Biographical Sketch of John Knowlton

John Knowlton, a Revolutionary soldier, came to Dublin, from Massachusetts, about 1790, and was the first settler on the old homestead, on road 28. He married Susan Jennings and reared a family of seven children, among whom was Silas, who was twice married, first to Susanna Nutting, and second to Elizabeth Hardy. Only two of his six children ate now living. His son, Asa, married Lydia A., daughter of Luther and Lydia K. Darling, and has two children. He served in Co. A, 14th N. H. Vols., and was honorably discharged. He now resides on the homestead farm.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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