Biography of Sherburn Josiah Winslow

Sherburn Josiah Winslow, one of the most prominent business men and influential residents of Pittsfield, was born in Nottingham, N.H., March 16, 1834, son of Josiah and Ruth (Tucker) Winslow. By both paternal grandparents, each of whom was a Winslow, he is directly descended from Governor Edward Winslow, who came with the Pilgrims in the “Mayflower.” The grandfather, Elisha Winslow, was a prosperous farmer of Nottingham, and lived to a good old age. He was the father of six children, all now deceased.

Josiah Winslow, the second child and the eldest son of Elisha, was born in Nottingham, November 12, 1797. He was reared to farm life, but learned the tanner’s and shoemaker’s trades, which he followed for many years. He finally moved to Pittsfield, and his last days were spent upon the farm in this town. A citizen of more than ordinary worth, he acquired a high reputation for honesty. He was a supporter of the Democratic party, and took a lively interest in local politics. His wife, Ruth, whose father, James Tucker, was born in Salisbury, Mass., April 15, 1766, became the mother of four children, namely: Sally T., deceased; James T., deceased; Sherburn J., the subject of this sketch; and Atilla J., deceased. James T. married Fanny Hall, of Illiana, Ill., and had one son, James Albert. Josiah Winslow died at the age of sixty-six years, and his wife lived to be sixty-seven. They were members of the Free Will Baptist church.

Sherburn Josiah Winslow began his education in the common schools, and completed his studies at the Pittsfield Academy. Subsequently in 1856, after teaching school for several years, he engaged in agriculture upon a farm located on Tilton Hill. This property, which contains one hundred and seventy-five acres, he cultivated successfully until 1883. Some time previous to that year he became interested in lumbering, for which and other enterprises he afterward forsook farming. He has had an interest in four different companies at one time; and since 1887 he has been associated with ex-Governor Tuttle, under the firm name of Winslow & Tuttle. He is interested in the Exeter (N.H.) Manufacturing Company, of which he is the treasurer and a director; and he was for ten years the superintendent of the Pittsfield Water Works, of which he is now a director. For many years he has been a trustee of the Pittsfield Savings Bank, which he now serves in the capacity of auditor and member of the investment committee. He is also one of the principal stockholders and a director of the Pittsfield Gas Company.

On March 19, 1860, Mr. Winslow was Margaret Dennison, daughter of Joseph Dennison, of Stafford, Conn. He has two daughters-Cora and Nellie. Cora is now the wife of James L. Hook, of Pittsfield, and has one daughter, Margaret L. Mr. Winslow acts with the Republican party, and is a member of the present School Board of Pittsfield. He takes a deep interest in all matters relating to the growth of the town and the development of its business resources, and his aid in securing these ends can always be depended upon. He is connected with the Masonic fraternity. Both he and Mrs. Winslow are Episcopalians, and he is treasurer of the church in Pittsfield.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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