Biography of Bethel Field

The ancestors of the Field family, of Chesterfield, were of old Puritan stock, who settled in Taunton, Mass., early in colonial times, where many of their descendants still live. Bethuel, son of Nathaniel Field, of Taunton, married Sally Lincoln, of Norton, Mass., and settled in Chesterfield, in 1819 or ’20. “He was somewhat given to accounts, being a ‘Squire,’ and a prominent man in town matters.” He died in 1847, Mrs. Field surviving him until 1867. Jessie Field, one of their ten children, born November 3, 1811, inherited his mother’s refined sensibilities and his father’s good sense and mental acumen; while Hannah J. Streeter, whom he married in 1838 possessed tact, energy and executive ability. An unfortunate fall, resulting in permanent lameness, blighted Mr. Field’s future prospects, and necessitated his removal from the farm, in 1846, to Factory Village, to engage in a less active occupation, and finally caused his death, in April, 1851, at the early age of thirty-nine years. His wife still lives, and resides at Wilmington, Vt. – This is also the residence of her youngest daughter, Mary E. Field, born October 6, 1845, who married John R. Buell, a worthy young man of business ability, and a native of Wilmington. They have three children, Orrin R., a bright, scholarly lad of thirteen, and Helen M. and Albert J., born in June, 1882 and ’84, respectively. Helen M. Field, born September 3, 1840, married Ransford A. Comstock, of Shelburne Falls, Mass., where they lived until they moved to Rochelle, Illinois, in 1871, their present residence. Their children, born in Massachusetts, are Delbert A. Comstock. now twenty-two, possessing good natural business qualifications, and Percy Field Comstock, born October 29, 1867, who is truly a Field, and inherits his mother’s mental characteristics and literary tastes. Mrs. F. M. Leonard, of Taunton, Mass., Jesse Fields youngest sister, also possesses literary ability, having won quite a reputation as a dramatic and poetical writer. Albert O. Field, born March 15, 1842, has risen unaided, studying the mercantile business, while holding positions of trust, until qualified as a professional expert accountant. This work he followed for some years, until his connection in 1876, with the large clothing firm of Naumburg, Kraus, Lauer & Co., of New York, in which he is now a partner. He is president of the Book-keepers’ and Accountants’ Institute, of the city of New York, and highly respected in social and business circles. In 1865 he married Susie Daniels, of Keene, who survived only a year, and was buried with her infant son, born in January, 1866. In 1868 Mr. Field married Eva H Swan, of Chesterfield Factory, a refined, cultivated, intellectual lady, a graceful writer, and at one time a contributor of poetry and fiction to Boston periodicals. Of five children, they have lost their two sons. Their three interesting daughters give promise of rare mental endowments, Grace, the eldest, being, at thirteen, a good Latin and French scholar. Their pleasant home is at Orange, N.J. Near them lives Mrs. Field’s mother and sister Mrs. Chamberlain, a native of Chesterfield, who lived many years at the Factory Village, is a lady of refinement and excellent ability. Her daughter Eva and Abbie, graduated with high honors from Westbrook seminary, near Portland, Maine, in 1866. Abbie M. Swan married George Morse, a native of Stoddard, N.H. They have one child and are both medical practition at Gloucester, Mass., where they reside. Benjamin Herbert Swan, graduate of Columbia Veterinary college, N. Y., married Sarah, daughter Rodney Fletcher, of Chesterfield Factory, and is at present in Colora May Ella Swan is a successful teacher in the schools of Orange, N, J., when also, Anna P. Chamberlain is a teacher of music.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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