Biography of Alvin B. Williamson

ALVIN B. WILLIAMSON. Alvin B. Williamson has a well cultivated tract of eighty acres of land in Fall Creek Township, where he carries on stock farming, and where he has reached a comfortable state of prosperity in his agricultural activities, He ranks among the best known and most popular citizens of the Township, and has a host of good friends in and about the community which represents his home. Born on January 14, 1876, in Madison County, he is the son of Burwell and Mary J. (Mairifold) Williamson, both of whom are now deceased.

Burwell and Mary Williamson were born in Madison County, Indiana, and within its confines passed their entire lives, They devoted their lives to the farming industry, and reared a family of eight children, five of whom are now living,-as follows: William L. is a farmer, in Green Township, Madison County; Leora E. is the wife of J. T. Ford of Pendleton; Alice M. is the wife of Allen Swain; Howard C. is another Green Township farmer; and Albin B., the subject of this brief review.

Alvin B. Williamson was reared on the farm that was his birthplace, three miles west of the town of Pendleton, and when he reached a sufficient age he entered the public schools of Pendleton and there completed his education, His schooling was not of a comprehensive order. and consisted of attendance at the schools of the community during the winter months, while the remainder of his years up to the age of nineteen were devoted to the work of the home place, in which he was well trained under the direction of his father, He attended the Nobleville high school for a time after he was nineteen, and then set himself to learn carriage trimming, a work in which he was engaged for three years.

It was not until the marriage of Mr. Williamson in 1900 that he moved his farm in Green Township, where they lived until 1909, in which year they moved to Pendleton in Fall Creek Township, and here he leas since been engaged in general farming and stock raising.

The wife of Mr. Williamson was in her maiden days Miss Mary F. France. and she was born in Noblesville, Indiana, on December 8. 1878, and educated in the schools of Noblesville, She is a daughter of Jason and Lettie (Flinchman) France, well known people of that community. Two children have been born to the Williamsons,-Thelma I., now eleven years old, and Donna B., aged nine years, The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and Mr. Williamson has membership in Sicilian Lodge No, 234, Knights of Pythias, while his wife is a member of the Pythian Sisters, Lodge No, 99, Mr. Williamson is a Republican, but is not one who takes any activity in political matters beyond the dictates of good citizenship, The family is one that has a pleasing position in Pendleton and the vicinity by reason of the many excellent qualities which its members possess, and they have a host of friends throughout the County.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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