Herbert Genealogical Notes

Many years ago my dear Mother 1) planned a history and genealogy of the Herbert family in America. After expending a great deal of effort and a considerable amount of time and money, she accumulated a certain amount of data, a lot of it just scattered information with no apparent relationship.

She had circulars printed and forms that could be filled out with the least possible effort giving names, and dates if possible, of father, grandfather, and son as far back as one could go. As comparatively few answers came in, she gave up the ambitious idea of so comprehensive work and decided to concentrate on a history of the New Jersey Herberts. However, illness and death put an end to all this.

That the result of so much energy should not be wasted, I offer it with some additional information that I have gathered from time to time in spasmodic attempts to continue her work. Every effort has been made to present facts as accurately as possible. Assumptions and traditions will be so indicated.

To begin at the beginning, the first authentic ancestor of what is now known as the Herbert family emerges from the mists of south Wales as one Thomas ap Guilym ap Jenkins, which of course, means that his father was William and his grandfather was Jenkins, but that is all the we know about him. His chief claim to distinction seams to be as the father of his fifth son.

Sir William Thomas of Raglan

Sir William Thomas of Raglan. Some carry the line bask to Henry I, and another, just bursting with enthusiasm and imagination, has stretched the line thinner and thinner until it reaches Charlemagne. Why he stopped there do not know, when he might have carried back to Adam, like some of the Irish end Scotch pedigrees. In support of either pedigree, a well-informed and most reliable authority states that, “no authentic documentary proof known to exist”. 2

Sir William ap Thomas of Raglan (fifth son of Thomas ap Gwilim ap Jenkin) was the real founder of the family, and a very, satisfactory from all accounts. As a fifth son he could not have inherited much more than blessing. He must have been what we would call a self-made man. However, the Welsh called him Margoah Gles or Ghumri, whatever that may mean, and he cut quite a figure in the traditions of south Wales. He was knighted by King Henry VI in 1426 and acquired a considerable estate in the lovely shire of Monmouth. His wife was Gladys, daughter of Sir David Gam, Kt., and they had several sons, two of whom were even more renowned than their father. He lies buried in the old Priory church at Abergavenny (pronounced Ab’er-gen’i) in Monmouthshire.

Sir William, known to the Welsh as Gwilim Dhu meaning “Black Will,” was made Baron Herbert of Chepstow and Gower, given large estates in Glamorganshire, and made Earl Of Pembroke in 1468. The next year, however, he was beheaded after a Laneastrian victory, by order of the Duke of Clarence and Warwick the Kingmaker, who, it is said, had a private grudge against Pembroke. His brother Sir Richard Herbert of Coldbrook, who was executed at the some time was quite renowned. They were two of the boldest and most powerful supporters of the House of York (the White Rose.)

Sir Richard, according to his great great grandson Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury, was a head taller than any ether man in the army; also, “he was that incomparable here who twice passed through a great army of northern men alone, with his pole-ax in his hand and returned without any mortal hurt, which is more then famed of Amadis de Gaul, or the Knight of the Sun”. Probably the army ceased to crowd him after the first hundred casualties. Lord Cherbury in autobiography, gives a detailed account of a number of interesting exploits of these mighty brothers. Pembroke was buried in Tintern Abbey and Richard of Coldbrook in the Priory Church at Abergavenny.

An important item of interest about these two brothers is the fact that they were the first of the race to use Herbert as a surname. Heretofore, the family or clan had been ap this, that, or the other, such as Gwilim ap Jenkin, otherwise Herbert, which was the English designation of their clan. Edward IV commanded them to adopt Herbert as their hereditary surname and abandon the Welsh custom of patronymics. Edward, being English was probably bored with all this “ap” business. Therefore, supposedly, most Herberts, in one way or another, should be descended from these two famous brothers.

Mr. G. T. Clark, in his Genealogies of Morgan and Glamorganshire”, gives some twenty-four Herbert pedigrees. The Pembroke line (second creation) is not the oldest although possibly the most glamorous.

Lord Cherbury, 3 is speaking of his brother, known as “Holy George Herbert,” informs us that he was practically a saint, except for “passion and choler which is an infirmity of our race.” This infirmity has come down through the ages and one cannot help feeling relieved that pole-axes are out of fashion. Another infirmity is great frankness of speech to those in authority when their opinion is sought, and often when it is not. A difficult brood to overawe. A number of instances could be cited in which this propensity has greatly interfered with their success. Herberts are represented in the peerage by the Earls of Pembroke and Montgomery, of Carnarvon, and of Powis, and numerous branches in the landed gentry; really more of a clan then a family.

The line entitled to be the head of the family was that of Herbert of Muskross or (Muckrus) in Ireland, descended from “The incomparable here,” sir Richard of Coldbrook. That beautiful domain, about 60,000 acres, which included Muskross Abbey, one of the Lakes of Killarney and part of another, is no longer in the family. The late Henry Arthur Herbert of Muskross, joined by his son, broke the entail and sold the estate. Both his father and grandfather refused titles, considering it a greater honor to be Herbert of Muckross than first Lord Somebody. This beautiful estate was not acquired by conquest under Cromwell, but by inheritance and from the MacCarthy Mor, no less. It was for this reason that when the Irish patriot, O’Connel, the “Liberator,” proposed the confiscation of the landlord’s estate, Herbert of Muckross was to be allowed to keep his, although a Protestant, while Lord Kemmare, his neighbor and a Roman Catholic, was to lose his property. Herbert of Muckross was also hereditary Abet of Inniafallen! A beautiful name and tradition relates that one of his ancestors thrashed a priest at the alter for being late to celebrate mass.

Great pride of race is another attribute (or perhaps another infirmity?) of the Herbert family on both sides of the Atlantic, often breaking out with intensity in unexpected places.

Having a personal interest in the Herberts of New Jersey, and many other families of that name will be but lightly touched upon. This is not from any lack of interest but from lack of knowledge.

However, while we are so near the subject of Muckross it might be as well to point out that the Herberts of Alexandria, Virginia, are descended from this branch of the family. The late general James W. Herbert, C. S. A. of Baltimore belonged to this line.

