Lee, Miles – Obituary

Miles Lee Funeral Largely Attended Miles Lee one of the most prominent sheep growers of this section, died last Friday afternoon, May 29, at St. Elizabeth hospital in Baker, where he had been removed two days previous from his home in that city and an operation was performed in the hope of saving his life. Mr. Lee had been in ill health for some time previous, but his condition had not been considered alarming, and news of his death came as a shock to his many friends all over the state. Miles Lee was born in Paoli, Orange county, Indiana, … Read more

Kipling, Sherman C. – Obituary

The sad news of the passing of one of Haines’ well known farmers, Sherman Kipling, reached the city Friday, death occurring at the farm home south of town that morning. He had been ill for some time and the end was not unexpected. He recently was brought back form the sanitarium at Hot Lake. Sherman Charles Kipling was born Sept. 22, 1869, near Valparaiso, Ind., and died Sept. 28, 1928. He came from Denver Colo., to Haines 18 years ago. He married Lula M. Barker of Holyoke, Colo., April 30, 1892. He leaves besides his wife, one son Emil and … Read more

Evans, John P. – Obituary

John P. Evans, 74, farmer in the Missouri flat section for the last 47 years, died at the St. Elizabeth hospital at 11 o’clock Friday night after an illness of several months. Mr. Evans was born in Howard County, Indiana, November 25, 1853 and moved to Missouri when he was a boy. He married Miss Elizabeth Colley in 1874 and moved with his family to Baker county in 1880. They lived in the Missouri flat district the remainder of their lives. Mrs. Evans died in 1917. The deceased is survived by two sons, Edward and frank of Baker, a daughter, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Bell

Henry Bell, farmer; P. O. Hutton; was born in Randolph Co., N. C., in the year 1819; his parents Pierce and Rebecca moved to Preble Co., Ohio., in the year 1820, and after remaining about fifteen years, moved to Rush Co., Ind., where they lived for about fifteen or twenty years; in 1850, they came to Coles Co. and settled on Sect 16, where his father died at the age of 88, his mother dying the year afterward. Mr. Bell moved to his present farm on Sec. 15 Feb. 14, 1856, containing 80 acres. In 1843, he married in Indiana … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard J. Hancock

Richard J. Hancock, farmer, Sec. 13; P. O. Loxa; owns 150 acres; was born on the farm where he now resides, Oct. 20, 1838; was raised a farmer. Married Mary E. Snitt (daughter of John S. Snitt, Esq.) Nov. 30, 1865; she was born in Guernsey Co., Ohio, April 3, 1848; have six children – Nona, Anna, Nellie, John C., Carrie and Amanda S. Mr. H.’s father was born in North Carolina, March 13, 1797; went to Kentucky with his parents when an infant. At the age of 10 years he went to Indiana, and then to this county in … Read more

Biography of Ira James

Ira James, wholesale dealer in coal oil, Mattoon; was born in Dearborn (now Ohio) Co., Ind., May 24, 1826; his father was a cotton and woolen manufacturer; at. the age of 17, he left home and engaged in boating on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers for a period of about ten years; he commanded during the time seven steamboats; his first boating was in the packet trade from Rising Sun to Cincinnati; afterward he entered the trade from New Orleans and Cincinnati; in 1853, he went to California and spent three years; engaged a portion of the time in milling … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ira B. Jackson

Ira B. Jackson, insurance agent, Mattoon; was born in Madison, Jefferson Co., Ind., Oct. 31, 1851; in 1855, his father removed with his family to Illinois, and settled in Sangamon Co., near Springfield; his early life was that of a farmer’s boy; he acquired a good common-school education; at the age of 18, he engaged in the business of photograph artist, which he followed two years; in 1872, he completed a business course in the Commercial College, at Terre Haute, Ind.; in 1874, he engaged in the grocery trade with Fallin Bros., under the firm name of Fallin Bros. & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Soules

John W. Soules, proprietor meat market, Mattoon; was born in Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 10, 1828; his father was a farmer, and his early life was spent upon the farm; his education was limited entirely to the common school; he remained at home till his majority; at the age of 21 years, he engaged in the packing house of Ferrington & Williams, of Terre Haute, where he remained five years; he was next engaged in the same business with Jacob D. Early three years; in 1860, he came to Mattoon and took charge of a packing house for Messrs. Miller … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. L. Scott

J. L. Scott, dealer in groceries, queensware and glassware, Mattoon; was born in Henry Ky., in 1836; his early life was passed upon the farm, and his education was derived from the common schools; in 1856, he moved to Franklin, Ind., where he engaged in mercantile pursuits; in 1863, he returned to Kentucky, located in Louisville, and was employed in the United States Government Pay Department, under Gen. Thurston, Paymaster of the Army of the Cumberland; in the spring of 1865, he removed, with his parents to Coles Co., Ill., and purchased a farm of 160 acres northeast of Mattoon; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. G. Roberts

L. G. Roberts, dental surgeon, Mattoon; was born in Ripley Co., Ky., Jan. 18, 1846; his father, R. B. Roberts, was a dentist by profession, and a minister in the Christian Church; his father came with his family to Indiana when L. G. was but 3 or 4 years of age, and in the fall of 1864, he came to Illinois; his education was derived mostly from the common schools; at the age of 18, he entered the dental office of Dr. Allen, in Ft. Wayne, Ind.; in 1864, he worked under instructions with Dr. Moore, of La Fayette, Ind.; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Z. Robertson

