Biography of W. F. Ryan

W. F. RYAN, another of the proprietors of the The Harrison Roller Mill Company, has been a resident of the county since 1885, having come thither from Kansas, but was born in Clark County, Illinois, February 12, 1858. His father, Jacob M. Ryan, was born in Ohio, but at an early day became a resident of Clark County, Illinois, later moved to Kansas, and in 1882 came to Boone County, Arkansas, where he died in June, 1893, having been an extensive lumber dealer of Harrison. He was a soldier in Company G, Fifty-fourth Regiment of Volunteers, during the war, belonged … Read more

Biography of William W. Kimberling

WILLIAM W. KIMBERLING. It is owing to the enterprise and push of such men as Mr. Kimberling that Stone County, Missouri, owes much of its prosperity, for he has been one of its thrifty, industrious and intelligent agriculturists for many years, and is at the present time the proprietor of a fine and well-improved farm of 110 acres on the south side of White River. He was born in Franklin County, Arkansas, April 16, 1840, a son of Nathaniel and Nancy (Birchfield) Kimberling, native Tennesseans. The father became a resident of Stone County a few years after the disposal of … Read more

Biography of A. T. Yoachum

A. T. YOACHUM. Many minds labor under the misapprehension that real patriotism is peculiar to men of high genius or the favorites of fortune. The true patriot is one who, from love of country, does, or tries to do, in the proper sphere, all that appears necessary to promote her honor, prosperity and peace. The substantial elements of this precious virtue which underlies the welfare of every nation, and especially of one professing to be free, like our own, are furnished by men in every walk of life, who step out of the realm of mere self-love, and seek to … Read more

Biography of Kemmer F. Cantrell

The general mercantile firm, of which this gentle-man is a member, Cantrell & Angle, is well-known throughout Marion County, and enjoys a liberal patronage. Mr. Cantrell is a member of one of the pioneer families of Arkansas, and was born November 8, 1853, a son of William P. and Elizabeth (Payne) Cantrell, and grandson of Abner and Mary (Maxey) Cantrell. In 1830 the grandfather’s family emigrated from Alabama, taking up their abode in Madison County, Arkansas, but in 1854 removed to Boone (then Carroll) County, and located on a farm three miles from Lead Hill, but settled eventually in Marion … Read more

Biography of E. J. Rhodes

E. J. RHODES. Among the reputable men of Harrison, Arkansas, who in their conduct of business matters, and the duties belonging to the various relations of life, have acquired a worthy name, is E. J. Rhodes, who, although but in the prime of life, is old in experience. The record of his life is one of interest, for it shows what can be accomplished when one possesses the determination to forge ahead, and has the wisdom to make the most of the opportunities which present themselves. He was born in Jefferson County, Iowa, March 17, 1845, the second of eight … Read more

Biography of George W. Coker

GEORGE W. COKER. In compiling an account of the mercantile establishments of the town of Lead Hill, Arkansas, it is the desire of the publishers to particularly mention those classes of houses which are the best representatives of each special line of trade, and which contribute most to the city’s reputation as a source of supply. As one of the leading representatives of general merchants and cotton dealers, the firm of G. W. Coker & Co. may well be quoted, for the extensive trade they have built up is the outgrowth of enterprise and commercial sagacity. Mr. Coker was born … Read more

Biography of Capt. J. W. Story

This able attorney at law has his office at Harrison, Arkansas, and in every branch of his profession he is meeting with marked success. He has a decided veneration for the law, and this, combined with the accuracy of his legal knowledge, lucidity of statement and felicity of illustration has given him the confidence of all his patrons. He is a native of Tennessee, and a son of N. W. and Katie Story, who lived and died in White County of that State. His father was a successful farmer, a man of pure and exalted character, who enjoyed in a … Read more

Biography of Judge B. B. Hudgins

JUDGE B. B. HUDGINS. The present circuit judge of the Fourteenth District of Arkansas is Judge B. B. Hudgins, who was born in Taney County, Missouri, August 15, 1854, the eldest child born to Dr. John W. and Malinda (Byrne) Hudgins, who were born in Jackson County, Ala., and Marion County, Tennessee, respectively. The paternal grandparents were Benjamin and Martha (Ellis) Hudgins, and were born and reared on the Atlantic coast, and Benjamin was a young man when he came West. He was descended from one of three brothers who came to this country from England. Dr. John W. Hudgins … Read more

Biography of William P. Norman

WILLIAM P. NORMAN. There is nothing which adds so much to the prestige of a city or town, in the estimation of the public, as a first-class livery stable. In this respect Harrison is certainly to be congratulated. Among her establishments of this kind are found men of great business tact and enterprise, and none more so than William P. Norman, who conducts one of the busiest, best-managed livery stables in the county. Mr. Norman came originally from Mississippi, his birth occurring in Marshall County in 1853, and he is a son of Jesse L. and Mary Ann (Clayton) Norman, … Read more

Biography of Young N. Patterson

YOUNG N. PATTERSON. This prominent and highly-honored citizen of Baxter County, Arkansas, was born on King’s Creek, three miles from King’s Mountain in Lincoln County, N. C. in 1840, a son of Alfred and Eliza (Ferguson) Patterson, who were born, reared and married in the Old North State, and from there moved to Itawamba County, Miss., where the father died at the age of fifty-two years, and the mother is still living on the old homestead. The father met with success in his farming operations, was practical and shrewd in the conduct of his affairs, and succeeded in accumulating a … Read more