In New Jersey we find the well-known three brothers tradition but, to date, have been unable to substantiate it. As a matter of authentic record were four Herberts in Monmouth County at a very early date. Walter and Henry of Shrewsbury were brothers, expressly so designated in a deed. Francis and Thomas of Middletown, presumed to be brothers, but what relation they were to the Shrewsbury Herberts, if any, I have not yet discovered. The names Thomas and Francis do not appear in the Walter-Henry lines neither is there a Walter or Henry in the Thomas-Francis lines.

First Herberts of New Jersey

The first Herbert to appear in the records of New Jersey thus far discovered (1927) was one Bridget Herbert, a widow, living in Middletown, Monmouth County. The old Town Book of Middletown has the following entry:

1673, November 8th. “Bridget Herbert and Edward Smith came this day: declaring their consent: to have this following putt to record March 25, 1671 Articles of agreement made between Edward Smith of the one party: and Bridgett Herbert of the other a(s) followeth: both of them Inhabitants of Middletown: which is to say that the said Edw doth lett unto the said Bridgett a purchase share of land with all the privileges thereunto belonging for the space of five years after the date hereof: it is further agreed upon that for the use of the house: the said Bridgett is to pay twelve pence a year: It is agreed upon that when the five years above said is expired: that the lott is to he left in good sufficient fence as shall bee Judged of: and like wise the orchard is to bee fenced in: and what fencing is made abroad is to remaine: it is further agreed upon: that the said Bridgett is to make a chimney to the dwelling house: and likewise a floore to the loft it is further agreed upon that what out buildings the sayd Bridgett shall build: that shee bee paid according to valuation to wch agreement both parties have hereunto sett their hands the day and year above written.

James Dorsett
Edward Smith
Thos. T Cockes
Bridgett Hearbertt
Signum tails”
See J. H. Stillwell’s Historical and Genealogical Miscellany, Vol 2, p. 178.
It was probably at this same date or thereabouts, that she had earmarks for cattle recorded:
“Widdow Harbertt or her sons Thomas Herbert” (Ibid. p. 54)

No further record of her, but Dr. Stillwell believes that she m. William Bowne of Middletown, N. J. as he and wife Bridget sign deeds 1704, 1705, 1709. (Ibid~. vol. 5, p. 42). It was a most unusual name in East Jersey at that time, and she seems to have been the only one in Middletown who had it, unless she had a daughter Bridget, which seams not unlikely. The Herberts always considered the Bownes were relatives, and this is the only obvious connection yet encountered.
Whence did she come?

What was her husband’s first name?
When the above lease expired in 1676, both Thomas Herbert and Francis claimed rights of land under the Grants and Concessions.

Herbert in New Jersey

The first Herbert to appear in New Jersey, of whom we have found any record thus far (1927), is Bridget Herbert, widow, and inhabitant of Middletown, Monmouth County rented a house of one Edward Smith, also of Middletown, Mar. 25, 1671. This was put on record in the old Town book. Nov. 8, 1675. She also had earmarks for her sons cattle recorded in the Town Book about this time. See J. H. Stillwell’s Historical and Genealogical Miscellany, v.2, pp. 54, 178.

“Widdow harbertt or her sons Thomas Herbert”
We have found no further record of her, but Dr. Stillwell believes that she married William Bown of Middletown, as he and wife Bridget (a most unusual name in those and this place and I believe the only one in Middletown), sign deeds 1704, 1705, 1709. (Ibid. v. 3, p. 42). Of course, she might have had a daughter Bridget who m. William Bovine. The Herberts always considered the Bownes were relatives, and this is the only obvious connection yet encountered.

Whence did she come? and what was her husband’s first name? probably Thomas, because both her sons, Thomas and Francis named their eldest sons Thomas, and Thomas had no son Francis.

We know that Thomas Herbert of Middletown was Bridget’s son and assume that Francis was her son also, because he named a daughter Bridget – a fact not to be lightly ignored.

1676, which, by the way, was the year that the lease would expire, both Thomas and Francis Herbert claimed rights of land under the Grants and Concessions. Thomas patented 152 acres and 240 a. – 572 in all; and Francis claimed 120 a. They both acquired more land later. Saltar’s Hist. of Monmouth and Ocean Cos., p. 30.

Under those Grants and Concessions, each settler was entitled to 120 acres for himself and the same amount for each adult member of his family.

Was Thomas married when he claimed 372 acres? or was it in right of himself, his mother, and his sister Susanna?

Children of ____________________and Bridget Herbert:

Thomas Herbert of Middletown, d. Dec. 4, 1721; w. Mary.
Francis Herbert of Middletown, d. 1719; m. Hannah Applegate.
Susanna Herbert, d. March 16, 1682.

Bridget Herbert of Middletown

The first of the name that we have found in the records, thus far (1939), was a widow, one Bridget Herbert, already a resident. The old Town Book of Middletown has the following Entry:

November 8th 1673
“Bridget Herbert and Edward Smith came this days declaring their consent: to have this following putt to record Marsh, 25, 1671 Articles of agree­ment made between Edward Smith of the one party: and Bridget Herbert of the other party a (s) followeth: both of them inhabitants of Middle­town: which is to say that the said Edw doth lett unto the said Bridget a purchase share of land with all the privileges thereunto belonging for the space of five years after the date hereof: it is further agreed upon that for the use of the house the said Bridgett is to pay twelve pence a year: it is agreed upon that when the five years above said is expired: That the lott is be bee left in good sufficient fence as shall bee judged of: and likewise the orchard is to bee fenced in: and whatt fencing is made abroad is to remaine: it is further agreed upon: that the said Bridgett is to make a chimney to the dwelling houses and likewise a floore to the loft it is fur­ther agreed upon that what out buildings the sayd Bridgett shall build: that shee bee paid according to valuation to wch agreement both parties have hereunto sett their bands the day and year above written.”