Z. Robertson, farmer and mechanic, Mattoon; was born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Oct. 22, 1830; he obtained his education in the common schools of Paris, Ky.; his early life was passed upon the farm; at the age of 22 years, he left Kentucky and moved to Greenfield, Ind.; here he followed the trade of plastering for about six years; in the winter of 1858, he came to Illinois, and settled in Mattoon, where for a number of years he continued his trade, and that of farming; in 1865, he purchased and improved a farm of eighty acres, near the city; … Read more

Inman, George – Obituary

Cornucopia, Baker County, Oregon Death Takes George Inman George Inman, 89, longtime resident of Baker county, died this morning at St. Elizabeth hospital. Born March 23, 1864 in Green County, Indiana, Mr. Inman was a pioneer settler at Cornucopia. He moved to the area 58 years ago. He engaged in mining, farming and stock raising in Baker county. He was a member of the Presbyterian church. Surviving are his widow, Betty Inman; a brother, R. T. Inman of Owensberg, Indiana; a niece, Mrs. Alva Gardner, Baker. The funeral service has been planned for 2 p.m. Thursday at West and company … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. H. Paugh, M. D.

W. H. Paugh, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon; was born in Lawrence Co., Ind., March 13, 1838; his father was a physician and settled in Indiana as early as 1815; in addition to his common-school education, he attended the high school at Springville, Ind., and in subsequent years was Principal of the same. He naturally grew up into a physician, and to fix a period at which he began the study of his profession would be a difficult task; he practiced his profession many years before receiving a medical degree; he attended Rush Medical College one session; later, he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. D. Cassell

J. D. Cassell, proprietor Cassell’s Restaurant, Mattoon; was born in Montgomery Co., Penn., A. D. 1827; until he was 17 or 18 years of age, he passed his life upon the farm, deriving his education mostly from the common schools; in 1854, he came West to Jennings Co., Ind., where he remained one year; he then went to Crawfordsville, Ind., and was a student in Wabash College a short time; he next engaged in the merchant tailoring business there for two or three years; leaving Crawfordsville, he next located in South Bend, remaining one year; in the fall of 1859, … Read more

Attaway, Bessie McCulley Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Bessie Attaway, 102, of Baker City, died Oct. 16, 2005, at St. Elizabeth Care Center. Her memorial graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Mount Hope Cemetery. Pastor Lennie Spooner of the First Church of the Nazarene will officiate. Bessie was born on Nov. 7, 1902, at Attica, Ind. She was the fourth of nine children born to James and Stella McCulley. As a young girl she moved with her family to Phoenix, Ariz. She spent most of her childhood and school years there. Bessie met and married her high school sweetheart, Alford … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Burgess

William Burgess, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, Mattoon; was born in North Molton, Devonshire, Eng., Oct. 12, 1827; he emigrated to America in May, 1849; for two years after coming, he followed his trade in Syracuse, N. Y.; he subsequently lived at various points in New York, Cortland, Elmira, Tioga Point, Bath, Corwin, Addison, etc. In the spring of 1855, he returned to England remaining one year. In 1856, he returned to America, stopping for a season in New York; thence to Pennsylvania; thence back to New York. In June, 1857, he went to Canada, remained but a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. B. Benefiel

J. B. Benefiel, proprietor Boss Meat Market, Mattoon; was born in Oaktown, Knox Co., Ind., April 22, 1847; his father was a physician and a man of far more than ordinary ability; J. B. passed his early life in attendance upon school; in 1861, his father came with his family to Mattoon, Ill.; here he entered upon the practice of his profession and succeeded in building up a large and lucrative practice; young Benefiel entered the graded schools of the city, designing to complete the course, preparatory to entering the law department of Michigan University; his father having become involved … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. Alshuler

M. Alshuler, staple and fancy dry goods, Mattoon; was born in Bavaria, Germany, A. D. 1836; his early life was spent in school; having acquired a good education, in February, 1852, he immigrated to America, end first located in Danville, Ill., where he engaged as clerk in a general dry goods store. In 1854, he went to Chicago, and was employed in a jewelry and fancy store, on Lake street; he next located with the firm of Edsall & Co., in Terre Haute, Ind., and remained with that firm seven years; with another firm he remained three years longer, and, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. C. Watson

H. C. Watson, time-keeper and clerk M. M. L & St. L. shops, Mattoon; was born in New Madrid, New Madrid Co., Mo., July 27, 1827; his father was a Scotchman and was one of the early Western pioneers, having come West as early as 1805. Having obtained a good common school education, in 1844, he became a student in Prof. J. B. Anderson’s high school, in New Albany, Ind.; this he attended one year; in 1845, he attended St. Vincent’s College at Cape Girardeau; in 1848, he matriculated in Bethany College, Va., and remained one year; on his return … Read more

Biography of Rev. J. W. Woods, C. P.

Rev. J. W. Woods, C. P. minister, Mattoon; was born in the Territory of Indiana, Feb. 5, 1815. He is the son of Wm. G. and Rachel (Lester) Woods; his father was a farmer and his early boyhood days were spent upon the farm; his education was obtained mainly at Pilot Knob Academy, under the instruction of Prof. D. R. Harris; when 10 years of age, he came with his parents to Clark Co., Ill.; his father settling about four miles east of the present town of Marshall, his house became the resort for most business transactions in that part … Read more