Early Government Dublin NH

On November 16, 1768, a meeting of the inhabitants was convened, with John Goffe, Esq., moderator, at which time a political organization was effected by electing the following officers: Moses Adams, Eli Morse and John Muzzey, assessors; Joseph Greenwood, clerk; Henry Strongman, collector; and Moses Adams, commissioner of assessment. This partial form of government was kept up till 1771, when, it not being considered adequate for all purposes of the town body-politic, a formal charter was required. Under this charter the town was duly organized, as previously stated, and Thomas Morse was chosen moderator; Joseph Greenwood, town clerk; and Henry Strongman, Benjamin Mason and Eli Morse, selectmen. Joseph Greenwood was the first justice of the peace. Among the early merchants were Joseph Abbot, Joseph Hayward, Samuel Hamilton, Jonathan F. Southwick, Davison & Moore, Gershom Twitchell, C. P. Jenkins and Ebenezer Greenwood. The first physician was Dr. Nathan Burnap, who was in town as early as 1776, and lived on lot 12, range 6. The first to graduate from college was Amos Twitchell, who was graduated from Dartmouth in a802. The first mention made of schools occurs in the town records under date of-July, 1773, when the town voted £4 to “keep a woman’s school, to be kept in three parts of the town.” For the following three years they voted £6 per year for school purposes. The first postoffice was established in 1813, with Cyrus Chamberlain, postmaster. The early manufactures, etc., are detailed in connection with the sketch of Harrisville.

The following bequests have been made by different persons, the revenue from which to be used for public uses: Rev. Edward Sprague, for school purposes, $10,000.00, and for the Unitarian Congregational church, $5,000.00; Samuel Appleton, school fund, $1,000.00; Solomon Piper, said church, $1,000.00; Betsey Twitchell, same, $500.00; Jacob Gleason, $1,350 for the same purpose, and $1,350.00, for the poor.

Joshua Stanford died here in 1855 at tice age of 104 years, the oldest person who ever lived in the town.

Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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