James Dorsett
Edward Smith
Thos: To Cockes Bridgett Hearbertt
Signua talis

All of these parties of the first and second part and the witnesses were inhabitants of Middletown. James Dorset came from Bermuda, Edward Smith from Rhode Island and Thomas Cocke or Cox, from Long Island. Whence came “Bridgett Hearbertt” and when did she do it? What was her husbands first name? I think that we can safely assume that he was dead at this time because in the old Town Book’s records of ear marks few cattle appears, “Widdow Harbertt or her sons Thomas Herbert.” The foregoing records may be found in the late Dr. J. E. Stillwell’s Historical and Genealogical Miscellany, magnificent work in five volumes, chiefly about Monmouth records and families. Each volume is very fully and accurately indexed by his friend and collaborator, Dr. Harrison KcNear, who has brought out a memorial volume, Unrecorded and Inventories of Monmouth County. This whole set is as fine a piece of work as the harassed and exasperated genealogist could hope to find, and will be referred to again and again. The two records quoted above may be found in Vol. II. pp. 154, 178. This chapter is a complete copy of the first Town Book of old Middletown.

We know that Thomas was Bridget’ a son from the above record and the supposition that Francis was also her son is based on the fact that he named a daughter Bridget. This was a most unusual name at that time, so the inference seems reasonable.

When Bridget rented Edward Smith’s house, her sons were probably minors, coming of age in 1676 and 1677, when they started taking up land under Grants and Concessions, the quit rents in both cases were to start from 1670. Thomas was probably the elder as he buys land first.

In the History of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, by Edwin Salter, page 28, “It will be seen that under the “Grants and Concessions” the men named in the Monmouth Patent were allowed 500 acres; then each man and wife 120 acres each: then allowances for children and also for servants.

“The names of most of the early settlers of Mon­mouth are given in Proprietors’ Records of the Perth Amboy, but in a majority of cases, the year, is not given when they came. Very many to whom warrants for land were issued in 1676 and subsequently had been settlers for a number of years previous.”

The Herberts were not patentees of Middletown but in 1676 among these claiming Rights of Land under Grants and Concessions,­ “Francis Herbert, 120 acres Thomas, (132 and 240) 372 acres. (Ibid. p. 30) This was the year in which the five year lease of Edward Smith’s house expired. Francis was evidently on his own and unmarried. Thomas, however, was claiming Rights of Land for several people. Probably for himself, his mother Bridget, sister Susanna, or he may have been taking up his father’s patent as eldest son and heir. I rather doubt his being married at that time because when he sells land at a later date he signs alone. Of course, the 1ady may have had a chance to die in the meantime.

After getting earmarks for her son Thomas’s cattle, Bridgett Hearbert, Herbert, or Harbert, disappears from the records. However, Dr. Stillwell is inclined to believe that she may have married William Bowne of Middletown (son of Gershom), as he and wife Bridget sign deeds in 1704, ‘05, ‘09. (Hist. & Gen. Misc. Vol. III p. 42.) The name was so unusual at that time and place, the supposition seems plausible and would account for the persistent belief in the

Herbert family (not that I have wash faith in tradition) that the Bownes were related to them. I should think this might be verified, if the old Town Book of Middletown should ever reappear, by comparing her signature to the lease and that of Bridget Bowne to the above-mentioned deeds.

So many records have been lost, strayed, stolen, burned, that it is not surprising family history material is meager and uncertain in spots.

“Att a Council held att Amboy Perth In East New Jersey the Twelfth day of April 1686……” “The secretary, James Emett, gave this board an account that in the Dreadful fire which happened in his houses upon Satterday last the original Concession of Lord Barcley and Sr George Carterett amongst severall other writeings books and paper was there burnt end consumed.” (See Record of the Governor of East New Jersey, p. 126).

Many deeds, wills, etc., were not recorded at all. Roads were bad in these days and the distance to Perth Amboy or Trenton long and difficult. They were put away until a convenient time. A great number were not recorded until years. after the were made and many others not at all. Family Bibles were apt to be left to the daughters,- and than lost track of – through the change of name.

Starting with the Middletown Herbert’s, to the best of my present knowledge and belief, the record stands as follows:

1. _________Herbert and Bridget_____________?
Came from somewhere at sometime and settled in Middletown, N.J. before march 25, 1671, and three (?) children. Thomas must have died before that date and there is no further record of his activities. Also there is the possibility that Bridget was a widow when she arrived.
2. Thomas Herbert at Middletown.
3. Francis Herbert at Middletown.
4. Susanna Herbert at Middletown

2. Thomas Herbert of Middletown, as has been stated, took up 272 acres under Grants and Concessions” in 1676. On June 4, 1777, there is recorded a “Patent to Thomas Herbert of Middletown for land there, vizt., 1, a tract of 120 acres on Horse Neck, N. of Navesink River; 2. three a. of meadow W. of Thomas Merefoot; 3. eight a. of meadow at Sholde Harbor N. of Thomas Morford.” (See N. J. Archives First series, vo1, XXI, p. 26.) This tract he later sold to Robert Hamilton, (Ibid. p. 296.) This was subject to quit rents from Mar. 35, 1670.

1688, May 10, Patent to Thomas Harbur at Middletown for 140 acres there; S. E. Benjamin Devell, S. John Job, S. W. Ashtone, W. unsurveyed land and James Grover, N .E. James Ashtone, Richard Davis, John Jobs and the Bay. (Ibid. p. 140.) d. 1690, May 6. Deed from Themes Herbert to John Throckmorton, both Middletown, a portion of land bought of Stephen Arnold of Rhode Island. (Ibid. p. 177.) 1698. Nov. 11. He was made overseer to the poor according to the Old Town Book Of Middletown. See Stillwe1l’s Hist. & Gen, Misc. V. 2, p. 189.

In 1685 he owed 10s. quit rents, according to Gawin Lewries account (Ibid. p. 419. ) No excuses offered.

Both he and his brother Francis seem to have been “conscientious objectors” to paying quit-rents. In fact, most of the inhabitants of Middletown were, and there is much to be said on their side. From all accounts a great deal was said, and done, at the time and in a very turbulent manner. However, the Herberts seem to have taken things with aristocratic calm. I have been unable to find a record of any one of them being put in “jail” or even fined for rioting. They simply ignored quit rents.

