Kirkland, Moses – Obituary

Died at the upper Skokomish, Aug. 7 [1892], Mr. Moses Kirkland aged about 89 years. He crossed the plains in ’54 and settled on White River, from which he was driven by the Indian War of 1855. In the spring of 1856 he went to California but returned in 1859 and settled on a part of what is now the Bird Farm on the Skokomish River. He afterward went to Clifton, then to the Chehalis River, near its mouth, and then came back and opened a ranch on the upper Skokomish which has been his home for about 15 years.

He was the father of Mrs. Eliza Wilson, the late Mrs. Purdy, and two sons of the upper Skokomish, the grandfather of Mrs. Henry Latham, Mrs. W. S. Taylor of Kemilche, Capt. F. Wilson of the steamer Willie, and many others, and also had quite a number of great grand children.


The funeral of Moses Kirkland, the octogenarian of the Skokomish, took place Tuesday afternoon, the remains being interred in Shelton Cemetery. Mr. Kirkland walked into Shelton about three weeks ago and was considered rugged for a man 87 years old, but he recently suffered a stroke of paralysis which rapidly brought on the end.

The funeral was largely attended by friends from the Skokomish River and met by old friends from this vicinity at the graveyard. Our canal correspondent gives a sketch of Mr. Kirkland as well as other interesting notes this week.

Contributed by: Shelli Steedman



Collection: United States Obituaries.

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