Biography of Albert F. Fidler

Albert F. Fidler is one of the self-made and highly successful young farmers and business men of the County, and is a son of Levi Fidler, who was born April 28, 1819, in Berks County, Pennsylvania, Albert F.’s grandfather, Samuel, was a native of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and was of Dutch ancestry. Adam Fidler (great-grandfather), who came originally from Germany, was the founder of this branch of the Fidler family in America.

Our subject’s grandfather, Samuel Fidler, fought in the war of 1812, and his great-grandfather, Adam, in the war of the Revolution. Samuel Fidler was a brick plasterer and con-tractor by trade, and was married to a daughter of Valentine Showalter, who was born in Pennsylvania and was descended from German ancestry.

Levi Fidler was reared to manhood in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, until he became of age, when, in 1840, he emigrated west and settled in Union County, Indiana, and in 1861 located in what is now Newman township, Douglas County. He learned the carpentering business, at which he was engaged up to 1861, when he bought what is now known as the Thomas H. Smith farm, one of the finest in the County. He kept this farm until 1885, when he sold it. In 1842 Levi Fidler wedded Mary Ann Hessler, a native of Bourbon Township and a daughter of John and Mary (Thomas) Hessler, who were formerly of Kentucky. To Mr. and Mrs. Fidler were born the following children : John, Matilda, William J., Joseph S., Dan G., George W., Smith T., LaFayette, Sarah C., Levy Eddy and Albert F., the subject of this sketch. John S., William J. and Daniel G. served in the Civil war.

Albert F. Fidler has made it a rule in his life to do what he does well. Commencing life with comparatively nothing, but with a willing mind and heart, he has attained a degree of success in life far above the average. He is yet a comparatively young man, and his farm of two hundred and forty acres is one of the most productive and successfully man-aged in Douglas County. In 1883 he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Lewis, of Newman, Illinois, to whom he is much devoted and who has been a true and devoted wife, to him. They have the following children: Mona and Wayne.



Gresham, John M. Historical and Biographical Record of Douglas County, Illinois Logansport, Indiana: Press of Wilson, Humphreys & Co. 1900.

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