North Dakota Cemetery Records

North Dakota Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the North Dakota county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing.

Adams County

Barnes County

Index to “Rural and Village Cemeteries of Barnes County, ND” 2002 – G. L. Barron

This index contains all of the names that appear in the 345 page 8.5 x 11 inch volume.  This new volume contains all of the marker inscriptions, and burials without markers taken from cemetery records for around 11,000 burials.  When searching, be aware that a few of the names are followed by an asterisk, such as Johnson*.  This indicates that the marker did not contain the surname that was assumed from a nearby family stone.  The name could not be confirmed by cemetery records or by obituary indexes.   A few are followed by a question mark, ?, to indicate that we were dobutful of the surname chosen.

Index to “Cemeteries of Valley City, Barnes County, ND” 2003,–G. L. Barron

This index contains all of the names that appear in the 244 page 8.5 x 11 inch volume.  This new volume contains all of the marker inscriptions, and burials without markers taken from cemetery records for around 8,000 burials.  When searching, be aware that a few of the names are followed by an asterisk, such as Johnson*.  This indicates that the marker did not contain the surname that was assumed from a nearby family stone.  The name could not be confirmed by cemetery records or by other means.   A few are followed by a question mark, ?, to indicate that we were dobutful of the surname chosen.  Remember THIS IS AN INDEX TO A BOOK.  The numbers following the names are PAGE NUMBERS IN THE BOOK.

Benson County

Benson County, ND Cemetery Transcriptions – Index To Volume VIII

Volume VIII was compiled and edited in 1974 by the Red River Valley Genealogical Society (RRVGS). This index scanned and reformatted by by Garnett J, Zsedeny with permission. For clarification of any part of this work contact the RRVGS.

Volume VIII contains the following cemeteries:

  • Old Laugtug Lutheran Cemetery, NE¼ Sec.8 Knox Twp. Pag
  • St.Mary’s Catholic Cemetery,NE¼ Secl8 Knox T.
  • Knox Cemetery, NE¼ Sec.18 Knox T.
  • York Community Cemetery, SE¼ Sec.19 York T.
  • Leeds Lutheran Cemetery East, NW¼ Sec.29 Leeds T.
  • Leeds Lutheran Cemetery West, NE¼ Sec.30 Leeds T.
  • St.Vincent de Paul Cemetery, SE¼ Sec.29 Leeds T.
  • German Baptist Brethren, NW¼ Sec.2 Twin Lake T.
  • Lebanon Cemetery, SW¼ Sec.19 Normania T.
  • Antiochia Cemetery, SW¼ Sec24 Normania T.
  • Fillmore Lutheran Cemetery, SE¼ Sec.5 Impark T.
  • St.Ann’s Catholic of Fillmore, SE¼ Sec.8 Impark T.
  • St.Petri Lutheran Cemetery, NE¼ Sec.l Broe T.
  • Our Savior’s Evang.Luth. of Harlow,SE¼ Sec.1O Butte Valley
  • Brinsmade Catholic Cem., NE¼ Sec.12 McClellan T.
  • Brinsmade Cemetery, NE¼ Sec.6 Riggin T.
  • Bethany Lutheran Cem. Sec.2 Esmond T.
  • Trinity Luth.Cemetery, SW¼ Sec.35 Esmond T.
  • St.Boniface & St.Agnes Cath.Cem SW¼Sec35 Esmond T.
  • Rosehill Cemetery, SW¼ Sec.35 Esmond T.
  • Immanuel Norw.Evang.Luth.Cem. NW¼ Sec.17 Isabel T.
  • Swedish Evang. Vasa Luth.Cem.SE¼ Sec.1l Isabel T.
  • Immanuel Norw.Evang.Luth.Cem. NE¼ Sec.28 Albert T.
  • St.Olaf Cemetery, NW¼ Sec.28 Eldon T.
  • West Minnewauken Evang.Luth. SW¼ Sec.33 Eldon T.
  • Minnewauken St.James Cemetery SE¼ Sec.16 West Bay T.
  • St.Peter Lutheran Cem. NE1/4 Sec.21 West Bay T.
  • Free Church Cemetery, NW¼ Sec.28 West Bay T.
  • Hesper Cemetery,, SE½ Sec.7 Hesper Twp.
  • North Viking Cemetery, SW¼ Sec.29 N.Viking T.
  • Flora Lutheran Cern., NE¼ Sec.36 N. Viking T.
  • Zion Cemetery, SW¼ Sec.19 N.Viking T.
  • Greenwood (or Maddock) Cern. NE¼ Sec.23 N.Viking T.
  • Stony Lake Norw.Luth.Cem.NE¼ Sec.13 Aurora T.
  • ST.Jerome Catholic Cern., NE¼ Sec.15 Lallie T.
  • Unnamed Cemetery, NE¼ Sec.14 Lallie Twp.
  • Fort Totten Cemetery, NE¼ Sec.17 Third Comm.Dist.
  • Unnamed Cemetery, SW¼ Sec.21 Mission T.
  • Unnamed Cemetery, NW¼ Sec.26 Mission T.
  • St.Michael Cath.Cem., NE¼ Sec.17 Mission T.
  • St.Boniface Cemetery, 5W¼ Sec.19 East Fork T.
  • Fairview Scandinavian Luth.Cem. SE¼ Sec.8 Arne T.
  • Fron Lutheran Cemetery, W¼ Sec.10 Arne T.
  • Swedish Luth.Cem.Klara Cong.Sw½ Sec.28 Arne T.
  • Viking Norwegian Luth. Cem. NW¼ Sec.34 S.Viking T.
  • Oberon Luth.Cem. Antelope Valley, SW¼ Sec.7 Oberon T.
  • Oberon Cemetery, SE¼ Sec.35, Oberon T.
  • Bourett Family Cemetery, SW¼ Sec.27 Twin Tree T.
  • Tokio Luth.Cem. SE¼ Sec.1O Wood Lake T.
  • Presbyterian (American Ch.) Cemetery, SE¼ Sec.10
  • Warwick Cemetery, SE¼ Sec.34 Warwick T.

