CLEMENT WARREN HOOVEN. When most men die the ranks close up, the community moves on without a break, but a wide circle of acquaintances will long continue to miss the splendid personality of Clement Warren Hooven, who was unexpectedly called from earthly cares and trials on the 28th of August, 1913. He was in all the word implies a man-a man honorable in business, just in his dealings and one who maintained the highest standard of citizenship. Local publications truthfully said of him that his life was not only gentle and pure, but that nature had so mixed its good elements in him that every one pronounced him a noble man. He was a leader in this community, and helped t0 build the city of Anderson. He was generous with his means, liberal with his time, wise with his counsel-all for Anderson, and he left the impress on this community of a successful, progressive and honest man.
Clement Warren Hooven was born at Ansonia, Ohio, February 9, 1863, a son of the late Dr. Warren and Marrietta (Riley) Hooven, a Dayton, Ohio, where the mother still resides. He received a common school training, and upon reaching man’s estate began his business career as a traveling freight agent for the Big Four Railroad Company. For a time he was also station agent for that company at Winchester, Indiana, and in about the year 1893 he came to Anderson to represent the Big Four Railroad Company as general agent. But soon after locating in Anderson he became interested in gas and acquired the control of a gas plant in Hazelwood, while a few years later he effected the consolidations of all the gas plants in the city and sold them to a Cincinnati syndicate. When the Cincinnati company failed and they plants were sold at receiver’s sale Mr. Hooven became the purchaser,” although he soon afterward sold to the Dawes syndicate of Chicago, represented in this city by the Central Indiana Gas Company.
Mr. Hooven also purchased and developed the Anderson Tool Company, which was one of the best known manufacturing concerns in the city when it was destroyed by fire in 1911. He was also interested in the Remy Electric Company and had other business interests, including the ownership of several valuable pieces of real estate. In the summer of 1913 he was one of the directors of the “Made in Anderson” exhibit, and was active in promoting and advertising the novel exhibition of Anderson products. He was ever ready when Anderson called and was always first in her needed improvements.
In fraternal circles Mr. Hooven was well known as a member of the Masonic order and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and he was the owner of two stories of the building on Main street in which 1863, a son of the late Dr. Warren and Marietta (Riley) Hooven, of the Elks’ home is located, He was a member of the Anderson Club and the Country Club, and at the time of his death was one of the directors of the latter. On the 18th of November, 1896, he was married to Miss Anna Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cox, of Anderson. Mrs. Hooven is a native daughter of Wayne County, Indiana, and with her two children, Sarah and Warren, survive the husband and father. She is a niece of N. A. and Charles Cox, merchants of Anderson, and she is the president of the Anderson Associated Charities, an institution in which her husband was deeply interested.
For some time prior to his death it was known to Mr. Hooven’s family and a few of his intimate friends that he was afflicted with heart trouble, but no fears were felt until on August 18, 1913, when he motored to Lake Maxincuckee with his family for an outing. Before reaching the lake he became so exhausted at times that he allowed his daughter to drive the car, but upon arriving at the lake he appeared to improve until on Thursday, the 21st, he was stricken with a severe attack of indigestion, accompanied by hemorrhage of the stomach, and he was taken to a sanatorium at Battle Creek, Michigan, But the hoped-for recovery did not materialize, and on Thursday night, August 28, 1913, Clement W. Hooven laid down the burden of life and passed over to the silent majority. His body was brought to Anderson for burial, and the funeral on Monday, September 1, 1913, was attended by a large concourse of friends and acquaintances. “Columns of beautiful words,” his community said, “could be written in memory of Clement Warren Hooven, but they are unnecessary. His life work, so successful, is ended, and his gentle spirit is beyond then message- enjoying immortality. And finally, in Valhalla, where t a spirits of the blessed immortals assemble, when the roll-call of departed Andersonians is sounded and the name of Clement Warren Hooven is announced it will be the dearest pleasure of the immortal souls of Colonel Milton S. Robinson, Captain W. R. Myers, James L. Kilgore; John R. Terhune, V. K. McCullough, Charles T. Doxey and others to pronounce in unison that highest eulogy known to mankind-Died on the field of duty and with the universal esteem, love and respect of his neighbors.”