Biographical Sketch of Levi Edgerton

Levi Edgerton, from Coventry Conn., came to Hyde Park previous to 1800, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Alonzo, on road 57. He married Sarah G. Fitch, reared six children, and died on the old place, June 13, 1869, aged eighty-four years. His wife died in 1861. Mr. Edgerton held most of the offices in the gift of his townsmen, performing the duties appertaining thereto in an able and acceptable manner. His children are as follows : Seymour, residing in New York , Melissa, the wife of N. Waterman, Erastus, a resident of Stowe, Edward F. and Alonzo, of this town, and Sarah G., residing with Alonzo.


Lamoille County VT,

Child, Hamilton. Gazetteer and business directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, Vt., for 1883-1884. Hamilton Child. 1887.

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