Biographical Sketch of Lewis G. Page

Among those who have put their hands to the plow in Wallowa County and have not looked back from the noble work of development and material progress of the county, bearing the burdens and doing the Herculean labor of making the abodes of civilization while they foster the industries that are incident thereto, we should not omit mention of the intelligent and progressive stockman and agriculturist, whose name appears at the head of this sketch, and accordingly we give place to him in the abiding chronicles of Wallowa County, granting such representation there as is commensurate with the skill, industry, and sagacity manifested by him in the days in which he has labored faithfully here, while also it is but just that mention should be made of his excellent moral qualities.

Lewis G. was born in Mercer County, Missouri, on May 7, 1864, being the son of Reuben and Katie Page. The father was a miller and prominent in his portion of the state. At the early age of seventeen, our subject stepped from the parental roof and began duty on the field of action in life for himself. For three years he was engaged in the county in different employments and then accompanied his parents to Oregon, the year being 1884. The parents went to Umatilla County but later returned to the Grande Ronde valley where they reside at the present time. In the fall of 1891 our subject came into the Wallowa valley and took a piece of unsurveyed land, being one-half mile from his present home. Three years later he sold that property and then moved on his present place, taking it under the homestead right. He has done faithful labor in opening up the farm and making it one of productiveness and value. He has also devoted much attention to raising stock and is engaged in that business now in addition to farming.

On November 5, 1891, Mr. Page married Jennie, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Martin) Rich, the wedding occurring in Enterprise. Mr. And Mrs. Page are valuable members of society and have wrought with assiduity and wisdom in the worthy undertakings of furthering the development of the county and the interests of all, and they are highly esteemed in the community where they live and in fact wherever they are known.

Mrs. Page is a native of Flat Rock, Kentucky, and her parents are mentioned in this volume.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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