The Spring Of The Great Spirit, Saratoga, New York

High Rock Spring
High Rock Spring

In the Village of Saratoga, N. Y., is a spring that has always been regarded by the ancient Mohawks as being very sacred because of its healing powers. It was called by them, “The Spring of the Great Spirit.” Near it is an inscription which reads, “This sacred spring of the Mohawks was known as the Spring of the Great Spirit and it is now known as The High Rock Spring. The first white man to visit it was Sir William Johnson in 1767. General George Washington, George Clinton and Alexander Hamilton visited Philip Schuyler at this spring in 1788.”

High Rock Springs Monument
High Rock Springs Monument

Heading west from Saratoga the Mohawks followed the old trail that led to the Warrior Path. This led north from the Mohawk to the head of Sacandaga River and on north. The Mohawks headed south and in a little while they were in the Village of Johnstown. Here they visited the grave and also a monument erected in honor of Sir William Johnson, a friend and brother of the early Mohawks who once lived along the Mohawk River.


History, Mohawk,


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