Billings County

Bottineau County

Bowman County

Burke County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Burke County Archive )

Burleigh County

Cass County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Cass County Archive )

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment)

Cavalier County

Cemetery Inscription Index (hosted at Cavalier County Archive )

Dickey County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Dickey County Archive )

Divide County

Dunn County

Eddy County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Eddy County Archive )

Emmons County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Emmons County Archive )

Foster County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Foster County Archive )

Golden Valley County

Grand Forks County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Grand Forks County Archive )

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment)

Grant County

Griggs County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Griggs County Archive )

Hettinger County

Kidder County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Kidder County Archive )

LaMoure County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at LaMoure County Archive )

Logan County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Logan County Archive )

McHenry County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at McHenry County Archive )

McIntosh County

McKenzie County

McLean County

Mercer County

Morton County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Morton County Archive )

Mountrail County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Mountrail County GenWeb Archive)

Nelson County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Nelson County Archive )

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment)

Oliver County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Oliver County Archive )

Pembina County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Pembina County Archive )

Pierce County

Ramsey County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Ramsey County Archive )

Ransom County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Ransom County Archive )

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment)

Renville County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Renville County Archive )

Richland County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Richland County Archive )

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment)

Rolette County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Rolette County Archive )

Sargent County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Sargent County Archive )

Sheridan County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Sheridan County Archive )

Sioux County

Slope County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Slope County Archive )

Stark County

Steele County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Steele County Archive )

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment)

Stutsman County

Towner County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Towner County Archive )

Traill County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Trail County Archive )

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment)

Walsh County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Walsh County Archive )

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment)

Ward County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Ward County Archive )

Wells County

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Wells County Archive )

Williams County


United States Cemetery Records: A directory of resources providing online access to United States Cemetery records.

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