Biographical Sketch of John Ingram

John Ingram, farmer and schoolteacher; P. O. Charleston; was born in Vermilion Co., Ill., Oct. 16, 1836; his parents moved to Coles Co., when he was 18 months old, and settled on Sec. 33; his mother died there in February, 1855; his father is still living on Sec. 34, at the age of 65; the subject of this sketch still resides upon the homestead; he has taught school ever since he was 22 years of age. Married Miss Almorinda Garrison of Hutton Tp. (daughter of Peter Garrison) Oct. 1, 1857; she was born Jan. 9, 1839; her father, Peter Garrison, was born near Syracuse, State of New York, May 4, 1804, and went to Lawrence Co., Ind., and from there to Crawford Co., Ill., and, in the year 1835, moved to Coles Co., and settled on Sec. 11, where he died November, 1858; her mother still lives at the age of 65; Mr. Ingram’s family consisted of six children – five boys, four living – Malden S., born Feb. 2, 1862; Alva C., April 12, 1864; Arthur S., April 3, 1866; and Thomas O., born March 12, 1870; one deceased-Emery T., born Oct. 21, 1859, died Dec. 29, 1872; and one girl, Lanra, born May 24, 1868. His farm contains 134 acres.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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