Thomas Herbert died Dec. 4, 1721. No will on record.

Thomas Herbert of Middletown – Children

5. Thomas Herbert b. Oct. 27, 1694 d. Aug 18, 1735 and thats all I know about him.
6. Mary Herbert   b. Jan. 30, 1695 or 6 or 7; The same re­mark applies to her. Very likely she married and left home taking the family Bible with her!
7. Richard Herbert b, Jan. 22, 1697 or 8; I have no record of his death, but he m. Martha (Dorset) Carmen, widow of John Carmen and dau, of Joseph Dorset, marriage license, June 2, 1742. They were ancestors of the Brooklyn Herberts, an interesting line which will be taken up next. Having started with Jonathan’s notebook, it might be as well to go on with it, although it is the line of the youngest son.

18. Richard m. Mary, dau. of James Dorsett and Ann Pew; went to Brooklyn with his family soon after the Revolutionary War
19. James m. Mary dau. of Peter Vandeventer (m. 1. Oct.16, 1767 John Collins, bondsman)
20. Thomas (of whom I here am further record.)
21. Mary Herbert m. George Poole. (April 10,1760 a mar. lic. Was issued at Trenton to George Poole of Middletown Monmouth Co. and Mary Herbert of Middletown, spinster.  Richard Herbert of Middletown gives his consent that his dau. Mary Herbert shall wed George Poole, 4 April 1760.  Signed Richard Herbert Martha Herbert.)

8. Jonathan Herbert b. Nov.1699; No further trace.
9. Daniel Herbert b. April 3, 1701. No record of his death or when he mar. or his wife’s last name, just Daniel and Susannah’s children24. “Mary born Jan. 6th, 1731.

25. “Thomas born July 9th, 1734.
26. “Annie born. Oct. 21st, 1733.
27. “Jonathan born Oct. 19th. 1739.”

This Daniel (9), I believe to be (finding no trace at any other) the Daniel Herbert of Middletown, yeoman, who made his will Aug. 7, 1747. He must have bean ill at the time as it was proved the following month, Sept. 23, sane year. He was survived by two minor children, Jonathan and Mary; also by a second wife Amy, dau. of Safety Borden of Bordentown and a grandau. of Safety Borden. Susannah must have died sometime between October 19, 1739, when Jonathan was born, and October 2, 1745, when he obtained a marriage license for himself and Amy Magee, widow. James Herbert of Middlesex signed the bond. There were no children by the second marriage. Daniel mentions, also, his mother Mary Cooper, a widow, and a brother David Herbert. Having seen no previous signs of David, he is somewhat of a surprise. The foregoing facts may also be found in Dr. Stillwell’s Hist. & Gen, Misc. vol. 3. p. 272.

This is not a copy of a Bible record, but of notes scattered through an account book which apparently belonged to Jonathan Herbert of Middletown, a grandson of Thomas, and probably the one who made the earlier entries. The copy was made by Mr. Herbert D. Lloyd, Feb. 13, 1893, and he furnished my mother with a copy. The book was then in the possession of Mr. W. J. Corlies, at Red Bank.

Francis Herbert’s of Middletown – Children

10. Thomas Herbert, Sr., of Upper Freehold, m. Elizabeth _______and had Thomas Herbert, Jr. (presumably).
Joseph Herbert, of Bordentown, b. Oct. 22, 1736, m. Amy Lawrence.
Richard Herbert, of Upper Freehold, m. Deborah Lawrence, May 2, 1752. Probably other children.
11. Francis Herbert
12. Samuel Herbert
13. Obadiah Herbert, of Perth Amboy, m. Hannah Lawrence, about 1730; numerous children.
14. Elizabeth Herbert.
15. Bridget Herbert, m. Thomas Lloyd of Perth Amboy.
15. Mary Herbert.

Have just discovered the following:
1677- June 4. Patent. Gove Carteret to Thomas Harbor of Middletown for land there, subject to quit-rent of 1/2 penny for each acre, said rent to begin 25 March 1670. (Liber. No 1, of East Jersey Patents, p. 168).

1677 – Juno 20. Same to Francis Harbor of Middletown, yeoman, also subject to same quit-rent from 1670. (Ibid. p. 171)

From this it would seem probable that Bridget’s husband bought land in Middletown in 1670, died soon afterwards, leaving minor children and she rented the house until they came of age?

Will of John Applegate of Oyster Bay, Long Island

John Applegate of Oyster Bay, L. I. made his will Jan. 12, 1687, mentioning his brother, Daniel Applegate, eldest sister Hannah Applegate, youngest sister Mary. May 12, 1688, Daniel Applegate, who had been left executor, obtained a release from his two sisters. Francis Herbert of Middletown signing for “his wife Hannah who was Hannah Applegate.” At this time Daniel Applegate was “of Shroesbury” Monmouth Co., where he had previously married Rebecca Tilton. His two sisters probably came with him to New Jersey, or followed soon after their brother John’s death.

The next thing that Francis did, of which we have any record was to make his will. It was made Sept. 13, 1719 and recorded at Trenton, November 25th the same year. He was “very sick and weak in body but of sound mind,” etc. In fact, he was too ill to sign his name, but made his mark. It was witnessed by James Cox, William Cheesman, Joseph Patterson, William Lawrence, Junior.

John Barclay, Surrogate

See Liber A of Wills, p. 146. also N.J. Archives 1st, ser. Vol.25 p. 223, also, Unrecorded Wills of Monmouth Co. Harrison McNear. P. 93. His property was to be divided into four equal parts, one each of his four sons. Thomas, the eldest, was to have that share including the “dwelling house where he now lives.” His “loving wife Hannah” and son Francis were made executors. One acre of land was to be kept as a burial ground for his family. I have heard it stated vary positively that a certain man who owned the place in the last century, ploughed up the little family cemetery and used the headstones to pave his cellar. This, however, was difficult to prows or disprove.

