Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer Shaw

Ebenezer Shaw was born in Middlebury, Mass., April 20, 1773. From there he removed with his father to Rochester, Mass., thence to Woodstock, Vt., and from there to Shrewsbury. At Shrewsbury he married Polly Whitney, daughter of Eliphlet Whitney, August 30, 1796. The following winter he moved to Hartland, and from Hartland to Morristown, in February, 1800. While living in Woodstock Mr. Shaw learned the tanner’s trade, and was the first tanner and shoemaker that lived and carried on business in Morristown. His wife, Polly, died in 1835, aged fifty-eight years, being the mother of twelve children, none of whom are now living. In 1836, Mr. Shaw was again married, to Abigail Sherwin, who died in 1859, leaving no issue. Ebenezer died in 1866, aged ninety-three years. His son, Edwin H., was born in this town in 1818, married Pelina W. Gay in 1844, and located upon the farm where his widow and their son, Charles L., now reside. He died April 6, 1881.


Lamoille County VT,

Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, Vt., for 1883-1884. Hamilton Child. 1887.

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