Biography of John C.Dallenbach, M. D.

John C. Dallenbach, M. D. Among the leaders in the medical profession at Champaign is a native son, Dr. John C. Dallenbach, who belongs to one of the old pioneer families of the county, which was founded by the grandfather, John Dallenbach, who came here when his son, John J. Dallenbach, was three years old. Few names in this section have been more continuously or justly held in esteem and the present representatives perpetuate the sterling characteristics of the older generations.

John C. Dallenbach was born at Champaign, Illinois, December 22, 1881. His parents are John J. and Anna (Mittendorf) Dallenbach, the former of whom was born in Ohio and the latter in Cook County, Illinois. When the grandfather, in 1857, came with his family to Champaign County he located on a farm in Champaign Township, but only for one year, moving then to Champaign and establishing the meat business, which continued a stable industry of the city, until his descendants sold it in 1917, under the old family name, the grandfather being succeeded by his two sons, John J. and William C. Dallenbach. Of his parents’ three children, Doctor Dallenbach is the eldest, his next younger brother, Karl M., being an instructor in psychology in Cornell College, Ithaca, New York. The youngest of the family, Louis E. Dallenbach, owns and manages a large chicken farm near Champaign. In 1917 he responded to the call of duty and became a captain in the artillery department of the Officers Reserve Corps and at present is in active service.

John C. Dallenbach secured a public school education at Champaign and was graduated from the high school in 1899, following which he entered the University of Illinois, taking the three year preparatory to the medical course and receiving his A. B. degree in 1906. He graduated from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia in 1906. During 1907 and 1908 he led a busy student life of practical experience as resident physician of the Methodist Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia. From there he went to the Far West and for four years was in active medical practice at Seattle, Washington, at the end of that time returning to his native place and here has been in practice ever since.

On November, 17, 1907, Doctor Dallenbach was united in marriage with Miss Reba B. Bryan, who was born in New Jersey. In his political views Doctor Dallenbach is a Republican and at all times is interested in local issues as they influence sanitation and good government. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and the Elks. A physician’s role at all times calls for a high order of courage as well as high ideals of service to mankind, hence Doctor Dallenbach doubtless would disclaim any particular bravery should occasion demand his professional services in his office of first lieutenant of the Medical Reserve Corps of the United States army. Certain it is that no more skillful or competent physician could be secured. In the summer of 1917 he was in the Medical Officers Training Camp, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis. At present he is surgeon of the Three Hundred and Thirty-second Field Artillery with rank of captain.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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