Francis Parkman’s epic tale of the emigrants from every part of the country preparing for the journey to Oregon and California, but an unusual number of traders were making ready their wagons and outfits for Santa Fe. Many of the emigrants, especially of those bound for California, were persons of wealth and standing.
- The Frontier
- Breaking The Ice
- Fort Leavenworth
- “Jumping Off”
- “The Big Blue”
- The Platte and the Desert
- Hunting Buffalo
- Taking French Leave
- Scenes at Fort Laramie
- The War Parties
- Scenes at the Camp
- Ill Luck
- Hunting Indians
- The Ogallalla Village
- The Hunting Camp
- The Trappers
- The Black Hills
- A Mountain Hunt
- Passage of the Mountains
- The Lonely Journey
- The Pueblo and Bent’s Fort
- Tete Rouge, the Volunteer
- Indian Alarms
- The Chase
- The Buffalo Camp
- Down the Arkansas River
- The Settlements