Twaddell, John – Obituary

Twaddell, John

Monday morning, Decemeber 1, 1902

Mr. John Twaddell departed this life at his home in Paradise, at the ripe old age of ?3 years and six months lacking two days; he having been born June (3,) 1819.

Mr. Twaddell was born in Jennings County, Indiana. He united with the M. E. church when about 24 years of age. He was married to Elizabeth Barnes Aug 15, 1858.

The deceased always seemed so kin(d) and helpful to those about him. W(e)think his neighbors would unhesitating(ly) say that he lived a consistant christian life.

Paradise has lost a good and kin(d) neighbor and the church a loved (??) her.

Mrs. Twaddell preceded her husband by several months, she having died the 9th day of last February.

Three sons are left by this death ? mourn their loss of a kind and loving father, namely. James E. of Linn County Oregon, and William C. and Burel Paradise, Oregon. May these boys
with others who were near and dear to him follow in this good man’s footsteps.

The remains were interred in the Paradise Cemetery, with short services at the grave, conducted by Rev.(?) Martin.

The memorial sermon will be presented by Rev. Martin one week from Sunday, Dec 14th.

“Wallowa Chieftain” – Dec 1902, but no day given on clipping
Contributed by: Tami Sherrill



White, Judy Wallis. Wallowa County Oregon Obituaries. AccessGenealogy. © 1999-2016, all rights reserved.

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