Biography of Thos. McEwen

The sterling citizen, whose every thought is for the good of the community in which he has reared his home and contented his associations, must always command the respect and esteem of his fellow men. Of such metal and commanding such respect, is he whose name is inscribed above. Born fin Glasgow, Scotland, in 1853, he remained there until his seventeenth year. Coming at that time to the United States, he spent about ten years in Patterson, N. J. In 1879 he went to California, but only remained there it short time. He then moved to Portland, and shortly after to The Dalles, where he was in the employ of the stage company for two years. He then bought the line running from Baker City to Canyon City, and also ran well equipped stages from McEwen’s to Granite, and McEwen’s to Bourne, and to the “Bonanza.” He has also for the past eight years been heavily interested in the forwarding business to the mines. After the removal of the terminus of the railroad to Sumpter, he erected a hotel, large hall, livery barns and private residence there. On the first of last February he sold the controlling interest in the stage limes and forwarding business, and has more particularly devoted its time to his hotel, “The Spencer House.” With his usual enterprise, he quickly placed this among the leading hotels of Eastern Oregon, in which work he was materially assisted by his wife. Mr. McEwen is also interested in a number of mining enterprises, having lately sold the “More or Less” to Alexander Baring, of London, for $14,000.00 cash. He is a heavy realty holder at Sumpter, and to Baker comity, having 750 acres of land under cultivation in Sumpter Valley, and has done much to advance the growth of the town. In connection with Mr. Clark Tabor, donating the property the public school and the Presbyterian church occupy. He is a member of a number of fraternal orders, being a 32d degree Mason.
In August, 1864, he married Miss Minnie Fox, of Baker City


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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