Biographical Sketch of R. L. Ewing

R. L. Ewing, retail grocer, Mattoon was born in Coles Co., Ill., Dec. 28, 1842; his father, William Ewing, familiarly known as ‘Squire Ewing, came from Kentucky and settled upon the South Kickapoo, within the present limits of Coles Co., in the spring of 1829; here he engaged in farming, and here the boyhood and early manhood of R. L. was passed upon the farm; his father died in 1866; he remained at home and had charge of the farm until 1873; he then purchased the homestead, and, the following year, sold out and came to Mattoon; here he entered the employ of D. D. James, as clerk in his grain office, and, the following year, was in like employment for Hinkle & Kahn; Nov. 1, 1876, he began his present business, with Thos. McCormick as partner, under the firm name of McCormick & Ewing. He was married Dec. 31, 1863, to Sarah S. McDonald, a native of Illinois; they have one child living – John W., and an infant son dead. He owns eighty acres of the old homestead; is at present a member of the City Council.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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