Yapapei (Sic) Mining District

By Laws
Leihy & Mellons Camp
September 10th 1863

“Notice is hereby given that a Miners Meeting will be held at Leihy & Mellon ‘s Camp on the 28th day of September for the purpose of forming a Mining District and to make laws governing the same –

September 28th 1863

“The meeting called in accordance with the above notice was organized by electing A. B. Smith – President & Geo. W. Leihy Secretary –

“A committee of 5 were elected to draft laws for government of District & its boundaries – A. B. Smith, Geo. W. Leihy, G. C. Welch, C. G. Mellon & G. C. Cross the gentlemen of committee

“On motion meeting adjourned one hour to allow committee to make report.

4 o’clock P.M. 28th 1863

“Meeting again assembled – The committee made the following report & respectfully asked its acceptance & adoption as the laws & boundaries of the District.

Resolved 1st That the District be known as the Yapapei District.

2nd That the District be bounded on the North by commencing at the North end of Point of Mountain Range lying on the West side of the Assamp River, near the headwaters of the Agua Frio River, from thence along the dividing ridge of said Mountain in a southerly direction to a point intersected by the Trail now traveled from Peoples Ranch to what is known as the Tanks on the Assamp River, from thence along the said Trail in a Southerly direction to the Southeast corner of what is known as ‘Webbers Ranch’ from thence in a North West direction to Williams Fork River, from thence up the main branch of said River twenty (20) miles from thence to the place of beginning.

3rd That any one may locate one claim only on each Lode or Vein of Mineral that may be discovered in the District, & that in addition the discoverer of any Lode or Vein of Mineral shall have a discovery claim.

4th That each claim both by location & discovery be Three hundred feet on the Lode or Vein and One hundred feet on each side following the dip of the Lode or Vein.

5th That on locating any claim or taking one up by discovery the party or parties so locating or taking up shall place a notice on said claim in a conspicuous place setting forth the direction in which such claim or claims are taken.

6th. That said notice shall hold said claim thirty days from the time of putting up said notice, after which time if there is no record made of said notice the claim shall he deemed abandoned and subject to relocation by any other party.

7th. That any person taking up or holding claims in this District neglects to work or does not cause to be worked for the time of Sixty days from> the time of recording shall be deemed to have abandoned the same & the claim shall be subject to relocation.

8th. That each claimant do or cause to be done three days work on each claim in every ninety days from the time of taking up or locating their claim.

9th. That in case such claimant shall have done or caused to be done twelve days labor within six months from the time of locating, it shall hold said claim for one year –

10th. That there be a Recorder elected for this District who shall be a resident of the District, whose term of Office shall be six months or until his successor is elected, it shall be his duty to record all claims presented to him for record in a book kept by him for that purpose, & that it be his duty, should it be required, to furnish certificate of Record to each one recording a claim or transfer of claim or Bill of Sale. That it shall be the duty of said Recorder to deliver all records of this District kept by him to his successor in office upon presentment of a duly certified certificate of his election by the Miners of the District.

11th. That for recording each claim or notice of claim Fifty cents, and for recording deeds of transfer Two dollars and fifty cents. The Recorders book shall be open to the inspection of any person who may wish to examine in the presence of the Recorder or his Deputy. That the Books, stationery, &c. necessary for the office shall be furnished by the Recorder at his own expense –

12th. That Recorder may appoint any suitable person resident of this District, to act as his Deputy –

“The whole adopted.

“The meeting then proceeded to ballot for Recorder; G. O. Welch declared unanimously elected for the next ensuing six months –

A. B. Smith, President –
“Geo. W. Leihy, Secretary.
“Adjourned sin die.”


Farish, Thomas Edwin. History Of Arizona, Volume 2. Printed and Published by Direction of the Second Legislature of the State of Arizona, A. D. 1915.

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