Bowman, Henry – Obituary

Another of Umatilla Counties Early Settlers Called To The Great Beyond. There will be old settlers for time evermore; but the old settlers who were here at the dawn of civilization, who marked the pathway of progress, are one by one crossing the silent river, and soon none will remain.

Another has been claimed at Pendleton by the dark angel. Henry Bowman, widely known throughout Umatilla county and Eastern Oregon, died Sunday morning at 4:50 o’clock [November 30, 1892] at his home in this city. About two weeks ago he returned from the mountains, where he was engaged ten days in removing his sheep. Bad weather and exposure occasioned a severe cold, and immediately upon his return he was compelled to take to his bed. An old enemy, fever, developed, and this time proved a victor. The patient gradually grew worse, and Saturday night was very restless and uneasy. About 3 o’clock he became more calm, and from that time on sank peacefully into the sleep that knows no waking.

Henry Bowman was born in Tyler county, Virginia, in 1833. He spent his early years in that state, and his youth in Pennsylvania and Iowa. In 1860 he came to Oregon with a train of thirty six wagons and two hundred persons, under the command of E. de Lashmutt, uncle of Van H. de Lashmutt of Portland. Arriving in this section Mr. Bowman wisely concluded to locate, and selected a place on Birch creek, about ten miles from the present site of Pendleton, where he engaged in stock raising. In the course of a few years Mr. Bowman’s place developed into one of the largest and finest stock ranches in the country, and he became celebrated as the grower of blooded sheep and stock. He was at one time quite wealthy, but although always industrious and persevering, he embarked in enterprises that proved unfruitful, and at his death there is but little left of his estate. For several years he was engaged in the livery stable business at Pendleton.

Mr. Bowman was aged 59 years, 9 months and 16 days. He was married in 1852 to Elizabeth Owens, who preceded him to the grave. She died in May, 1886 [Apr 22, 1886]. They were blessed with four children, all of who survive their parents and have reached adult life. They are Mrs. Henry Stover [Mary Ellen], William A., Walter S. and Ida May Bowman. The many friends of the deceased mourn in common with them.

Mr. Bowman was also a prominent Odd Fellow, being one of the few charter members left of Eureka Lodge, which was organized in 1869. Both lodges of Odd Fellows escorted his remains to the grave. [Interment at Olney Cemetery]

Contributed by: Shelli Steedman



Collection: United States Obituaries.

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