Frederick Davis Herbert

Frederick Davis Herbert, engineer and manufacturer, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., October 16, 1873, son of Wilbur Fisk and Charlotte Amelia (Weekes) Herbert. The family was established in America by Thomas Herbert, a native of England, who was granted a patent for 500 acres of land in Rappahannock County, Va., in 1663. His wife, Bridget, came with him from England, and from them the descent is through their son Thomas and his wife Mary (Davis) Herbert; Richard and Martha (Dorset) Herbert; Richard and Mary (Dorset) Herbert; Joseph and Frances (Hand) Herbert, and Isaac and Emeline (Rushmore) Herbert, the grandparents of Frederick D. Herbert. His great-grandfather organized and was colonel of a Brooklyn regiment in the War of 1812. His father was for many years secretary-treasurer of the Providence & Stonington Steamship Co. in New York City. The son attended Adelphi Academy and was graduated M. E. at Cornell University in 1897. His first professional employment was with the Harland & Hollingsworth Shipyard, Wilmington, Del., where he remained until 1900.

Returning to New York, he served as editor of the magazine “Marine Engineering” during 1900—05. He was associated with the Allis-Chalmers Co. during 1905-07 and since the latter year has been connected with the Terry Steam Turbine Co. of Hartford, Conn., as, successively, manager, general sales manager and manager of the marine department. The Terry Steam Turbine Co., a $10,000,000 corporation, is one of the foremost manufacturers of steam turbines for both merchant and naval ships. As the head of its marine department Mr. Herbert has been connected with the development of an extensive line of turbine auxiliary machinery. He has also been associated with the Kearfott Engineering Co., Inc., of New York City, since 1918. This company was organized in 1916 by William D. Kearfott to contract for marine machinery and equipment, but on his death Mr. Herbert book over the control of the company. Under this management it has specialized in metal air­ports, window frames and bronze casements for ships and has become preeminent in its field. Window detail in marine architecture had been practically overlooked until 1926 when the Kearfott Engineering Co. began to manufacture deck house windows and casements of all metal construction, chiefly stainless steel and bronze, and of unique, attractive design, and every new American ship and large private yacht built since the origin of the Kearfott window has been equipped with that product. Its superiority received foreign acknowledgment in a contract awarded to the company to construct the winter garden windows, made of stainless steel, on the promenade deck of the French passenger liner “Normandie”, the largest ship afloat, which was completed in 1935. For many years one division of the company has specialized in piston rings on marine engines of steamships and has furnished patent piston rings to a majority of U. S. ships. Another line of highly specialized activity has been the development of radio direction compasses as an aid to the navigation of vessels and airplanes. In recent years two types of instruments have been perfected and put in successful operation.

Mr. Herbert has written various papers on marine engineering, including ‘Robert Fulton’s Original Drawings,” read before the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineer in 1934, and the ‘Application of Small Steam Turbines,” read before the same society in 1915. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, American society of Naval Engineers, Montclair Society of Engineers (president, 1935), National Council of American Shipbuilders, national Association of Manufacturers, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, the Sigma Chi fraternity and the Engineers and Railway-Machinery clubs, India House and Cornell Club of New York City. In religion he is a Congregationalist. His recreations are farming, tennis, swimming and horseback riding.

He was married at St. Cloud, Minn., Sept. 16, 1905, to Jane Whittlesey, daughter of William Bell Mitchell, an editor of that city, and they have six children: Emily Whittlesey, wife of William Almon Stopford; Charlotte Weekes, wife of Philip LeMereier duQuesnay; Frederick Davis, Jr., John Mitchell, Sidney Pembroke, and Wilbur Fisk Herbert.

Children of Frederick Davis Herbert

Emily Whittlesey, m. William Almon Stopford, Emily and William were married at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. George C. Vincent
William Almon Stopford
Frederick Davis Jr., m. Evelyn Makepeace Miles, Frederick and Evelyn were married at the residence of brides parents, by Rev. Rufus Wickers
Evelyn Makepeace Miles
John Mitchell, m. Ruby Doris Petterson, John and Doris were married at the city Clerk’s office in Reno
Ruby Doris Petterson
Sidney Pembroke
Wilbur Fisk, 3rd

Grandchildren of Frederick D. and Jane W. Herbert

Because these people are probably still living, I will only list their names.
Jane Whittlesey duQuesnay – daughter of Charlotte and Philip
Peter Miles Herbert – son of Fred D. Jr. and Evelyn
Katherine LeMercier duQuesnay – daughter of Charlotte and Philip
Carolyn Pearson Herbert – daughter of Doris and John
Evelyn Makepeace Herbert – daughter of Fred D. Jr. and Evelyn

Wilbur Fisk Herbert

Wilbur Fisk Herbert (86), my Father, had to start working on the death of his lather at the age of nine. However, when he was seventeen years old he was in business for himself as a money broker. At that time the various states of the union had each its own state currency or bills, issued under varying conditions, and selling at discounts which varied from day to day. This required alertness and intimate touch with many markets. He established connections in many states and did a large business. It was at that time he met the late Walter S. Carter, Atty at Law, at Milwaukee, Wis. As you know, Mr. and Mrs. Carter came later to our home, 164 Lefferts Place, while Mr. Carter arranged the transfer of his business to New York. His firm became the well-known Carter, Hughes and Dwight, after some changes.

My recollection is that Father and Mother lived on Ryerson Street, Brooklyn, for a few years (where I was born) then moved to 164 Lefferts Place*, where I began to get some impressions of the family, among the first of which is Father’s frequent trips to Chicago. Following the money brokerage business, he organized the firm of W. F. Herbert & Co., members (I believe) of the New York Stock Exchange. He opened the first New York Stock Exchange office in Chicago, did a good business at 94 La Salle Street, but was burned out “lock, stock and barrel” by the Great Fire of 1871. There were no safe deposit vaults. I everything was put in the safe which they couldn’t find after the fire. (I am not clear as to what happened for a few years after that and the rest I believe you know.)

