Bailey, Elizabeth Kehler – Obituary

Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey, wife of Geo. A. Bailey, died at her residence in Clancy at six o’clock last Wednesday evening, December 8th [1897].

The funeral services were held at the residence at 10 o’clock Friday morning and the body taken to Jefferson (Jefferson City) for burial, followed by a large concourse of friends.

Mrs. Bailey was a native of Pennsylvania and was fifty years of age. When she was only five or six years old her family removed to Nebraska, where she lived for quite a number of years. Afterwards she removed to Colorado, where, in 1886, she married to Mr. Geo. A. Bailey, and shortly afterwards they removed to Idaho, where they resided for two years, when they removed to Butte where they lived for four years, coming from that city to Clancy.

Mrs. Bailey has been a resident of Clancy for the past five years and had here many warm and admiring friends. She has been a sufferer from cancer for a number of years past and while surgical operations succeeded in prolonging her life, the dread disease finally gained such headway that it was not thought wise to compel her to undergo further operations of this character, but all that medical skill or loving hands could do has been done during the past year to alleviate her sufferings, without avail. She leaves a husband and six children to mourn her loss.

Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Bailey, Kehler,


Collection: United States Obituaries.

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