Biography of John George Hinderer

JOHN GEORGE HINDERER, Since 1889 a resident of Anderson, Mr. Hinderer has contributed in no small measure to the creative industry of this city, Though he has spent many years and is known to many local people chiefly as a market gardener, who supplies tables in hundreds of homes with choicest of vegetables, he has a special genius in mechanics, is an inventor of no mean ability, has manufactured musical instruments in Anderson and elsewhere, and at his plant in the suburbs is now making and distributing over a large territory some of the most practical devices used in poultry … Read more

Biography of Cassius C. Jacobs

CASSIUS C. JACOBS was born on a farm in West Vincent Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, on September 1, 1845. At the age of five years he moved with his parents and older sister to Madison County, Indiana, He is the son of Charles P. and Esther A. Jacobs. The former is a son of Thomas and Sarah Jacobs. Charles P. Jacobs was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, on October 6, 1816, and died on October 6, 1901. He married Esther Ann Fussell, daughter of William and Jane Foulk Fussell in Chester County on October 28, 1842, and they came to … Read more

Biography of Rev. Robert Sellers

REV. ROBERT SELLERS, pastor of the East Main Street Christian Church, at Elwood, Indiana, was born near Franklin, Johnson County, Indiana, February 10, 1857, and is a son of Nelson and Sarah T. (Pritchard) Sellers, His paternal grandfather, Samuel Sellers, was a soldier during the War of 1812, and subsequently became a pioneer of Johnson County, Indiana, where he was for many years engaged in farming, and where his death occurred in advanced years, burial being made near Nineveh. He and his wife were the parents of six children: Martin, Cynthia, Pollie, Sallie, Betsey and Nelson, On the maternal side, … Read more

Biography of William Savage

WILLIAM SAVAGE, The manager of a well-improved farm of 120 acres, lying in Monroe Township, William Savage is an able and worthy representative of the agricultural interests of Madison County, where he has spent his entire career, A member of the younger generation of farmers, he has the hard-headed practicality inherited from a long line of agricultural ancestors, with which he combines the enthusiasm of youth and the use of modern scientific methods and machinery, Mr. Savage was born on the old family homestead in Pipe Creek Township, Madison County, Indiana, August 13, 1890, and is a son of Columbus … Read more

Biography of Joseph Draper

JOSEPH DRAPER. In the eighty-fifth year of his life, Joseph Draper, whose home is in what is known as Scotts addition, and who is the owner of a section of land in Monroe Township, is one of the venerable old men of Madison County, has been a farmer, has grown many thousands of bushels of corn and wheat and other grain crops during his career, and his record is one of which his family and fellow citizens may well be proud, Joseph Draper was born December 18, 1828, in South Hampton, Virginia, the old Dominion state, a son of Thomas … Read more

Biography of Wade H. Free

WADE H. FREE. Among the young Indiana men who in recent years have been gaining recognition and have been making their influence effective in business and political circles of the state, one whose name has now become well known far beyond the boundaries of his home County of Madison, is Wade H. Free, the present secretary of the state senate, He is a popular young lawyer of Anderson, where he has spent five or six years in general practice, and he is a native son of the County. Wade H. Free was born in Lafayette Township, Madison County, on a … Read more

Biography of Willard H. Thomas

WILLARD H. THOMAS, now residing on a forty acre homestead in Stony Creek Township, has given the best years of his career to the most useful occupation that can employ the energies of man or woman, that of teaching, He has made an excellent record as an educator, and was for a number of years identified with the schools of Madison County, until he recently retired and went upon a farm. Willard H. Thomas, who represents 0ne of the oldest Indiana families, was born in Floyd County, March 25, 1872, a son of William and Sarah (Boley) Thomas. The Thomas … Read more

Biography of Lafe J. Burr

LAFE J. BURR, Among the substantial business firms of Anderson, Indiana, that of the Jackson-Burr Company, dealers in insurance and real estate, holds prominent place. Established over a quarter of a century ago, the career of the concern has been one of constant development in size and prominence, and its members are widely known in the commercial circles of the city, Lafe J. Burr, president of the Jackson-Burr Company, has been a resident of Anderson for more than forty years, and during this time has so closely identified himself with its interests as to make himself a place among the … Read more

Biography of Alvin B. Williamson

ALVIN B. WILLIAMSON. Alvin B. Williamson has a well cultivated tract of eighty acres of land in Fall Creek Township, where he carries on stock farming, and where he has reached a comfortable state of prosperity in his agricultural activities, He ranks among the best known and most popular citizens of the Township, and has a host of good friends in and about the community which represents his home. Born on January 14, 1876, in Madison County, he is the son of Burwell and Mary J. (Mairifold) Williamson, both of whom are now deceased. Burwell and Mary Williamson were born … Read more

Biography of Eugene L. Ford

EUGENE L. FORD, In Green Township are located many of the best improved and most valuable farmsteads of Madison County, and one of these which is conspicuous for its improvement, for its general appearance of thrift and prosperity. and for the value of the crops which are every year produced in its field and in the barns is that of Eugene L. Ford, Mr. Ford has spent about sixty years of his life in Madison County, and lacks only about a year of being able to claim it as his birthplace, He was born in Wayne County, Indiana, December 9. … Read more