While the Chicago office was open, Father made many trips to that city, before the days of sleeping cars and steam-heated train. He would wrap himself in a camels hair travelers shawl and sleep in an upright position with his feet on the seat in front for four or five nights on the way in cold weather. Not once did he fail to write me a letter from Chicago on these trips. He described in detail a flock of pigeons near a window of his office which created an interest in that particular bird. This resulted later in a good flock of carrier pigeons of my own at home.

I remember distinctly that W.F. Herbert and Co., in addition to their N.Y. Office, opened a branch in Paris and planned to have one in Berlin, in anticipation of which a German teacher came each week to our home (Lefferts Place) for many months and taught us the language, so that we were able to read end write German. At that time all conversation at the table, was carried on in German. So far as I can recall this project was abandoned. This must have been in about 1871; perhaps earlier by a year or two.

Children of Wilbur Fist Herbert and Charlotte Amelia Weeks

Wilbur Fisk, Jr. b. Mon., Nov. 16, 1863, 43 Ryerson St.
Brooklyn, N.Y., M. Oct. 8, 1890
Helen Louise Copley, Antwerp, N.Y., Wilbur and Helen were married by Rev. J. A. Canfield, at residence of bride’s parents.
Helen Louise Copley, b. Jan. 7, 1866, Chaumont, N.Y.
Grace Weeks, b. Mon. May 10, 1869, Hunter Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. M. Oct. 14, 1891, Neil MacDonald, Brooklyn, N.Y. Grace and Neil were married by Rev. Timothy P. Frost, at residence of bride’s parents 170 Lefferts Pl.
Frederick Davis, Thru. 10 a.m., Sep. 16, 1873, Brooklyn, N.Y. m. Sep. 16, 1903, Jane Whittlesey Mitchell, St. Cloud, Minn. Federick and Jane were married by Rev. E. V. Campbell at residence of bride’s parents.
Jane Whittlesey Mitchell, b. Dec. 13, 1880, St. Cloud, Minn. Jane is the daughter of William Bell Mitchell and Emily Whittlesey

Johnathan Herbert

When we come to Jonathan, however, the record leaves nothing to be desired. 27. “Jonathan Herbert borne Oct. 19th, 1739 was married to Elizabeth Corlies, Jan. 11, 1761. She was born April 8th, 1740.” (She was the dau. of Jacob Corlies and Sarah White. See the Shrewsbury, N.J. Quaker Records, in Dr. Stillwell’s Hist. & Gen. Misc. Vol. I, pp. 282, 344.)

Children of Jonathan and Elizabeth Herbert

51. Daniel born Aug. 12th, 1762
52. Jacob born July 25th, 1764
53. Jonathan born Oct. 31st, 1769
54. Elizabeth born July 2nd, 1774
55. Susannah born April 1st, 1776
Jonathan Herbert died March 7th, 1777. Elizabeth his wife, April 5th, 1777.”
The will of Jonathan Herbert, of Middletown, Monmouth Co., N.J. is recorded at Trenton. Liber 25 of Wills, p. 11. It is dated March 4, 1777 but not proved until Aug. 3, 1783. Leaves sons: Daniel, a watch and $100: Jacob, a desk and $100; Dau. Elizabeth, a chest of drawers; Susanna, a large silver spoon, 6 teaspoons, 2 large pewter platters, and a pair of silver buckles that were her mother’s. Executors: loving brother Benjamin Corlies, and friend Esek Hartshorne. To return to record of deaths, it continues as fellows:
“Daniel died Marsh 14th, 1777.
Jacob, 52, died Nov. 19th 1825
Jonathan died Oct. 31, 1771
Susannah died Sept. 9th 1793
Elizabeth died Aug. 20th, 1805
52. “Jacob Herbert married Deborah White March 24th, 1792 she was born Marsh 24th, 1775. Scott Herbert born Sept. 54th, 1794

Miscellaneous Pages

Some of the information on the following pages is repeated from the original pages, with just a little bit more information added. I have included this even though it is repetitious. I am not a Herbert Researcher and did not want to omit a possible clue to your allusive ancestor.

Listed June 1940 Additions and corrections, Birthdays have been removed

William C. Poirier, June 7, 1941, Wedding Anniversary
Stephen Edward Goggin
John Mitchell Herbert, Jr.
Joseph E. Herzog, June 8, 1940, Wedding Anniversary
John Henry Anderson, 2nd, Feb. 22, 1944, Oct. 15, 1943
David Brookes Goggin
Susan Pembroke Herbert – dau. of 3.P.H
Sidney Pembroke Herbert, Oct. 15, 1943, Oct. 15, 1943
Thomas Miles Herbert son of F.D.H. Jr.
Lynne Annette Anderson
Elizabeth B. Anderson Goggin, July 5, 1940, Wedding Anniversary
James Wil1iam Poirier
Margaret Leslie Poirier
Deborah Schabert
Annette Huser Anderson, Feb. 22, 1944, Wedding Anniversary
Jan Mitchell Anderson
Charlotte L. duQuesnay
Mary Margaret Herzog
Daniel Joseph Herzog
Melissa Whitney Mitchell Herzog, June 8, 1940, Wedding Anniversary
Valerie George Poirier, June 7, 1941, Wedding Anniversary
Frederick Herbert, III
Virginia Voorhees Herbert, Oct.15, 1943, Wedding Anniversary
Richard X. Goggin, July 5, 1940, Wedding Anniversary
Robert Schmitz, Sept. 19, 1946, Wedding Anniversary
Philip L. duQuesnay, Jr.
Wil1iarn Charles Herzog
Ruth M. Anderson Schmitz, Sept. 19, 1946, Wedding Anniversary
Emily Herbert – dau. of John
Isaac Hand Herbert, b. Apr. 9, 1812, Hempstead, L.I. , d. Mar.4, 1846, Brooklyn, N.Y, m. Apr. 30, 1830, Emerline Rushmore
Emerline Rushmore, b. Dec.3, 1814, Huntington, L.I., d. May 25,1896, Westfield, N.J, Greenwood Cemetery
Wilbur Fisk, b. Sep. 17, 1838, Brooklyn, N.Y, d. Aug. 7, 1914, West Milford,N.J., Greenwood Cemetery
George Rushmore, b. Apr. 14. 1899 Brooklyn
Jotham Weeks, b. Oct. 8, 1794, Hempstead, L.I., d. Aug. 1, 1864, Brooklyn, Jan. 13, 1824, m. 1st Maria Walters Washburn
Maria Walters Washburn, b. Jun. 19, 1801, Bethpage, L.I., Oct. 24, 1843, Huntington
Mary S., b. Apr. 23, 1825, d. Dec 16, 1846, m. Brewster Wood, Brooklyn
Martha A., b. Jan. 6, 1827, d. 1848, m. Ezra W. Woolsey,
Sarah E. b. Nov. 15, 1829, d. Aug 21, 1850, m. John S. Jarvis, Brooklyn
Louisa Jane, b. Jun. 17, 1831, d. Nov. 9, 1854, m. William H. Hollis, Brooklyn
Samuel M. b. Nov. 15, 1833, d. Feb. 28, 1856, m. Adeline G. Parker, Brooklyn
Edward Ferris, b. Mar. 20, 1836, d. May 29, 1856, m. Mary E. Losie, Brooklyn
Susan M., b. Jun. 29, 1838, d. Oct. 27, 1858, m. Theo. B. Stout, Brooklyn

