, miner
Anderson – miner
Andrews B. H. miner
Andrews Mathew, miner
Appleton Ned, miner
Armstrong A. S. miner
Armstrong John, stage-driver
Arnold A. J. miner
Ash James, miner
Ashley James, miner
Ayres Lorenzo, miner

Baathe Joseph, miner
Bagley Fred. miner
Baker H. R. miner
Baker J. H. ranchman
Baldwin Charles, miner
Baldwin M. miner,
Bardwell John, miner
Barras Thomas, trader
Bartlett E. H. trader
Bartlett J. W. butcher
Bateo Edward, miner
Bathers Joseph, miner
Beeman Martin, miner
Bell William, miner
Beneman James, miner
Bennett Joseph, miner
Benson Charles, miner
Biggs Adam, miner
Black C. T. trader
Bleaks John, miner
Bleaks Samuel, miner
Bombay Jacob, miner
Booth Ed. miner
Booth Elijah, miner
Bousley Henry, miner
Bowering A. M. miner
Bowers Henry, miner
Braden John, miner
Brady J. W. trader
Brasher Stephen, miner
Brodie Robert, miner
Brooks J. W. miner
Brown D. P. miner
Brown George, miner
Brown Henry, miner
Brown Henry, trader
Brown James, miner
Brown L. G. miner
Brown Robert, miner
Brownell William, miner
Browning John, miner
Browning John, miner
Bryant James, miner
Buck Henry, trader
Bullard A. D. trader
Bullen C. J. miner
Bullen James, miner
Bullen William, miner
Bullock W. H. lawyer
Bum J. miner
Bunker Obe, miner
Burg L. A. miner
Burke Martin, miner
Burke Martin, miner
Burnes Joseph, miner
Burns James, miner
Buzzard L. B. miner
Byrd J. W. miner

Caffyn Stephen, miner
Cahill Patrick, miner
Calahan Michael, miner
Cally A. miner
Cannon John, miner
Carey Joseph, miner
Carpenter, C. H. miner
Carter Geo. miner
Carter, J. miner
Case H. W. stable keeper
Case S. R. carpenter
Chambers Wm. miner
Cheesbrough David, miner
Chestnut James, miner
Clancy O. H. miner
Clancy Hugh, miner
Clancy M. miner
Clancy Martin, miner
Clark Henry, miner
Clark John, miner
Clark L. S. miner
Clark Michael, miner
Cleveland J. J. minister
Clinting Henry, miner
Cloudman. Thos. H. miner
Clow Edward, ranchman
Coburn P. F. miner
Coburn S. S. lumberman
Coffin John, miner
Collins Daniel, miner
Collins Thomas, miner
Conly F. miner
Conly S. miner
Cook Chas. W. miner
Corcoran Wm. miner
Cornett John, miner
Cory Samuel, banker
Cory Wm. banker
Cowden Frank, miner
Craig James G. miner
Craig John, miner
Crosse B. L. miner
Crumwalt Frank, miner
Cunningham W. W. hotel keeper
Curran John, miner
Curran Peter, miner
Cusick Geo. miner

Danforth A. C. miner
Darling E.. F. miner
Davidson J. P. miner
Davis Amos, miner
Davis C. C. miner
Davis George O. miner
Davis J. W. miner
Davis John, miner
Davis L. W. miner
Davis Matthew, miner
Davis Robert,. miner
Davis W. J. miner
Davis William, miner
Davis William, miner
Dawd Edwin, miner
Dean John, miner
Denny John, miner
Densmere J. N. miner
Devern John, miner
Dewitt David, miner
Dewitt William, miner
Dierden Ralph, miner
Dilts Joseph, blacksmith
Dooley E. L. butcher
Duffee T. miner
Dunham B. D. butcher
Dunlap H. miner
Dye Daniel, miner

Early Edward, miner
Ebbert Louis, miner
Ebbert Louis. Jr., miner
Ebbert Wm. miner
Edinger J. butcher, (Last Chance)
Edwards R. miner
Elliott Robt. miner
Ely Andrew, musician
Engler Matthias, merchant
Enwright Burt, miner
Eppler John, saloon, keeper
Evans Wm. S. miner

