Biography of Charles L. Oldham

CHARLES L. OLDHAM. One of the well known prosperous farming men of Fall Creek Township of whom it is but reasonable that mention be made in this historical and biographical work devoted to the representative men of the County, Charles L. Oldham takes a leading place in the representative activities of Pendleton and the Township, He was born in Champaign County, Illinois, in December, 1866, and is the son of A. W. and Barbara A. (Stephens) Oldham, the latter being now deceased, and the former a resident of Pendleton, Indiana. Both were natives of Hamilton County, Ohio. The father came to Madison County when he was about eighteen years of age, and in 1864 married Miss Stephens. He was a veteran of the Civil war, serving three years in the Union army, and seeing much of the activities of the long siege. Three children were born to these parents: Charles L., Frank F., unmarried and a resident of Pendleton, Indiana; and Della May, also unmarried, and living at home.

Charles L. Oldham was four years old when he came to Madison County with his parents, and as a boy in the home community he attended the district schools, He later was graduated from the schools of Spring Valley, after which he turned his attention to farming, In October, 1888, Mr. Oldham married Miss Fannie J. Tyson, who was born in Madison County, Indiana, in September, 1866, and was educated in the common schools of her native County, They have one child, Orville W., born August 21, 1889, who is now married to Lola Smith.

Mr. Oldham and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Pendleton, in which they are active and energetic with reference to the work of the various departments, and fraternally Mr. Oldham has membership in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and of the Knights of Pythias, In the former order he is a Past Grand, and has held various offices in both lodges, He is a Republican and has taken an active part in the party ranks, In 1912 he was the nominee for the office of commissioner of the South District of Madison County, He has a fine farm of one hundred and twenty acres about a mile and a half distant from Pendleton, on Lick Creek Pike, and is recognized as one of the successful and enterprising farmers of the Township.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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