Illinois Cemetery Records, Macon to McLean

Illinois Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Illinois county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing.

Macon County

Following Cemeteries hosted at Macon County Illinois USGenWeb

Following Cemeteries hosted at Macon County USGenWeb Archives

Macoupin County

Following Cemeteries hosted at Macoupin Counties USGenWeb

Following Cemeteries hosted at A Frontier Heritage

Madison County

Following Cemeteries hosted at Madison County IL USGenWeb Archive

Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment

Oakwood Cemetery  hosted at Baker Family International

Glenwood Cemetery

Marion County

Following is hosted by Allen County Public Library

Following Cemeteries hosted at Marion County ILGenWeb

Following Cemeteries hosted at Interment

Marshall County

Mason County

Massac County

McDonough County

Following Cemeteries hosted at Illinois TUSGenWeb Archives

Following Cemeteries hosted at Evilsizer Family

McHenry County

Following Cemeteries hosted at Interment

McLean County

Following Cemeteries hosted at McLean County ILGenWeb

Following Cemeteries hosted at Interment

Illinois Cemetery Records: A directory of resources providing online access to Illinois Cemetery records. See also United States Cemetery Records for cemetery records on all of the United States.

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