Fairfield William, miner
Favor Kimball, physician
Ferguson John, miner
Fescher Chas.. miner
Finly Eb. miner
Fitz Gerald Pat. miner
Fleming C. B. miner
Flinn Lawrence, miner
Flinn Patrick, miner
Flood M. C. miner
Fords Samuel, miner
Fowler H. B. miner
Frank E. packer
Franz William, brewer
Frasier Hugh, miner
Frasier James, miner
Frazier James, miner
Freely Patrick, miner
Fryer Charles, miner
Fugeron A. tinsmith
Fuller H. H. miner

Hackstaff E. K. miner
Haley Michael, miner
Haligan D. M. livery stable keeper,
Halliday A. toll-gate keeper
Hammond John, miner
Hancock Charles H. miner
Hank Andrew, miner
Hanson Charles, miner
Harrison P. Y. miner
Harrison W. J. miner
Hart Jas. A. miner
Harwood Abner, miner
Hassett M. W. miner
Haugh John, teamster
Haugh Noah, teamster
Haven G. H. miner
Haven George, miner
Hazlett M. miner
Heal Charles, miner
Hefter N. merchant
Helm James, butcher
Hendershott W. D. miner
Higbee J. T. druggist,
Higgins Jonathan, miner
Hill J. miner,
Hill James, miner
Hill James; painter
Hill John, miner
Hill Robert, miner
Hoffman M. ranchman
Holden Samuel, miner
Holt Henry, miner
Hopkins Samuel, miner
Houlton Samuel, miner
House H. C. saloon keeper
Houser Samuel, miner
Howell Fred. miner
Howell S. A. carpenter
Huffman Frank, miner
Hughes R. R. miner
Humphrey G. IL miner
Humphrey Jerry, miner
Hunt N. P. miner
Huntsly Martin, miner
Hurd E. D. miner

Ike John, miner
Irwin James, miner
Isle. John, miner

Jackson W. H. miner
James Joseph, miner
Janson Matthew, hotel keeper
Jarvis A. blacksmith
Johnson J. miner
Johnson James, miner
Johnson W. H. lawyer
Johnson Wm. miner
Jones Benjamin, miner
Jones Hugh, miner
Jones J. B. miner
Jones James, miner
Jones John, miner
Jones Josephus, miner
Jones M. miner,
Jones Nat. miner
Jones R. miner
Jones Robert, boardinghouse keeper
Jones Thomas, miner
Jones Thos. IL miner
Jones W. miner
Jones Wm. miner
Jordan C. S. miner
Jordan Chas. miner

Kimball G. M. livery stable keeper
Kinney Geo. M. boot maker
Kennedy Robt. Deputy Sheriff
Kloppenberg D. W. merchant
Katszenberg B. merchant
Keiser A. B. musician, Kairns Chas. D. miner
Kingsberry Geo. boot maker
Kline Wm. miner,
Kinney S. miner,
Kelly Matthias, hotel keeper
Kaler Thomas, miner
Kroffoth Jacob, miner
Keller Godfrey, miner
Kline Henry, miner
Kelly Henry, miner
Kuder Geo. miner
Knott E. miner
King Anthony, miner
Keiser John F. miner
Kelly Michael, miner
Kimberly M. C. miner

Labaree Seth, miner
Labrie Lathe, miner
Lamont Isaac, miner
Lane Abraham, miner
Lanier Louis, miner
Leddy J. miner
Lee Patrick, miner
Leet Samuel, merchant
Leet William N. merchant
Legler J. P. miner
Lemmon R. J. miner
Levin Jacob, merchant
Lewis John, miner, Long Canon
Lewis Robert, miner
Link H. C. miner
Linstram E. miner
Livzig Henry, miner
Lloy John, blacksmith
Long Henry, miner
Loring L. G. miner
Louison Andrew, miner
Lowd Thomas, miner
Lowry Michael, miner
Ludwig E. B. miner
Lumbacher Charles, barber

