Biographical Sketch of John Martin

Among the agricultural population of Wallowa county who have wrought faithfully for the development and substantial progress of the same, mention must be made of the patriotic, loyal and estimable citizen, of whom we now have the pleasure to write, and who was numbered among that noble body of men who fought courageously for the defense of the Union and when need called he shed blood for the honor of the flag that headed the supporters of freedom. During his long career, fraught with noble deeds and manifestation of sound principles, our subject has ever demonstrated the real moral worth of his personality and the intrinsic qualities of which he is possessed, in worthy deeds commensurate therewith.

John Martin was born in Kentucky in 1843, being the son of John and Cisly (Robberts) Martin, who married and settled in Kentucky in an early day. In 1857 they removed to Missouri, the father passing from mortality there in 1878 and the mother departing this scene in 1891. When the Civil war broke out, our subject was actuated by that same spirit of loyalty and patriotism that gave us our free institutions, and in support of them he enlisted in Company E, Thirty-third Missouri, in 1862, and fought and marched and did military duty in all capacities in which he was called upon, faithfully and well, until January 15, 1866. He participated in many battles and skirmishes and in the battle of Mobile received a wound.

When the time came for the veterans to lay down the weapons of warfare, he was ready to enter upon the quieter duties of the civilian and he accordingly returned to Missouri and engaged in producing the fruits of the field, leading the life of a capable, faithful and enterprising citizen there until 1881, then removed to Arkansas, and in that state engaged in farming for three years. It was 1884 that he sought out Wallowa county and came thither. He at once engaged in stock raising and general farming. He is at present a resident of Joseph and from that point oversees the interests that he possesses throughout the county.

In 1862 Mr. Martin married Miss Eliza Dunnington, a native of Ohio, and to them were born the following children: Isabella, Addie, Chester, Nettie, Joe and Nellie. In 1876 Mrs. Dunnington passed away, and was laid to rest in Missouri.

In 1876 Mr. Martin married Miss Violet A. Dunnington, a sister of his former wife, and she became the mother of seven children, as follows: Myra, Lewis, Lyra, Clinton, Clifford, Eva, Edgar. In 1899 Mrs. Martin was taken by death from her family and her remains are buried in Joseph. Mr. Martin is one of the prominent agriculturists and stockmen of Wallowa County and is esteemed by all as stanch, upright and capable.


An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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