Biography of Andrew J. Shetterly

ANDREW J. SHETTERLY, Numbered among the progressive and energetic business men of Lapel, Indiana, where he has been identified with elevator interests since 1896, Andrew J. Shetterly is justly considered one of the representative men of his native County, He is the fortunate possessor of just those qualities which are essential to success in any line of business, and his long experience in his present venture has made him thoroughly familiar with its every detail, He belongs to an old and honored family of Madison County, and was born on a farm in Jackson Township, December 23, 1865, a son … Read more

Biography of Winfield Shaul

WINFIELD SHAUL. The Shaul family, which Winfield Shaul of this review represents in this Township, is one of the oldest in Madison County, and the subject is the representative of the fourth generation to hold the land which the founder of the family entered from the government when the first of the name located here from the Keystone state in the earliest days of Indiana, long prior to her statehood, The first of the name to locate here entered land from the government, and ended his days in the cultivation of the wilderness tract he thus acquired. His son, Orange … Read more

Biography of W. Frank McVaugh

W. FRANK MCVAUGH, In W. Frank McVaugh Madison County has one of her most promising young men, and one in whom the public has already shown a measure of confidence by electing him to the office of County surveyor in November, 1912. His previous record in the engineering profession, though necessarily brief, had been sufficiently praiseworthy to establish him as one of the coining men of the district, and the evidence thus far amply supports the judgment of those who called him to his present position. Born in Huntsville, Indiana, on September 26, 1885, W. Frank McVaugh is the .son … Read more

McQueen, Leonard – Obituary

Leonard R. McQueen, 79, Flat Rock, Washington Township retired farmer, died Wednesday [September 13, 1972]. Major Hospital patient since Feb. 4. Bartholomew County native, lived in the Flat Rock community most of his life. Member of the Flat Rock United Methodist Church, a 50 year member of Camon Lodge 343, F. and A.M., at Clifford, and a member of the Flat Rock Citizens Committee. Ewing Mortuary with the Rev. Ray Bozell officiating. Burial will be in Flat Rock Cemetery. Born Sept. 15, 1892, s/o Alfred Jefferson and Laura (Reed) McQueen. Survivors: 1 daughter, Mrs. Garnet (DeVone) Hamilton, Flat Rock; 4 … Read more

Biography of Joseph R. Cain

Joseph R. Cain

JOSEPH R. CAIN was long numbered among the honored merchants of Anderson and as one who saw service in all the grades of its industrial activity, He began his business connection here during the Civil war, and at the close of his long and useful life he enjoyed the quiet fruits of his previous industry and good management. Joseph R. Cain, who for more than half a century was a resident of Anderson, was born in Clinton County, Ohio, near the Butler County line, August 12, 1831, He belonged to an old family with a distinctive military record, His grandfather … Read more

Biography of George W. Hupp

GEORGE W. HUPP. Now retired after a long and successful career, Mr. Hupp represents the earlier business activities of what is now the city of Elwood. He became a merchant in the center of Madison County fifty years ago, when the place was known as Quincy and was only a small rural trading point, Twenty-five years passed before the discovery of natural gas and the consequent boom which raised this town to the rank of one of the leading industrial centers of eastern Indiana. Through all this time Mr. Hupp was actively identified with the mercantile enterprise and continued a … Read more

Biography of George W. Showers

GEORGE W. SHOWERS. Now filling the office of justice of the peace in Anderson, Mr. Showers has been identified by residence and business with Anderson and with Madison County for more than twenty years. In business affairs he is best known as a building contractor, and has done much substantial work as evidence of his ability in this line. George W. Showers was born in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, December 25, 1847, a son of John H. and Maria (Hicks) Showers, In 1856, when George was nine years old, the family moved from Pennsylvania to Henry County, Indiana, locating at a … Read more

Biography of Ransom Bronnenberg

RANSOM BRONNENBERG. After a long period spent in agricultural pursuits, Ransom Bronnenberg, of Anderson Township, is now actively engaged in farming, enjoying the fruits of his years of industrious toil, He has spent his entire life within the limits of Madison County, where he has borne no small part in the wonderful development that has made this one of the garden spots of the Hoosier State, and the success that has attended his efforts is shown in the ownership of a handsome farm of 370 acres, located on the old State road, Mr. Bronnenberg was born on a farm, August … Read more

Biography of Bushrod W. Scott

BUSHROD W. SCOTT. For many years the name Scott was familiarly associated with the mercantile enterprise of the city of Anderson. Mr. Scott first became a resident of Madison County, about the beginning of the Civil war, 1860, arriving here a comparatively, poor young man, and from one employment to another gradually advanced until he became an independent business man, and was in the list of successful merchants until he finally retired from business and is now spending his later years in the enjoyment of a well won prosperity, He belongs to a prominent old family of colonial ancestors, and … Read more

Biography of Joseph H. Elliott

JOSEPH H. ELLIOTT. A business man of Anderson, where he has had his residence since 1904, Mr. Elliott has had a career of varied activity, has gained a satisfying degree of material prosperity, and stands high in the public esteem of local citizenship in his adopted city. Joseph H. Elliott was born in ‘Adams County, Ohio. His father was James Elliott, who was born in the same County, and the grandfather was William Elliott, a native of North Carolina, Great-grandfather Elliott, so far as known, was also born in North Carolina, and from that state took his family to Ohio, … Read more