Mallenux J. G. miner
Maloney Seth, miner
Manser H. C. miner
Mansfield Wm. miner
Marshall Wm. miner
Martin Chas. miner
Masters Frank, miner
Matcenback Wm. board’ghouse keeper
Matteson Alphe, miner
Maxwell Wm. miner
May J. S. miner
Mayo John, miner
McBride John, miner
McBride M. miner
McBride P. miner
McCannell M. E. miner
McCarte P. A. miner
McCarty John, miner
McCarty Wm. miner
McCauly James, miner
McCauly Mat. miner
McClure Thos. miner
McCollum Archie, miner
McCollum John, miner
McColm Nat. miner
McComb Geo. saloon keeper,
McCoon Chas. miner,
McCoy D. butcher
McDonald Duncan, blacksmith
McDonald E. butcher
McDonald E. miner
McDonald R. A. miner
McDonald Thos. miner
McGary A. miner
McGrady Hugh, miner
McGuire Wm. B. saloon keeper,
McHale Patrick, miner
McIntire Wm. miner
McIntosh ______, miner
McKee I. J. miner
McKensie John, blacksmith
McKinney Geo. boot store
McLaughlin Hugh, miner
McLean Alex. miner
McNamara _______. miner
McPherson Wm. miner
McQuavry Alex. miner
Meinhardt Fred. miner
Mellenburg A. O. miner
Mellus H. J. miner,
Merriman. T. E. miner
Miden John, saloon keeper
Milks E. miner
Miller Chas. A. trader, Michigan Bluff
Miller Fred. butcher
Miller John, miner
Miller Mrs. H. F. lodging house
Milligan John, miner
Mitchell A. G. restaurater
Mitchell Frank, miner
Mitchell J. W. merchant
Montmorquet P. C. saloon keeper
Moore Nelson, miner
Morgan Bart. saloon keeper
Morgan John, miner
Morris John, miner
Morse B. miner
Morse Benjamin, miner
Morton G. W. saloon keeper
Mosier John, miner
Moss James, miner
Moss John, miner
Moss Wm. miner
Mowen Patrick, miner
Muhlin Gibson, miner
Muhlin J. H. miner
Mulferd John, miner
Murphey Wm. miner
Myers C. G. miner

Nuns David, miner
Nash E. H. miner
Nede James, miner
Nede Michael, miner
Newell P. W. miner
Newstream Andrew, miner
Newton George, miner
Noel John, miner

O’Bryan Ned. miner
O’Bryan Wm. miner
O’Toole Peter, miner
Otis Geo. musician

Pront Geo. (colored,) barber
Page Geo. W. miner
Park James, miner
Park Samuel, miner
Parker Alonzo, miner
Parker E. miner
Parker E. miner
Parker E. T. miner
Parker James, miner
Parkham Sam’l, miner
Parkinson W. H. millman
Parmelee Walter, miner
Pease H. L. miner
Peck Chas. miner
Penman Dave, miner
Penman W. A. miner
Percival Joseph, miner
Perkins R. N. miner
Perry H. J. miner
Perry J. H. miner
Peterson C. miner
Pettigrew W. J. miner
Phelps E. A. surveyor
Philman John, miner
Pierce Franklin, road superintendent
Pierson E. butcher
Pierson Richard, miner
Pierson, E. IT. miner
Porter, E. J. miner
Powers Geo. millman
Powers Robt. millman
Pratt Frank, miner
Prichard David, miner
Prior John B. miner
Proctor Wm. B. miner
Pryor Wm. (colored,) miner
Pulliam W. M. miner
Puntney N. S. miner

Raabe Chas. brewer
Rains Jacob, miner
Randolph John, miner
Rankin Cullen miner
Rasiere Chas. saloon keeper
Rausso S. saloon keeper
Reed F. S. miner
Reed James, miner
Reinstein S. merchant
Ressler Jacob, miner
Rice Jerome D. miner
Rice Wm. miner
Richards J. W. miner
Ritchie Wm. miner
Roberts John, bowling saloon keeper
Robins Thos. miner
Robinson ________, daguerrean artist
Rogers Chas. millman
Rosenan H. miner
Rowley John M. carpenter
Russell ______, miner

