d’AUTREMONT, Charles, Lt., (jg), USNR. Wife, Mrs. Ann Webster d’Autremont, Southern Arizona Bank, Tucson.
DARTER, James Roderick, Ensign, USN. Mother, Mrs. Nannie Mae Darter, Casa Grande.
DAVENPORT, Robert Elmer, Seaman 2c, USNR. Brother, Mr. Maynard Davenport, P. O. Box 551, Jerome.
DAVIES, James L., Pfc., USMCR. Mother, Mrs. Vivian E. Roberts, 1916 E. Polk St., Phoenix.
DAVIS, Charles A., Cpl., USMC. Wife, Mrs. Charles A. Davis, Route 1, Box 25, Soffard.
DE LA ROSA, Antonio Urquides, Pfc., USMCR. Mother, Mrs. Eva U. Delarosa, 163 So. Convent St., Tucson.
DELANEY, Don K., Pvt., USMCR. Mother, Mrs. Katherine A. DeLaney, 741 E. Culver St., Phoenix.
DENNISON, Joseph John, Jr., Pharmacist’s Mate 3c, USNR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dennison, Sr., 1535 W. Edgemont, Phoenix.
DENTON, John J., Aviation Machinist’s Mate 1c, USNR. Wife, Mrs. Verona Blanche Denton, 516 W. Washington, Phoenix.
DINDINGER, Robert Ernest, Aviation Chief Machinist’s Mate, USN. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robert Dindinger, Box 456, Florence.
DUNLAP, Calvin Campbell, Seaman 2c, USNR. Brother, Mr. James A. Dunlap, Luke Field, Phoenix.