Biography of John A. Bunch

JOHN A. BUNCH. This gentleman is the receiver of public moneys in the Government Land Office at Harrison, Arkansas, and is a native of this State, born in Newton County, September 15, 1860, a son of Capt. Larkin and Eliza (Maxwell) Bunch, the former of whom was born in Overton County, Tennessee, a son of Nathaniel Bunch, who came to Arkansas in 1840, and made a home for himself and family in the northwest corner of Newton County, being one of the first to settle in that region. He also was a native of Tennessee, and was a soldier in … Read more

Biography of Kelsey Gillmore

KELSEY GILLMORE. Kelsey Gillmore has been a resident of Newton County all his life, his birth occurring here in 1834, has identified himself with the interests of his section, has won numerous friends, and has built up a reputation for honesty and fair dealing that is in every way merited. His father, Levi Gillmore, was a native Vermonter, and in that State grew to mature years and secured a fair education. When a young man he started West, and stopped in the Hoosier State, where he met and married Miss Sallie Lindsey. Later he removed to Missouri, where he followed … Read more

Biography of Elias Keesee

ELIAS KEESEE. This gentleman is one of the leading agriculturists of Franklin Township, Marion County, Arkansas, and has followed this calling from his earliest boyhood, being initiated into its mysteries by his worthy sire. He was born about fifteen miles from his present place of abode in 1824. His parents, Payton and Nancy (Graham) Keesee, were born in Virginia in 1800, and in Kentucky in 1797, respectively. While in their youth they became residents of the Territory of Arkansas, and in 1818 were married in what is now Marion County, but very shortly afterward removed to what is now Ozark … Read more

Biography of Willis F. Miles

WILLIS F. MILES. Petty difficulties of Young Township, Boone County, Arkansas, wend their way to the office of our subject and find in him an arbiter that as a rule sends the respective parties away in better humor with themselves and with the world in general than on coming to him, for he is a gentleman who, although having an extended knowledge of the prosaic aspects of life, is prone to see the humorous side, and gild the baser metal with the brightness of wit. Willis F. Miles was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, in 1831, and is a son … Read more

Biography of Dr. R. J. Pierce

DR. R. J. PIERCE. The medical man is held in the greatest esteem by savage as well as civilized people, and deservedly so, because in his hands are the issues of life and death. All honor is due to the profession of medicine, because it is composed of so noble an army of men, and among those whose skill has shed luster upon the profession is Dr. R. J. Pierce, who is known in medical circles throughout the State, and is universally recognized as a ripe scholar and a practitioner of renown. He was born in Hall County, Ga., August … Read more

Biography of Lemuel R. Jones

LEMUEL R. JONES. Among the most esteemed and respected citizens of the town of Western Grove there is not one who has been a more faithful soldier, a more pleasant or agreeable member of society, or a more thorough and sagacious business man than Lemuel R. Jones, who is now notary public and postmaster at that place. His life of industry and usefulness, and his record for honesty and uprightness have given him a hold upon the community which all might well desire to share. He is a native of the State of Missouri, born in St. Francois County, February … Read more

Biography of Isaac H. A. Daniel

ISAAC H. A. DANIEL, a Union soldier during the Civil War, and now a prominent farmer and stockraiser of Washington Township, Stone County, Missouri, Isaac H. A. Daniel is a native of Franklin County, Tennessee, where he was born September 30, 1830. He is a son of Reuben and Susan (Watts) Daniel, natives of North Carolina and Franklin County, Tennessee, respectively. When a boy Reuben Daniel went with his parents from Georgia to Franklin County, Tennessee, and there he grew to manhood and was married. About 1839 he moved to Wayne County, Tennessee, and then to Washington County, Ark, where … Read more

Biography of Prof. Thomas A. Kay

PROF. THOMAS A. KAY. This gentleman is one of the oldest and most successful educators of Douglas County, and is well known over a large territory. He is a Georgian by birth, his natal county being De Kalb, where he first saw the light December 12, 1853. The son of William T. and Lucretia (Cardar) Kay, the former of whom was a native of South Carolina and a son of Alexander Kay, who was a Virginian by birth and a farmer by occupation. William T. Kay was married in South Carolina and in 1850 took up his residence in Georgia, … Read more

Slave Narrative of Arrie Binns

Interviewer: Minnie Branham Stonestreet Person Interviewed: Arrie Binns Location: Washington-Wilkes, Georgia Arrie Binns lives in Baltimore, a negro suburb of Washington-Wilkes, in a little old tumbled down kind of a cottage that used to be one of the neatest and best houses of the settlement and where she has lived for the past sixty-odd years. In the yard of her home is one of the most beautiful holly trees to be found anywhere. She set it there herself over fifty years ago. She recalled how her friends predicted bad luck would befall her because she “sot out er holly”, but … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Thomas

HENRY C. THOMAS. James Township, Stone County, Missouri, has its full quota of vigorous, enterprising, thoroughgoing agriculturists, whose popularity is based upon both their social qualities and their well-known integrity and unusual industry. None among them is more popular or has worked more perseveringly than he of whom we write. Like at least one-half of the citizens of the county, Mr. Thomas is a native of Tennessee, born in Monroe County, in the month of December, 1848, to the union of George W. and Sarah A. (Smallin) Thomas, both natives of Monroe County, Tennessee, the father born September 15, 1819, … Read more