Sawyer Andrew, miner
Sayles Lois, miner
Schnaffer Wm. miner
Schweer John, miner
Scott Philip, miner
Seely I. miner
Seely Wm. miner
Seibert Fred. brewer
Shain W. O. miner
Shanly C. G. miner
Sharrack Thomas, miner
Shawl Mark, merchant
Shelback A. miner
Sherd W. miner
Sherman ______ , blacksmith
Sibley E. miner
Simmons Peleg, miner
Sims Thomas, miner
Sisley John, miner
Slifer Adam, ranchman
Smeile Chas. miner
Smily Chas miner
Smith A. B. miner
Smith A. J. miner
Smith A. miner
Smith H. C. miner,
Smith J. miner,
Smith John, miner
Smith W. miner
Smith Wm. miner
Smith Wm. ranchman
Snyder E. H. miner
Spangler J. H. miner
Spaulding O. G. tinsmith
Spear David, miner
Spear Wm. miner
Sperry G. F. miner
Spillman James, miner
Spraul James, miner
Sprinkles Wm. miner
Stackhouse J. S. miner
Stammer, G. miner
Stanford Lyman,. merchant
Stangroom M. L. surveyor
Starkweather E. M. miner
Starkweather, J. M. miner
Steele James, miner
Steele P. L. miner
Steely James, miner
Steen Geo. tinsmith
Stewart J. O. ditch superintendent
Strabel Chas. miner
Straus D. merchant
Streem Fred. miner
Streete Solon, miner
Strobridge R. miner
Stuart J. Kennedy, miner
Swartwaut M. T. druggist
Swearinger Geo. livery stable keeper
Sweeney James, butcher
Swinson Chris. miner
Sykes N. miner

Taylor Joseph, miner
Tennent W. IL miner
Thomas David, miner
Thomas E. miner
Thomas John, miner
Thompson J. miner
Thompson John, miner
Thompson Stephen, miner
Thompson Wm. miner
Torrence Hugh, miner
Torrence Milton, miner
Towle Wm. miner
Traphagan N. IL D. dentist
Trazier Joseph, miner
Tripp Geo. F. miner
Tyler Edwin, expressman

Udell C. P. miner
Ulcan D. miner
Urmy Peter, miner
Utter Joseph, miner
Utter Wm. miner

Van Emmon James, miner
Vincent John, miner

Waite W. H. miner
Walker J. 0. miner
Walker John, miner
Walker O. miner
Wallace W. miner
Wallou W . R. cook
Warren E. R. miner
Washburn Geo. miner
Washeim Chas. miner
Washeim F. S.
Waters Jo. miner
Waters Joseph, miner
Watkins Thos. miner
Waymouth John, miner
Webber Chas. miner
Weber C. miner
Webley Wm. miner
Webster D. B. miner
Welsh J. miner
Wentworth A. J. blacksmith
Wentworth Nathan, mill owner
Wentworth T. miner
Wentworth Thomas, miner
Weskill Adolphus, miner
Westfall A. butcher
Whitcomb A. L: miner
Whitfield John, miner
Whiting D. L. miner
Whitlock J. miner
Wilkerson James, miner
Wilkerson Wm. miner
Willard Geo. miner
Williams John, miner
Williams Peter, miner
Williamson J. IL merchant
Wills James, miner
Wilson James, merchant
Wilson Thos. miner
Wing Abraham, merchant
Winters Henry, miner
Witcer James, miner
Woodruff H. R. tinsmith
Woodruff H. tinsmith
Wright O. F. miner
Wyatt Louis, bar-keeper

Yarrington _______, ditch owner
Yaw Wm. miner,
Yule James, miner


Steele, R. J.; Bull, James P.; Houston, F. I. Placer County Directory of 1861. Placer County, California: Placer County Historical Society. 1861.

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