The following records scattered through what was apparently a book of accounts belonging to Jonathan Herbert. They were copied by Herbert De Nuyse Lloyd, Feb. 13, 1893. The book at that time was in possession of W. J. Corliss of Red Bank, N. J.

“Thos. Herbert’s children:

Thos, Oct. 27th, 1694
Mary, Jan. 30th, 1695-6
Richard, Jan. 22nd, 1697-8
Jonathan, Nov. 1699
Daniel, April 3rd, 1701

“Daniel and Susannah’s Children:
Mary, Jan. 6th, 1731
Thomas, July 9th, 1734
Annie, Oct. 21st, 1736
Jonathan, Oct. 19th, 1739

“Susannah Herbert, daughter of Bridget Herbert d. March 16th, 1682.
Thomas Herbert died Dec. 4th, 1721.
Thomas Herbert died Aug. 18th, 1735.
Elizabeth Davis died Aug. 14th, 1726

Who was Elizabeth Davis? A sister?  Mother-in-law? Sister-in-law? or what?
“Jonathan Herbert born Oct. 19th, 1729 was married to Elizabeth Corlies Jan. 11,1761. She was born April 8th 1740.

Then follow a list of the children of Jonathan and Elizabeth Herbert, with dates of births and deaths. In fact, the record is complete from Jonathan on down. They all seem to have been short lived.
Jonathan Herbert died March 7th, 1777.
Elizabeth, his wife died April 5th, 1776
His will is recorded in Trenton, Liber 25 of Wills, p. 11.

One of Francis Herbert’s descendants, in sending in his line of ancestry to a genealogical publication, changed the name of Bridget to Deborah! A most unwarranted liberty. Besides being misleading, it is most unethical, that is from a genealogical standpoint. Another false statement is that Francis was the grandson of Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. No proof whatever of this exists, and there is plenty of evidence to disprove it.

At this point it might be as well to offer a few alternatives to ponder, altho the descendants are warned that I have no proof of any connection between those mentioned and our respected and, I hope respectable, forebears. It merely gives us someone else to think about besides Philip, 4th Earl of Pembroke.

In the second volume of Genealogies of Morgan and Glamorganshire, by George T. Clark, the first chapter is devoted to the Herbert family, its origin, history and various branches. It is well worth reading, interesting but no mythology.

Among the numerous lines descended from William Herbert, first Earl of Pembroke, first creation, appears that of Caldecott in Monmouthshire. One Thomas Herbert of Caldecott married Bridget Kemeys, dau. Of Thomas Kemeys of Caldecott. This, however, was in the fifteenth century, a little to early for them to have been the parents of our emigrant ancestors. The name of Bridget appears in this family for several generations. It may be that Bridget and her husband, who settled in Middletown, N. J. were both Herberts. It seems to have been rather a habit in the family to marry more or less remote cousins.

On page 43 of “Old Herbert Papers,” published by the Powis-land Club, 1886, there appears, a letter from T. Littleton “To ye wor’ll and his much honored kinsmen Francis Herbert, Esq.’s, at Bromfield, these present.” Then fellows the letter, which has no bearing on this subject. The name of Bridget occurs in the Littleton Family, as well as other perfectly respectable families. Aside from any desire for accuracy, there seems to be no reason whatever for even Pride changing Bridget’s name to Deborah! The following item may, or may not be, pertinent to our question. Francis Herbert of Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co. in East New Jersey (whose line and problems will be taken up in due course), named one of his sons Littleton, just why has not been accounted for. His mother was not a Littleton, and there was no family of that name in New Jersey at that time or earlier. This Littleton Herbert, it seems knew all about the family and wrote a history of it, which someone borrowed to have published, but it was never returned. The young man who furnished my mother with this information (some time in the early 1800s), knew nothing whatever about the family history, although a nephew or great-nephew of Littleton.

A third offering for mediation may be found in ‘The Thomas Book,’ by Lawrence Buckley Thomas, D.D. pp. 340-343. From this it appears that there was a Francis Herbert of London married to Elizabeth Negoose of Bedford, evidently both alive, in 1613, the date his father signed the pedigree. This Francis was a grandson of Thomas, second son of Sir William Herbert of Troy House, Monmouthshire; and Sir William at Troy House was a brother of Sir Richard Herbert of Ewyas, ancestor of the illustrious Pembroke. Line, second creation. Both of these brothers were entitled to use the bendlet sinister on their coat of arms, a distinction that has been discarded by succeeding generations!

Now, as no Herbert thus far contacted would be willing to carry a mere tinder box, it stands to reason that they were armed with “light flintlock muskets.” A company of light infantry? (Ref. to Captain Joseph Herbert in Stiles Hist. of Brooklyn, Vol. I., pp. 391, 396, 402, 406. In Vol. II. 14, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 112, 114, 277, 705, 886, 888, 890.)

