Pima Indian Bands, Gens and Clans

Many tribes have sub-tribes, bands, gens, clans and phratry.  Often very little information is known or they no longer exist.  We have included them here to provide more information about the tribes.

Apap ( A pap) . A social division of the Pima, belonging to the Stoamohimal, or White Ants, phratral group. Russell, Pima MS., B. A. E., 313, 1903.

Apuki (A′pŭtĭ). A social division of the Pima, belonging to the Stoamohimal, or White Ants, phratral group. Russell, Pima MS., B. A. E., 313, 1903.

Ateacari. A branch of the Cora division of the Piman family on the Rio de Nayarit, or Rio de San Pedro, in Jalisco, Mexico.

Colotlan. Classed by Orozco y Berra as a branch of the Cora division of the Piman stock inhabiting a N. tributary of the Rio Grande de Santiago (Rio Colotlan), between long. 104º and 105º and about lat. 22º, Jalisco, Mexico. The language was almost extinct by 1864. Among their towns were Comatlan and Apozolco, at which missions were established by the Spaniards. (F. W. H.)

Hoabonoma. Evidently the Pima or Maricopa name of a tribe of which Father Kino learned while on the lower Rio Gila, Ariz., in 1700. Unidentified, although probably Yuman. They have sometimes been loosely classed as a part of the Cocopa.


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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