Biography of Andrew Milburn

ANDREW MILBURN. The meet reward of a well spent and active career is an honorable retirement from labor and a season of rest in which to enjoy the fruits of former toil. Consecutive endeavor, resolute purpose, sound judgment and unfaltering energy bring success in the active affairs of life, and when prosperity is attained these should be followed by a period of leisure, when one may carry out his individual desires and find pleasure in pursuing plans from which business cares had formerly withheld him, For many years Andrew Milburn was prominently identified with the agricultural interests of Madison County. … Read more

Biography of Martin C. Norton

Thomas M. Norton

MARTIN C. NORTON. By various services and diversified gifts, men contribute to the building up of a city, and it is in connection with the opening up of the avenues of commerce and the furnishing of facilities for the transactions of trade that Martin C. Norton has bent his energies to the common weal, As president of the T. M. Norton Brewing Company, at Anderson, he is the directing head of one of the largest industries of its kind in this part of Indiana, while his connection with various other enterprises of an extensive nature has been such as to … Read more

Biography of John M. Lamey

JOHN M. LAMEY, Among the citizens of Madison County who have won material success through the exercise of their own industry and native talent, John M. Lamey, of Anderson, is deserving of more than passing mention, Compelled to face the world and make his own way when but still a lad, he has so perseveringly pursued the vocation that he early chose as his life work, that today he finds himself one of the substantial men of his community, and the general esteem in which he is held is ample evidence of the fact that his activities have been governed … Read more

Biography of Edward E. Thomas

EDWARD E. THOMAS. A native son of Madison County and a representative of a family whose name has been closely identified with the development and progress of this section of the state is Mr. Thomas, and that he has accounted well for himself and gained secure place in popular esteem needs no further voucher than that afforded in his incumbency of the responsible office of superintendent of the County poor farm, in the general management of which his administration has been in every respect faithful and efficient. Mr. Thomas was born in Boone Township, this County, on the 22nd of … Read more

Biography of James Marion Forkner

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Forkner

JAMES MARION FORKNER, One century ago, lacking five brief years, the Forkner family was established in Indiana, Wayne County being the scene of settlement and for years the home of the family. From that day to the present time men of that name have been prominently identified with the agricultural activities of the state, and have played well their individual parts in the praiseworthy work of advancing the reputation of their various communities in the world of agriculture. They have been men of the highest integrity and especially have they been distinguished by the character of their citizenship and by … Read more

Biography of Adam Schuster

ADAM SCHUSTER. Anderson Township can boast of some of the most beautiful farms to be found in Madison County, and among these none has been brought to a higher state of cultivation than the country home of Dr. Jonas Stewart, a handsome tract of 120 acres, lying on the Anderson road, This property has been brought to its present excellent condition through the efforts of Adam Schuster, who has charge of the operations for Dr. Stewart, Mr. Schuster has made farming his life work, and his long experience his constant study of farming conditions, his ready ability to adapt himself … Read more

Biography of Sanford R. Moss

SANFORD R. MOSS, Located in Richland Township, not far from the city of Anderson is found Shadeland Stock farm, a property of sixty acres from which comes some of the finest light harness horses bred in Madison County. The proprietor of this enterprise, Sanford R. Moss, has had a long and successful experience in his line of work, having been trained therein as a boy, and his firmly-established reputation as a raiser, breeder and trainer of these animals has created an active demand for his animals in the markets of the big cities, Mr. Moss was born on his present … Read more

Biography of Frederick Lantz

FREDERICK LANTZ, The proprietor of the largest store in Pendleton, Mr. Lantz really belongs in the front rank of Madison County merchants, and is still a young man who has attained a striking business success at a time when most of his contemporaries are just beginning their careers. Frederick Lantz was born at Richmond, Indiana, February 26, 1883, a son of Lewis F. and Luella Lantz, Both parents now reside in Milton, Wayne County, this state, The family were early settled in the old Quaker district of Wayne County, and the name has always been identified with integrity and the … Read more

Biography of Charles C. Studley

CHARLES C. STUDLEY, Among Madison County’s sons who have attained distinction in varied fields of active usefulness, none is better known or more highly esteemed in his community than Charles C. Studley of Lapel, who as soldier, business man, public official and citizen has discharged ably and conscientiously every obligation of life, From the dark days of the Civil War, when he valiantly fought under the flag of his country, to the present time, when he is numbered among the most able and impartial justices of the peace that have upheld the dignity of this office in Stony Creek Township, … Read more

Biography of James D. McKenzie

JAMES D. MCKENZIE, Situated half a mile southwest of the town of Lapel in Stony Creek Township the rural home of James D. McKenzie, a place of one hundred and twenty acres possesses all the attractive improvements and profitable quality for which Madison County farms are noted throughout the state, Mr. McKenzie has made farming his life work, has given it his best energy, and not only has substantial material fruits of his labors, but also the esteem and respect of the community in which he has for many years resided. James D. McKenzie was born in White River Township … Read more