Samuel Todd of Middletown NY

Samuel Todd5, (Samuel4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 19, 1756, in Plymouth, Conn., died March 18, 1852, in New York State and was buried in the Cloveville cemetery, married first in 1779, Mary, daughter of Capt. John and Lois (Brockett) Dudley of Wallingford, Conn., who was born in 1759, died July 11, 1841. The inscription on her monument in the Clovesville, N. Y. cemetery reads, “In memory of Mary, wife of Samuel Todd, who lived together 62 years, died July 11, 1841, Aged 82 yrs.” He married second May 8, 1842, Jane Rosecrans at Shandaken, N. Y., who was born in 1786. His widow was allowed a pension on an application executed July 11, 1853, at which time she was a resident of Shandaken, Ulster county, N. Y. and was 67 years of age. He moved to Middletown, Delaware county, N. Y. in 1802.

Samuel Todd was a private in Capt. Joseph Allyn Wright’s company of the fifth regiment, Connecticut line, his Colonel was Col. Phillip Burr Bradley. He enlisted April 30, 1777 for three years, and was discharged April 30, 1780.

Fifth regiment, “Connecticut Line.” Formation of 1777-81. This regiment was raised for the “Connecticut Line of 1777 to continue through the war. Recruited largely in Fairfield and Litchfield counties with men from all parts of the state. Rendevous, Danbury. Went into camp at Peekskill in spring of 1777, and in Sept. ordered to Pennsylvania with McDougall’s Brigade. Engaged at battle of Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777, and suffered some loss. Assingned to Huntington’s Brigade and wintered at Valley Forge, 1777-78. On June 28, 1778, present at battle of Monmouth and went into camp with the main army at White Plains. Wintered at Redding, 1778-79. In operations of 1779, served in Heath’s wing east side of Hudson; its light company under Capt. St. John detached to Meig’s Light regiment and engaged in storming of Stony Point, July 15, 1779. Wintered at Morristown Huts, 1779-80, and in following summer served in Connecticut Division, with main army, on both sides of the Hudson. Wintered 1780-81 at Camp Connecticut Village near Robinson’s house, opposite West Point; there consolidated for formation of 1781-83.

*332. John.
*333. Dudley.
*334. Mary.
*335. Lyman.
336. Lucinda, b. in Cornwall, Conn., moved with her parents to Middletown, Delaware county, N. Y. in 1802, m. Lyman Bugbee.
337. Sarah, b. in Conn., m.(???)Jenkins; she moved to Middletown, Delaware County, N. Y., in 1802 with her parents, later she moved north and lived near the Canadian line. She was a member of the Universalist church.
*338. Samuel.
*339. Burr.
340. Dyer, d. in Middletown, Delaware County, N. Y., aged 22 years. Unmarried.
*341. Clarissa, b. April 27, 1800.
*342. Darling, b. Sept. 27, 1804.
*343. Isaac, b. (???)1807.

Bugbee, Jenkins, Todd,


Todd, George Iru. Todd Family in America. Gazette Printing Company. 1920.

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