1756, October 14, From the English Camp

As I was busy about dispatching M. Crayton I coud not answer your letter before ______which I ______open in which you begg the _______of me not to move one man Employed by your dircetoion in the fortification, and not to give any other order concerning the fortification, but not such as are entrly agreable to your Dircetions, you further desire that I may not give orders for anything I want done but apply to you in a private mannerm because as you say, it woud confound you in your heavy charge in which you are (Unus and __us) what you further add I suppose you Intent as a reflection upon my conduct when you desire that I would rather please to lett you have the 120 working hands per Kiem agreable to the Gov. orders to me.

Now as this letter from you was occafsioned by that wrote to me by the Commifsary which was published last night in orders I must acquaint you that if it gives you no concern what becomes of the __________ _ores and provifions for the support of the people under my charge I as commanding officer here know my Duty too well to let them perish I must put you in mine of one thing which you seem to have forgott or to be ignorant off, vis that no man here is under _____Command Except at the hours of work upon the fortification, and after they are paraded and sent to work by my Direction, for I in quality of Commander reserve to my self the Sole wright of Judging in what other Service it may be proper to Employ the people uder my Command, with regardto the Gov. ordersi shall observe them puntuallym so far as the Circumstances of things will permitt but should I neglect them I know of no authority you have to Call me to an account, and there for I in my turn most begg of you to keep your advise till I ask for it, I must further add that if the people had time given them to provide Shelter against the night air and noxious dewsm they would go to work with more alacrety, and there would by fewer Sick, so that the Governours orders could be the more easely Complyed with

I am

Your most humble
And obedient
Sighed Ray Demere

History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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