Biography of Mack S. Edmondson

Except for looking after his land and other interests of a varied and important nature, Mack S. Edmondson is living retired in Pryor, enjoying the fruits of a life spent in diligence and industry. He was born on the 9th of September, 1853, a son of Van and Laura (Denman) Edmondson, both natives of Georgia. They came to this state after the Civil war but subsequently removed to Texas and located at Kaufman. The mother’s demise occurred there and soon afterward the father removed to Delaware county, Indian Territory, where he engaged in farming and stock raising until his death.

Mack S. Edmondson received his education in the public schools of Delaware county and later became a student in the Pea Ridge College at Pea Ridge, Arkansas. Upon putting his text-books aside he engaged in the stock business in Delaware county and was actively identified with that enterprise until coming to Pryor. As the result of intelligently directed effort, stanch determination, courage and innate ability, Mr. Edmondson achieved a substantial success and after locating here he retired from active business life. He does, however, look after his extensive land interests in the county and a few other interests of an important nature.% 9

In Delaware county, Indian Territory, in February, 1878, occurred the marriage of Mr. Edmondson and Miss Florence Williams, daughter of Oce Williams, of a prominent Cherokee family. To their union five children were born, three of whom are now living: Cherokee Dora, the wife of Robert Bruce Garrett, further mention of whom is made on another page of this work; Mrs. Gonia Tinnin, of Boston, Massachusetts; and Beulah, now Mrs. Richard Croker, of New York city and Dublin, Ireland. Her husband was at one time prominent in political circles as a Tammany boss.

Mr. Edmondson has given his political allegiance to the democratic party since age conferred upon him the right of franchise and is well versed on all the leading issues of the day. His religious faith is that of the Baptist church, and he is a generous contributor to its many charities. During the World war he was active in the Red Cross and Liberty Loan drives and gave liberally of his time and money. Mr. Edmondson is considered one of the public-spirited citizens of Pryor and possesses such qualities as make him popular as a friend and neighbor. There is no man in Mayes county more familiar with land values than he, and his extensive investments in Oklahoma, Texas and Florida net him a substantial income.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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