Biography of Clinton M. Cotterman

CLINTON M. COTTERMAN. A resident of Anderson who for some years has made a substantial business of furnishing the people of this locality with the product of a market garden is Clinton M. Cotterman, who has his gardens well within the city limits, and who has also served the community in official capacity, and has long taken an active interest in politics. Clinton M. Cotterman was born on a farm three miles west of Dayton in Montgomery County, Ohio, September 1, 1849, His father was William Cotterman, born in Pennsylvania, and the grandparents moved from Pennsylvania t0 Ohio, and became … Read more

Biography of Enoch E. Byrum

Enoch Bryum

ENOCH E. BYRUM. A distinguished and influential member of the clergy of the Church of God, author of high-grade and valuable works and president of the Gospel Trumpet Company, whose printing and publishing plant, located near the city of Anderson, is one of the finest in the state of Indiana, Mr. Byrum is numbered among the prominent and honored citizens of Madison County, has been a power for good in the various relations of life, is a man of high attainments and exalted character and is eminently entitled to representation in this publication. Enoch E. Byrum is a native son … Read more

Biography of George W. Pettigrew

GEORGE W. PETTIGREW. From an inheritance of five and a half acres of land, George W. Pettigrew has increased his holdings in Madison County in recent years until today he has a goodly acreage of two hundred and sixty-two and a half acres of the finest land to be found in this section of the state, all of which is under cultivation and which yields its owner an excellent income, Mr. Pettigrew has been a resident of this Township all his life, and was born here on January 8, 1858, the son of Samuel J. and Mary J. (Tingley) Pettigrew. … Read more

Biography of Garland Hancock

GARLAND HANCOCK. As superintendent of the north Anderson Schools, Mr. Hancock is a young educator who has proven his value and ability, and is now performing a very capable service in one of the largest schools in the County. Garland Hancock was born in 1887 in Richland Township, Madison County, and belongs to one of the old families of this section of the state, His parents were James and Jennie (Bronneberg) Hancock, and the father was for a number of years engaged in the livery business at Versailles in Ripley County, and previous to that time was a farmer, The … Read more

Biography of Samuel Douglas Montgomery

SAMUEL DOUGLAS MONTGOMERY, Among the officials of Madison County who are rendering the community signal service in the discharge of their duties, none have attained a greater degree of popularity than that which has come to Samuel Douglas Montgomery, who has served efficiently since January 1, 1911, in the office of County assessor, A resident of this County since early boyhood, he was for years identified with the agricultural and stock raising interests of this section, and the success with which he met in his own affairs made his fellow citizens confident that he would have no trouble in successfully … Read more

Biography of Dr. Lot Edward Alexander

Lot E. Alexander

DR. LOT EDWARD ALEXANDER has practiced medicine and has performed the varied responsibilities and duties of good citizenship at Pendleton, since 1879, and is one of the best known citizens of Madison County. His name is spoken with respect on the north and east sides of the County, but it is with his home community of Pendleton that he has been most closely identified. Dr. Alexander is descended from old ,American stock, originally of Scotch ancestry on both father’s and mother’s side. The family was founded in America by Hugh Alexander, who emigrated from Scotland in 1736 and settled in … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Oldham

CHARLES L. OLDHAM. One of the well known prosperous farming men of Fall Creek Township of whom it is but reasonable that mention be made in this historical and biographical work devoted to the representative men of the County, Charles L. Oldham takes a leading place in the representative activities of Pendleton and the Township, He was born in Champaign County, Illinois, in December, 1866, and is the son of A. W. and Barbara A. (Stephens) Oldham, the latter being now deceased, and the former a resident of Pendleton, Indiana. Both were natives of Hamilton County, Ohio. The father came … Read more

Biography of Arthur Wolfe Brady

ARTHUR WOLFE BRADY, The president of the Union Traction Company of Indiana, whose home for a number of years had been in Anderson, was born at Muncie, January 13, 1865, a son of General Thomas J. and Emeline (Wolfe) Brady, On his father’s side there is a combination of both Irish and English stock, while the maternal forbears were some of them German and others French, On both sides the earliest members of the family came to the United States during the eighteenth century, His father, the late Thomas J. Brady was born at Muncie in 1839, and he died … Read more

Biography of Wallace B. Campbell

WALLACE B. CAMPBELL has been closely identified with the business life of Anderson since coming to the city in 1895, He is well and favorably remembered as editor and owner of the Anderson Herald, which he built up to be one of the best equipped printing establishments in any city of similar size in the state. After several years of very successful newspaper work he turned his attention to real estate, developing one of the largest flat, apartment and business properties in the city. In addition to looking after his own property interests during the past eight years, he has … Read more

Biography of Spencer Gorland Bevilhimer

SPENCER G. BEVILHIMER. For more than sixty years a resident of Madison County, Mr. Bevilhimer is one of the citizens whose name and a brief record of whose career should be permanently recorded in any history of the community, He represents a family which had its part in the early development of the County, he was himself one of the Madison County’s soldiers for the war of the Rebellion, and since his return to the County as a veteran soldier he has had his full share in the responsibilities of making a living and providing for home and family, and … Read more