Biographical Sketch of Geo. Musgrave

Geo. Musgrave, publisher of the Woodbine Twiner, the county official paper, was born in Kendall, Westmoreland County, Eng., in 1837; came to America with parents in 1848; and settled in Harrison County, Ia., in 1851. He first began the printing business in St. Louis, afterwards at Council Bluffs, and then engaged in publishing the Western Star, at Magnolia, it being Harrison County’s first paper; was republican in politics. In 1873 he moved his office to Logan, where he remained three years; and then sold to Geo. Ross, of Harlan, Shelby County, to which place the office was removed. Mr. Musgrave’s next venture was at Tekamah, Neb., where he published the Nebraska Advocate; finally sold out and located at Woodbine and established the Twiner, which has a subscription list of about nine hundred, and an office fitted in a first-class manner.



Harrison County IA,

History of Western Iowa: Its Settlement and Growth. Sioux City: Western Publishing Company. 1882.

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