Biographical Sketch of James H. Weldon

James H. Weldon. This gentleman is a native of the county whose annals this volume sets forth, and was here born on the 28th of February, 1858. He is the son of James B. and Elizabeth T. Weldon, both of whom are now dead. The father, James B. Weldon, was also a native of DaViess county, the date of his birth being December 26, 1828. In about 1852, he left this county and went to California, and engaged a year or two in mining. He returned to Daviess county about 1854, and became somewhat extensively engaged in farming and stock-growing. He was married, December 25, 1855, his wife being a native of Ohio, born November 12, 1835, and who came to this county with her parents when about thirteen years old, where she resided till the time of her death, which occurred September 7, 1872. The husband had been dead since August 12, 1859. Both of them were highly respectable people, and left many friends behind, who, with their orphaned children, mourn the loss of this noble couple. James H. Weldon had but one brother and one sister. The latter, Charity A. by name, is still living, while his only brother, Nathan B., is deceased. After completing his education, James H. began farming as his choice in life’s labor, and is still engaged in the same vocation. He owns a 200-acre farm in Harrison township, which he has well improved.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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