Biography of Abraham Gates Jones

Abraham Gates Jones, a wellknown gentleman of Concord, N.H., formerly engaged in the printing business, but now retired from active business affairs, was born in the town of Bow, five miles south of this city, October 21, 1827, son of Philip and Sarah M. (Gates) Jones. His paternal ancestors for many years were residents of Merrimack County, while the maternal progenitors came from Massachusetts.

Philip Jones, father of the subject of this sketch, was the son of Joseph Jones, and was a merchant in Hookset. He died on January 26, 1836. His wife, Sarah M. Gates, was a daughter of the Rev. Abraham Gates, a clergyman, who came to New Hampshire from Massachusetts, and after staying a short time in Claremont settled at Bow, where he bought a farm, the same on which his grandson and namesake was born.

Abraham G. Jones was left fatherless at the early age of eight years. In 1839 he came to Concord, where he attended the public schools, and subsequently the academy, from which he was graduated in 1844. He soon entered the service of Isaac Hill & Sons, editors and publishers of Hill’s New Hampshire Patriot, remaining in their employ about two years. Thence onward until 1854 he was a journeyman printer in various offices. In that year he formed a partnership with P. B. Cogswell in the printing business. Four years later he sold out to Mr. Cogswell, who, in 1893, became Mayor of the city. Mr. Jones, in 1859, went into partnership with Fogg & Hadley, editors and publishers of the Independent Democrat, the association continuing for eight years. From 1867 to 1870 he was in business alone; since that time he has lived retired from the arena of typographic and journalistic activity.

In politics, Mr. Jones affiliates with the Republican party. Officially, he has served as Councilman, Alderman, and Road Commissioner; and in 1870 and 1871 was Mayor of Concord. During his administration there was a severe contest over the question of the introduction of water into the city, which was finally brought about by his persistent efforts.

On June 10, 1856, Mr. Jones was married Helen A. Edmunds, of Manchester, N.H. They have two children: Anna E., wife of W. H. Durant, of Concord; and Isabel G., who is at home.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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