Biographical Sketch of Isaac Hayes

Isaac Hayes, An enterprising farmer of the Fifteenth District, was born November 3, 1810. In Georgia, and brought when an infant to Dekalb County by his father. He is the third of nine Children born to John and Martha (Young) Hayes. The father was born in South Carolina. He was for some time a resident of Georgia, then Alabama, and finally came to Tennessee, locating where Dekalb County now is. He died when Isaac was a mere boy.

Our subject was educated in the subscription schools of the county. He remained with his widowed mother until his marriage. In 1832 he wedded Miss. Elizabeth McGinniss, who bore him seven children: Mary, Lucinda, Richard, Elizabeth, Isaac, and twins, all of whom are dead. The mother departed this life January 29, 1852. He married Miss. Eliza Helen Robinson, December 23, 1852. This Union resulted in the birth of eight children, of who are living John R., Richard, Kizzie, Rebecca, Mary, Isaac, and Eliza. After farming on rented land for some time, Mr. Hayes purchased fifty acres on Holmes Creek, and now owns 500 acres of valuable land, well cultivated, located on the Lancaster and Smithville road, eleven miles from the latter place.

His property was greatly damaged by the late War, almost ruined, but he now has it in fine condition, and is one of the healthiest localities in the county. Mr. Hayes is a stanch Democrat, and a worthy, respected citizen. He is interested in the advancement of educational affairs, and a generous contributor to all charitable and beneficial enterprises.



Dekalb County TN,

Goodspeed Publishing Co. History of Tennessee from the earliest time to the present. Goodspeed Publishing Co. 1887.

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