He was of the first subscribers to the Apprentices Library, established in 1825, and made one of the directors at the second meeting of the Board.
The children of Captain Joseph Herbert and his wife Francis Hand:
69. Julia A., b. 1869; married Orrin Swift; had two daus.
70. Sidney: married Margaret Vandeveer and went to California; had a son Vandeveer Herbert.
71. Isaac Herbert, b. April 9, 1812; d. March 4, 1846; Married Emiline Rushmore, dau. of Judge Wm. Rushmore of Brooklyn.
72. William; mar. Elizabeth Hoffman, and died in 1887.
73. Amelia; mar. 1st. Wm. Swift of S. C.; 2nd W. L. Ormsby of N. Y. and moved to Baltimore, Maryland.
74. Isaac Herbert, son of Joseph, (45) was born April 9, 1818, in Brooklyn; married April 30, 1832, Emiline Rushmore; he died March 6, 1846.
Their children were:
84. Charles; died about 1850
85. Maria L.; born Feb. 15, 1836; died Sep., 1881.
86. Wilbur Fisk Herbert, born Sept. 17, 1838.
87. George B. born Jan. 31, 1841.
88. Truman P., born June 3, 1844; died June __ 1845.
89. Isaac H., born Feb 22, 1846.

Records of Deaths

The following record of deaths, same source, is rather interesting:

Susannah Herbert, daughter of Bridget Herbert, died March 16th 1682.
Thomas Herbert died Dec. 4th
Thomas Herbert died Aug.18th 1735 (evidently eldest son)
Elizabeth Davis died Aug.14th 1728 Who, by all that is puzzling, was Elizabeth Davis?
3. Francis Herbert, of Middletown, Monmouth County, New Jersey, yeoman. Place of birth and date unknown. He probably arrived is the colony with him parents or parent, not later than 1670, and was likely a minor at that time. There is no record of his having done any thing startling; bought and sold land and was apparently friendly with his neighbors. Some references to him in Mr. Salter’s book have been given. The following may be found in the New Jersey Archives, First Series, Vol.
1677 June 20. Francis Herbert, of Middletown, Monmouth Co., patented 132 acres of land; bounded S. by Ben. Borden, N. by Wm. Cheesman, E. by a small brook, W, by Ramanessing Brook, also six acres of meadow, formerly Richard Sadler’s, at Sholde Harbor and four acres formerly James Ashton, adjoining John Wilson.”

These four acres he sold to John Wilson soon afterwords. (p, 296)
1680, He and John Slokom made an inventory of the estate of Mary Right, Of Middletown. wid. (Ibid. Vol. 23, p. 386)
1695, April 10. Safety Grover, Francis Herbert, and Jaret Wall and _____ Lawrence, made an inv. of the est. of Mathias Mount of Middletown. (p, 331).
1699, Sep. 8. William Lawrence Jr., Francis Herbert and John Cox made an inv. of the est, of Thomas Applegate, Sr., of Middletown. (p. 16)
1711, May 1. He was a witness to the will of William Cheesman, Of Midd1etown. (p. 90)
1706, Feb. 12. He had his earmark recorded in the Town Book at Middletown. (Stillwell. Hist. & Gen. Misc. Vol 2, p. 205)

Sometime during 1687 or –8, he married Hannah Applegate, dau. Bartholomew Applegate and his wife, Hannah Patrick and grand dau. of Thomas Applegate of Gravesend, L. I. (Ibid. vol. 3, pp. 2,3,6.)


Isaac Hand Herbert (71) was well known at the time of his death in 1846 at the early age of thirty-four. He was Surveyor of the City of Brooklyn.

More than fifty years ago I remember calling on Mr. Meserole, President of the Hunters Point Bank, Long Island City, the grand-father of my intimate friend, Jerry Meserole. He was the father of General Meserole, President or Williamsburg Savings Bank. Mr. Meserole received me very cordially and on learning that Isaac was my Grandfather he told me of their intimacy and his high regard for him. From a window in his office he pointed out a broad avenue which he had named “Herbert Avenue”. This was part of a farm which Mr. Meserole had owned, and which Isaac had surveyed and out up into lots for him.

My recollection is that my Grandfather died of consumption resu1ting from a heavy cold brought on by exposure while fighting a fire with the Brooklyn Volunteer Dept. of which be was a member – perhaps pneumonia would be the name now.

Emerline Rushmore Herbert, widow of Isaac, spent much of her time at our home in Brooklyn. She was a fine looking, cheerful and affectionate woman, always ready with an anecdote of her early life, interesting, and very loyal to her oldest grandson, when be was under discussion by the family, which occurred frequently. Always an optimist, she contributed cheer in the house of her family, with one or the other of which she lived after the death of her husband.

Jotham Weekes, father of my Mother, Charlotte Amelia Weekes wife of Wilbur F. Herbert, died when I was an infant. He was a founder of Summerfield M.E. Church, Washington and Green Avenues, Brooklyn, and a member at the time of his death. A kind man, good to his large family of seven daughters and two sons. He paid much attention to his youngest daughter, our Mother, whose mother, his first wife died when she was an infant. His office was in what was known as the ‘Swamp”, now Gold Street, New York City. When he died he owned a good deal of real estate in New York and Brooklyn, the income from which was divided equally among his children. His reputation was that of a just man, useful, faithful to his church, family and friends.

[box]Editors Note: These pages were a folder obtained at auction about 2001.  They were just loose papers and we have tried to put them together oldest to newest.[/box]


  1. Margaret Herbert (Mrs. Dewitt Clinton Mather[]
  2. J. E. Nightingale, F.S.A., author of “some Notice of William Herbert, first Earl of Pembroke of the Present Creation.” Also, the Herald and Genealogist, London 1863, Vol 1 pp. 29-35, for an excellent article on the origin and branches of the Herbert family. Also, G. T. Clark. Genealogies of Morgan and Glamorgan Vol. III.[]
  3. Autobiography[]


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