Bristol Vermont – Mercantile Interests

W. H. Miller, dealer in clothing and furnishing goods, began business here in the sale of notions in 1876. In 1885 he went into his present business, taking the store then occupied by W. B. Dunshee. F. I. Ward, millinery, fancy goods, etc., began business in the O’Neil block in 1873, and removed to his present location in 1875, which was then built by Drake Farr, & Co.

E. S. & S. D. Farr, stoves and hardware, began business in 1878, succeeding the old firm of Drake, Farr & Co. who built the the block.

J. J. Dumas, dealer in sash, doors and blinds, etc., began business in 1881.

Ridley & Varney are undertakers. In 1876 M. P. Varney began the business and J. J. Ridley became a partner in 1882.

Bush & Patterson, dealers in groceries and provisions, crockery, notions, etc., became a firm in 1878, Edward B. Patterson buying the interest of H. C. Barnes, C. P. Bush’s partner. About two years the former partnership had existed where William E. Dunshee now is. The block they now occupy was built by Mr. Patterson in 1878.

W. E. Dunshee, who began his mercantile career here in 1856, deals in groceries and provisions, though he formerly kept a general store.

F. W. Nash began the boot and shoe business in the spring of 1884, as successor to M. S. Wilds, who had carried on the business over thirty years, and who built the block. Mr. Nash also carries on the dry goods and fancy goods trade in the same block, in which he succeeded G. P. Phalen in 1884.

N. F. Dunshee began the dry goods business in W. E. Dunshee’s block in 1883. In company with Willis Peak he formerly carried on the same business where W. H. Miller now is.

C. S. Bristol, jewelry and boots and shoes, began business in 1872 upon the opposite side of the street from his present location, to which he moved in 1873.

E. C. Dike, hardware, stoves, tinware, etc., began business here in 1869 as Dike, Bixby & Co.; he became sole proprietor in 1880.

S. W. Hatch, undertaking, furniture and carpets, began business in 1870.

C. P. Abernethy, grocery and market, began at his present location in 1884.

D. M. Strong, grocery and market, began business in his present store in 1883.

Dr. D. A. Bisbee, proprietor of the “Village Drug Store,” bought out Hiram Shattuck in 1880, who had been in the business here a number of years.

Dr. E. M. Kent, drugs and medicines, began business in 1872.

Peter H. Lander & Co., cigar-makers and dealers, in business here since October, 1884, employ twenty hands.

C.E. Smith carries on the photograph gallery, and sells picture frames.

J. Miller is a merchant tailor.

M.W., P.P. and J.S. Wilson established the Bristol Herald in May, 1879, under the firm name of Wilson Brothers. The paper is an eight column Republican sheet. They also do job printing.

The Bristol House was bought by Abram Gaige, father to T. B. Gaige, and rebuilt by him about 1820. He continued in the hotel business here until about 1834 or 1835, when he was succeeded by his son, D. R. Gaige, and Luman Munson. Among those who have acted as its landlord may be mentioned Samuel Eddy, William Rutherford, Ransom Taft, Partch & Post, and David Brown, the latter of whom sold to the present proprietor, J. J. Ridley, in February, 1871.


Smith, H. P. History of Addison County Vermont: With Illustrations And Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men And Pioneers. Syracuse, N.Y.: D. Mason & co., 1886.

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