Biography of William E. Grace

It is perfectly natural to admire pluck and ambition in a unto find this, no doubt. is one reason why he whose name heads this sketch has won so many friends during his residence in this state. He was born in Jasper county. Missouri, in 1856. Besides getting a public school education, he attended the Rolla School of mines and Metallurgy, at Rolla, Missouri. In 1880 he located Oregon City, Oregon. where he was engaged for sometime in a drug store. Removing to Prineville, Crook county, he was appointed deputy sheriff under Geo. Chruchill and later was appointed deputy county clerk. and went to The Dalles and made a complete transcript of all records effecting the realty of Crook county, which was formed from Wasco in 1881.
Returning he worked a year for Howard S. Baldwin, druggists and in May. 1843, moved to Burns, Harney county, then a portion of Gnat, where he remained in the drug business until December 1893. Having preciously taken the junior course of pharmacy at the California College of Pharmacy, during 1893 he tools the senior course at the Chicago College, graduating April 13. In 1889. at the time of the formation of Harney county. he was appointed county clerk by Governor Pennoyer, and at the first election held in that county in 18191. He was elected to fill the same position. Shortly after locating here, which he did in December, 1893 he built his present place of business, a handsome two-story brick, on Main sheet. in which he conducts what is probably the oldest drug store in Eastern Oregon. At the convention lately held in this city, he was nominated by the union forces as their candidate for state representative. He has been a life-long democrat, and as an evidence of his fitness for public office, we will simply state that be was Eastern Oregon’s candidate for state treasurer at the democratic state convention held fm Portland, but was defeated for geographical reasons. Dr Grace is a member of the Elks and Masons, in the latter having taken the Knight Templar degree and the Mystic Shrine.


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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